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××Yeosang's POV××

"Hey, honey. Remember me? I'm Jisoo."

"Jisoo?" I repeated nervously. She just smiled and giggled, nodding her head with an 'mhm'. "W-What am I doing here?"

"You're hanging out with us, silly. We didn't really appreciate you running out on us the last time you were here, so we're a little upserlt with you. And that would explain why we brought you back to us like this." Jennie appeared behind Jisoo, and she had a gun in her hand.

Were they going to kill me?

"I-I wanna go home.." I choked out, already ready to cry. I felt two more hands on my shoulders and that made me jump.

"Aw don't worry, baby boy. You're gonna be just fine. We're gonna take good care of you...for the time being. I'm Rose by the way." She said. She then leaned down and kissed my cheek and another girl took her place.

"Hi sweetie I'm Lisa. You may or may not have heard my name flying all over the place. I know you'll miss us terribly but we have to pay someone a little visit first. You understand. Bye bye, baby." She began to lead the rest of the girl out of what I assumed was their basement because there were stairs.

"W-What's the gun f-for?" I called to them, mostly Jennie because she was the one with the gun. She turned to me, flipping her hair in the process.

"Don't worry, it just completes the look." She said. But I could tell she was lying. No one just carries a gun around if they just didn't intend to use it.

The basement door closed and I was just left there. Me having work that day was the least of my worries. I just sat there, hanging my head down low and sobbing. There was so much going on, so many people I had never seen before and I didn't know how to handle any of it. And for some reason, even though it caused me so much pain....

I hoped Seonghwa would come for me.

I knew it didn't work that way. My life wasn't an anime, a shoujo manga, or even a kdrama. It was just a chaotic mess where every side character seemed to know my name. Not that it surprised me.

All my thoughts went away in an instant when I heard a lot of yelling upstairs. I heard the gun Jennie had go off and I hoped that my potential saviors weren't just murdered. One voice stood out from the rest:

Wooyoung. He had been here like he knew exactly where I was. Aside from his voice, I also heard Seonghwa's voice, and sounds of a big fight going down. I was so confused, so lost and left in the dark that all I could do was cry my eyes out. I tried not to listen but that only worked so an extent.

"Go away, ATEEZ! Yeosang belongs to us now! Part one of our plan is done." I heard Rose say. What was she talking about? I then heard Wooyoung going on about things I didn't understand, talking like he knew exactly what was going on. I heard my father's name mentioned in their argument...something about a killing. Suddenly, someone rushed down the stairs: Seonghwa.

"Hey, Sangie. You alright?" He asked me, a bullet wound in his leg. He tried freeing me from the spinning chair but I was so afraid, so confused, so angry that I refused it.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled, but he covered my mouth.

"You heard didn't you?...damn...alright well I need you to be quiet for me so I can rescue you."

××Seonghwa's POV××

He heard everything I didn't want him to hear. That ruined things for us. It definitely ruined things for Wooyoung since he was also one of us. I watched Yeosang as I set him free. He wasn't exactly the same Yeosang I had officially gotten acquainted with when I met him.  He was still timid, but a little broken, dismantled. He knew too much and that wasn't the plan. I set him free and lifted him up. He fought me a bit but I managed. I got him out of the building, while witnessing the knocked out members of BLACKPINK on their marble floor. Wooyoung ran up to us.

"Yeosang!!" He called in worry. He tried to reach out to him but Yeosang slapped his hand away. I wasn't any better than Wooyoung but at least Yeosang knew he wasn't getting away from me.

We got outside and I placed him into the ATEEZ car to take him home. He didn't speak and I could tell by Wooyoung's face that he knew he messed up. Not gonna lie, I also felt a little guilty. BTS told us how he'd feel but I didn't believe them until I actually saw it in his eyes. I sighed as I minded my own business and focused on the car ride home.

××Yeosang's POV××

Wooyoung had been hiding so much from me. First he was already dating his crush for I don't know how long, then he's involved in whatever this was. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at it and saw a message from him. He had some nerve trying to talk to me now. Whatever he was involved in, it involved my father and that didn't sit well with me.

Sangie? Look I'm sorry...I don't even know what to say. I didn't think things would end up this way..

Okay I did but...I don't know..I guess I can't explain this now...

Can't explain. Of course he couldn't. That was damn typical of Wooyoung. Hiding things, exposing himself, and then throwing that crap at me. I just wanted to go back home to Yummy-kins, she was my only friend...

They dropped me off outside and I saw Byeongkwan's car outside. Okay so maybe yummy-kins wasn't my only friend. I broke down at the thought of running into his arms and letting it all out. I couldn't take this anymore. I opened the main doors to my home and the whole place was totaled. Gun shots could be seen all over. Could I even call it home anymore? Wooyoung followed me along with his gang. He tried to hold me but I pushed him away. A wave of anxiety crashed into me when I realized my father's car was also in the driveway.

Where were my parents?

I heard another gunshot and a scream upstairs. I rushed up there and the guys followed after me. I ran into my parents' room and what I saw was heartbreaking to me: Byeongkwan was pointing a gun directly towards my parents. I was worried about what had happened with security.

"Byeongkwan?!" I called his name. He turned to me with a smile on his face, as though he were expecting me. But the look in his eyes told me he didn't think I would be here.

"Sangie! What a surprise. Oh! And you've brought guests! Splendid!" He laughed.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled. He just chuckled.

"Listen Sangie...it's about time I told you what's really going on here-"

"Don't you dare!!" Hongjoong yelled. Another laugh was heard and he and the rest of the boys were held by Byeongkwan's gang.

"Oh come on, Joong! The guy's made it this far, I think has the right to know!...listen, Sangie..you were born into the richest family in Korea and when your father finally dies, he will have to pass on all that money. But your name is written on that beautiful will of his. You see where I'm going with this? Now..you'll love this part; YOUR BEST FRIEND IS APART OF THAT GANG RIGHT THERE!! And they want it too. They don't care about you, they're just greedy....like me, I guess."

Nothing made sense anymore. I was sad, confused, betrayed. I didn't know what to think. It made no sense and yet it was all coming together. I turned towards Wooyoung, who looked at me like he had the worst anxiety.


"I..trusted you...all this time." I turned towards Seonghwa, "you...played me...and all for-" I heard gunshot right behind me. I hoped to God I wouldn't see something I didn't want to see. I slowly turned around and...

Byeongkwan was the one laying in a pool of blood.


I'm struggling and I really wanna finish this story...I'm sorry if it seems rushed and it isn't good anymore...but I've been working on it for so long and it honestly should have been done a while ago..but thank you for reading I really do appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm sorry again..

Shy Boy, Bad Boy | SeongSang [COMPLETED]✔️Where stories live. Discover now