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××Yeosang's POV××

“ Kang Yeosang. That's your name right, baby? ” he said in a low voice.

He knew my name. He knew my full name. My face heated up and I knew I was blushing madly. I felt the word yes coming up my throat but it wouldn't come out. I just nodded my head while looking down at my feet. I played with my hands nervously as that one line replayed over and over in my head. Baby. He called me baby. I heard Seonghwa chuckle and in just a matter of seconds, my face was gently lifted up by my chin and my eyes immediately met with his.

He had a light smirk stretched across his face as he stared directly into my soul. Getting shyer and shyer every second, I shifted my eyes elsewhere. He leaned in closer to me and I could feel my heart about to combust. That was when someone entered behind us.

“ Come on, Seonghwa, stop harassing him in the kitchen. Let's bounce. ” Hongjoong ordered. I could hear Seonghwa suck his teeth in quietly before letting me go and following his leader.

Wooyoung came soon after with a smirk and pulled me with him back out of the kitchen by my hand. I knew he didn't want our boss to say anything about us not working seriously - or maybe that was just me. Wooyoung could care less what the boss had to say.

We just continued working as we usually did, and Seonghwa and his friends left the café while whispering amongst each other. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I watched Seonghwa leave, but then I frowned at the realization that what happened in the kitchen was probably something that happened all the time.

I wasn't special.

××Seonghwa's POV××

I was slightly annoyed with Hongjoong interrupting me while I was having my moment in the kitchen with little Yeosang, but I guess it couldn't be helped. We weren't there to stay and socialize forever.

We left the café with several people following after us as we mounted our motorcycles. I looked in the window of the place and saw Yeosang quickly look away. I smirked to myself, knowing he had been staring again. The guys and I headed out towards our usual hangout spot, following Hongjoong as usual, with his mullet flowing in the wind under his helmet.

San, being annoying as ever, sped up his motorcycle to try and get in front of Hongjoong. I rolled my eyes and did the same. We heard Hongjoong complain and Jongho just scolded us about how we could get hit by another vehicle or something, not that I cared much about that anyway. We had been in plently of accidents already. I know that sounds crazy but we had really just been through a lot.

We eventually reached our destination, which was a large abandoned office building. There were some beat up vehicles parked outside with shattered windows and torn up seats. Someone came out followed by several other people. The male in front crossed his arms, looking displeased.

We were late.

“Better start explaining before I lash out.” He said with more than just a hint of sass.

This was Park Jimin. With him were six other boys we knew. Jimin wasn't the leader but he liked to step in and give us sass whenever he had the chance. I just rolled my eyes and Jimin was gently moved to the side by the actual leader, Kim Namjoon. This group of boys called themselves Bangtan. They were popular for making music but on the sidelines, they were just a group of thugs like we were. Thugs that everyone loved!

“ Relax, Jimin. Do you have our payment, Joong? ” Namjoon requested politely. Though you could tell he was getting impatient, since we were late to this meeting. Hongjoong pulled out one hundred dollars and handed it to Namjoon, who nodded as a 'thanks'. Afterwards, they disappeared.

Here's how it all worked: some of us were rich but the money was never ours. We had to either follow the dumb rich system or make it in this world ourselves. I preferred the latter because I was never even into that snobby lifestyle. Hongjoong had it best because he could do whatever he wanted and still be spoiled rotten by his parents.

The guys and I started our little group back in middle school. We are always a group of rebels and were always showered with praise and attention. Not much has changed, and that was fine. Our lifestyle was one we loved.

××Yeosang's POV××

After work, Wooyoung drove us to the mall. We usually liked to go shopping and then pig out at restaurants. But this time, Wooyoung was hanging out more with his phone. He kept texting and smiling at his phone. He had a boyfriend and just never told me who it was.

“ Are you gonna tell me who the lucky guy is now? ” I whined. Wooyoung giggled and patted my head gently.

I pouted, knowing he'd say I would know "in due time" but he'd been saying that since eigth grade. I even tried spying on the guy, looking at his phone, but no luck. He'd even lock his messages. I didn't ask for much, just to know who was dating my best friend.

I stopped several times, though, while shopping. I got a nasty feeling in my gut. Anxiety arose and I tried not to look.

We were being watched.


Hi! I know this chapter is rather short and very lame, I was strong when I started the story but I'm still unsure of what I'm doing with it! I really wanted to get this to you guys since it's already been a month! Thank you for reading and I hope chapters will get better as I figure things out!💕💕💕💕

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