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××Seonghwa's POV××

"Woo is on his way over here." I heard San call from the kitchen. We were at San's house. It was late and we were bored. We could've been out throwing dirt at each other but couldn't be bothered.

I smirked.

"Does that mean Sangie's coming over?" I walked into the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the barstools. San gave me a 'really?' look.

"Why the hell would Yeosang be coming, too? This situation is about them." San replied with sass.

"Well maybe if you said that earlier, I wouldn't be asking."I said back with more sass. San rolled his eyes and I threatened him with an open hand. Hongjoong came in, pointlessly counting money.

"But if Yeosang is who we're going for, shouldn't he be here?" Hongjoong say next to me. I rolled my eyes. He was an idiot sometimes.

"He doesn't know about Wooyoung's connection to us. We'd have to show up to them, not the other way around."San explained.

Jongho entered the room, humming a tune to himself and casually splitting an apple in half and eating it. I cringed at the sight of juice ending up the floor. Messes bothered me. I just felt this strange disturbance in the universe.

We heard the engine of Wooyoung's car outside, and San almost immediately left to let him through the gates. I pulled out my phone and started taking selfies that I would shortly hate and delete later. San and Wooyoung entered the kitchen and we all exchanged head nods. Wooyoung took a seat and San sat beside him. He explained to us exactly what happened that day and we immediately knew who he was talking about.

We've dealt with many people who wanted the same thing, but not all of them made it out alive. What happened, you ask? Well I wouldn't wanna give any spoilers. Just know it was a mess even I couldn't clean up.

"Even after all this time, those losers still insist on crawling back into the war. Pathetic."I crossed my arms, leaning against the counter. Hongjoong fanned himself with the stack of cash in his hand.

"They're just trying to make one of those ridiculous comebacks like in anime. But they don't realize how strong we really are." The short boy added. Wooyoung looked uneasy. Jongho looked up at him.

"You can always back out if you aren't up to it anymore. No one is forcing you to stay. And we know he's been your friend for a long time."

"N-No it's just..I wanna do this without actually hurting him. I don't want him to find out something he has no business knowing about."

"It'll be fine, Woo. If Yeosang is the good boy his mommy raised him to be, he won't find out a damn thing. Plus, we got it covered." Hongjoong reassured, gesturing in my direction at the last part.

I smirked, knowing that's where I came in. Getting an idea to make the job easier, I told the boys and I was heading out for a smoke, and swiftly left the house. I left through the main gates and left with my motorcycle.

××Yeosang's POV××

I had been texting Wooyoung but he never answered any of the texts. I just wanted to know if he was okay. He seemed stressed earlier. I sighed, flopping down on my bed, which was on the other side of the room and held one of my stuffed animals in my hands.

"Maybe he's right...maybe I should just stay confused." I spoke to it. The little sewn on smile it had made me giggle and immediately forget the issue.

I rolled around with the stuffed animal, giggling and playing around like a little girl when I heard something tap against my window. I immediately stopped playing and stayed quite. Another object- a pebble- tapped against my window, a little harder than the last. I crept towards my window with my jumbo plush in my hands to protect me. I peeked outside and my heart stopped.

Park Seonghwa was at my window. He smirked, looking directly at me. I had no words as I lowered the giant teddy. He motioned for me to open the window. I obeyed and opened the window for my long-time crush.

"P-Park Seonghwa..?"I stuttered out shyly. He winked at me.

"You do know my name, princess. I was getting worried, there." He said with sarcasm.

"H-How did you g-get through the gates..?" I avoided eye contact with him. He never looked anywhere else.

"Simple, darling. I climbed. Can daddy come in now?" He asked again.

Knowing him, he wouldn't actually take no for an answer. And how often does your crush come to your window calling you 'princess' and 'darling'? I told him to wait there and lay low. I went downstairs, my heart racing. Butlers were everywhere, cleaning up. I had to be quick and quiet. There was a room two floors below mine. I opened the window when one of the maids showed up.

"Y-Young master? Is everything alright?" She asked timidly.

I quickly turned around. I hated lying but no one in that house was too fond of Seonghwa and his crew. They knew I always liked him but they thought they were bad influences. Which wasn't entirely incorrect but they weren't that bad.

"Um..y-yes. I-It's just hot in here." I stuttered. The maid gave me a look of intense concern. The cold air was on all around the house, there was no way it was hot.

"I...of course, young master..have a good night."

"Uh- Yeosang is alright. I'm sorry if I worried you."the lady smiled and bowed to me before leaving.

With that being out of the way, I quickly turned and signalled for Seonghwa to come in. He hopped into the house, knocking over a vase. Luckily I caught it so there'd be no commotion.

"Damn, this place his insane."he said in awe. This was the most I had ever seen someone admire my home. It was almost scary.

I quickly lead Seonghwa upstairs. Avoiding all the maid and butlers, I felt as though I were in a spy movie. We quickly entered my room and I was immediately embarrassed.  Seonghwa was a bad boy and my room was cute and girly. He just sat on my bed, not really caring what it looked like. At least that's what I thought. I just stood up against my door, not entirely sure what to do.

"Well aren't you naughty? Sneaking boys in."he said, licking his lips after. I just stood there stiffly, avoiding eye contact. I could feel my cheeks burning. I heard Seonghwa chuckle as he stood up from my bed and walked over to me. "You're killing me, baby. I want you to look at me when I'm talking to you...it breaks my heart when I can't look into those beautiful eyes of yours."

Seonghwa lifted my face up. His face was so close to mine. I kept my line of sight elsewhere. That didn't last long. My eyes darted towards him and our eyes met. He smirked as he gently caressed my cheek.

"You're so innocent. You're a little princess. And you're pretty like one, too. Your skin is so smooth and soft, your lashes are long and curly, your hair is light and fluffy, your eyes are real gorgeous. And those lips.." His gaze trailed to my lips as he whispered. Seonghwa grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. "God, those lips..."he whispered.

"W-W-What are you-"

"Shhh..." He gently traced my bottom lip with his thumb. My body was getting weaker. I was shaking. I was scared and nervous. I didn't know what was going on or why he had been touching me that way.


"Shhh, princess.." he whispered, leaning closer. Everything around me stopped. What would he do?

That's when I heard a knock on my door.

Ooooo looks like things were about to get heated! Or were they? Who's at Yeosang's bedroom door? Did anyone see Seonghwa outside?

As you see, this chapter is longer and I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you to those of you who commented what other groups you'd like to hear about throughout the story! You are still more than welcome to mention some! Anyway, love you and I'll see you guys next chapter!

Shy Boy, Bad Boy | SeongSang [COMPLETED]✔️Where stories live. Discover now