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××Yeosang's POV××


Byeongkwan turned around and Seonghwa had been standing there glaring daggers at him. My heart started racing. It was only morning and it already felt as though things were going downhill. Neither of them said a word. The tension between them was so painfully visible that you'd be afraid to even breathe around them. I would've said something but Byeongkwan beat me to it.

"Park. Seong. Hwa. It's been a while, brother." Byeongkwan greeted sarcastically. Seonghwa just scoffed.

"Funny. Now then....leave." he replied sternly. I just watched as they practically had a fist fight with their eyes. Byeongkwan chuckled while shaking his head.

"I don't have to do anything you ask of me, Hwa." Byeongkwan stood with his arms crossed.

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to leave." Seonghwa took a couple of steps closer.

"Well you can't tell me what to do either, Hwa."

Seonghwa let out a 'tch' noise and I didn't have a good feeling about this whole situation. I didn't want two boys to have a fist fight in front of my house. I had to intervene somehow, and I knew someone would grow concerned if I continued to stand at the front door.

"How about breakfast, guys? Come in." I took Byeongkwan's free hand and Seonghwa's hand and quickly led them inside.

Was it a terrible idea? Yes, it was. No one in my house liked Seonghwa that much so me bringing him in here was going to be frowned upon. They liked Byeongkwan since I've known him for a while and his family was nice. That being said, I definitely didn't wanna ruin his image by letting everyone see him get into a fight.

Breakfast was ready and I told them to sit away from each other while I sat at the head of the table. But the two insisted on sitting next to me, thus sitting across from each other as well. Good Lord you could've cut the tension with a knife, it was so thick. The other two males just glared at each other. It was like I didn't exist anymore...Or maybe I did and they just teleported into a whole other world where....I didn't exist- Okay so either way it felt like I no longer existed. I heard a maid approaching with the dishes and she hesitated before entering the room upon seeing Seonghwa was present. I motioned for her to come in and that everything was okay but I could tell she was a bit scared from the look on Seonghwa's face. Who could blame her, though?

"B-Breakfast is served, gentlemen.." She stuttered out before immediately leaving, though I could sense her eavesdropping. But that was to be expected since no one liked Seonghwa; they'd have to look out for me to make sure I was safe and he didn't do anything-- especially since this is the first time he's making a **public** appearance in my estate. Byeongkwan and Seonghwa didn't seem to hear the poor maid, as they didn't avert their gazes from each other. So I figured they'd at least hear me...or not. If someone who didn't know any better walked in, they'd think the two were staring at each other out of love or lust...for that, they'd have to be dumb enough not to notice their intense glares.

"Uhm...Byeongkwan? Seonghwa?" I shyly called to them. Their heads immediately snapped in my direction with softened expressions. It scared the crap out of me but at least I knew they were listening. "U-Uhm....breakfast is served...I don't know if you noticed.." I continued. The other two looked down at the full plates of food and giggled nervously at me. The both patted my head in the same spot and cringed when their hands touched. We all started eating but that didn't stop the tension from growing. I was getting nervous.

"Thanks for letting me in here, Sangie, despite my 'bad reputation'. I really appreciate it, dollface." Seonghwa spoke up. I could tell he was flirting and it made my cheeks burn a bit in embarrassment. I was ready to reply when  Byeongkwan cut me off.

"Yeah..BAD REPUTATION; Which means no one here likes you or wants you here." He replied coldly. Seonghwa roughly dropped his fork down on the plate and that's when I realized the tension was getting worse faster than I had originally anticipated. 

"I- Byeongkwan don't me rude..Seonghwa is my friend-" I tried to get through to him and hopefully make the befriend one another as well. At least....I hope me and Seonghwa were friends..unless that was just another one of my pointless fantasies..

"Your friend? Sangie, he is using you! He's no friend to you!" Byeongkwan protested. I furrowed my eyebrows, ready to strike back, but Seonghwa beat me to the punch.

"I'm using him?! Speak for yourself, loser!" Seonhwa stood up from his seat and slammed his hands on the table. Byeongkwan stood up and did the same, looking Seonghwa dead in his eyes.

"Me? I've known him forever, he's more my friend than yours! So how could I be using him?"

"Oh you really want me to say how you're using him? You really want me to spill those kinds of details?" A smirk appeared on Seonghwa's face as he said those words. I really wanted to intervene but didn't know how. It seemed like they both knew what the other was talking about but I was completely clueless. I heard loud footsteps approaching. Loud heels.

"Kang Yeosang!" My mother roared. I looked in her direction and saw her standing side by side with the same maid who brought in our breakfast, which means that maid definitely saw what was going down. I sighed in defeat. I couldn't get a word in against the to angry boys or my now angry mother. "What is that street rat doing in my estate?! Out you thug, out!" She yelled to Seonghwa. I could tell he wanted to roll his eyes but decided against it, considering who my mother was. He roughly pushed his chair back in and left. He appeared to be leaving calmly, but each step was filled with anger and irritation. I watched as he left with sadness in my eyes. My mom just greeted Byeongkwan happily and even checked if he was okay as if Seonghwa threw a punch at him or something. It made me feel bad and I didn't even want to eat anymore.

I decided to follow Seonghwa.

××Seonghwa's POV×× 

I was irritated..you know, if you couldn't already tell. I knew it was a horrible idea to go in the house with Yeosang but I don't think it would sit well with me if he was just in the same place as Yeosang. It was bad enough he knew him for a long time already. That just meant he had the bigger advantage, and he nearly called me out for using Yeosang. I would be lying if I said I didn't get anxiety at the thought of that. Byeongkwan could've easily told Yeosang's mother and father of my plans..


He'd be spoiling himself too at that point. But then again..that would be good for getting ATEEZ out of the picture. 'Dammit...'

I heard the faint pitter patter of footsteps. I only realized they were coming towards me when they got louder and I heard the familiar little voice calling my name. I turned around to see Yeosang running after me. I raised my eyebrows, surprised he came after me. Though I expected to get lectured for my behavior. Get it only made my relationship with his family worse but I could care less.

"Dollface?" I questioned. He caught up to me and caught his breath before looking up at me.

"Seonghwa..I-I'm so sorry..I never wanted you to leave..I just-" I placed my index finger gently over his lips.

"I don't mind. I already know your family hates me." I replied nonchalantly. Yeosang just frowned.

"I know...I uhm... I'd like for us to hang out today...if that's okay with you.." He asked shyly. He looked at the ground but I just lifted his head up by his chin with a smirk.

"Asking me out already-" I tried teasing him...but something felt off. Very off. We were being watched. Yeosang called to me but I shushed him immediately. I darted my eyes everywhere. I didn't see anyone but I knew she was in the area.



Hello! Welcome back to the end of another chapter. Things MIGHT get a little choppy from here, since it's been a month (?) and I had to read everything over again to get the gist and some inspiration. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading!♡♡♡♡

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