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××Yeosang's POV××

I couldn't stop staring at the door as he walked in. Park Seonghwa. Probably the most beautiful man alive. I had a crush on him since middle school and I never once thought about speaking with him. Wooyoung would always tease me about it and he even threatened to talk to him for me if I didn't. He said he would "put in a good word for me", but I didn't want him to because I was terrified of what he would say. Everyone considered Seonghwa to be the typical bad boy in the stories - not that I've ever read those stories.

Park Seonghwa was tall with jet black locks and piercing purple eyes that stared directly into your soul. His lips were plump and his general face was sculpted well. Seonghwa came from a wealthy family but wasn't exactly as prim and proper as they were - he owned a motorcycle and dressed very differently. He was also very built, having a lot of muscle. He also said very strange things to people, which Wooyoung described as "flirting".

Seonghwa had his usual buddies with him; Hongjoong, San, and Jongho. If I was completely honest, I was terrified of all four of them, yet in love with Park Seonghwa. Hongjoong was a much shorter boy who rocked an old-fashioned mullet. I always thought he had a baby face and rolled his eyes often. Much like Seonghwa, they were all wealthy except for Jongho, who I heard is from a less rich family. But aside from that, Hongjoong was spoiled and had more items than necessary. He was also the leader of the small group, but Seonghwa always struck me as the leader type.

San was also tall and well sculpted. I heard he had a boyfriend but never knew who it was. His hair was black with red streaks and his skin was smooth and fair. He never went anywhere without winking at someone. He winked at Wooyoung once and he smiled, which confused me a little. Wooyoung had a boyfriend but smiled at other boys' flirty gestures.

Jongho was the last one. He terrified me the most with his intense strength. He didn't need muscles to rip an apple in half with his bare hands, or squeeze the juice out of an orange. How did I know all this? Wooyoung followed them all on Instagram so he'd show me things. I didn't dare do the same, I was too shy. Jongho was also the master of "throwing shade", with his natural look of annoyance and disinterest. He was bold and blunt but could be nice when he wanted to be.

I knew I had to stop staring at Seonghwa at some point so I continued serving customers with my cheeks heating up and my heart soaring to unimaginable heights. I heard girls in the café going crazy over them and hearing Seonghwa flirt with them made me sad. It would've been nice if he spoke to me but that would've required him to actually know me. And besides, I didn't have the guts to talk to him.

Often times while writing in my diary, I would write a whole essay on what it would be like if Seonghwa were my boyfriend. It was embarrassing but I thought it would be nice. I would've loved to hold his hand as we walked together, buy each other presents just because we wanna get the other something pretty, cuddle on the couch as we watch Disney movies, and bake together in the kitchen and laugh at the mess we'd make. But at the same time, Seonghwa was a very tidy person, so I wasn't sure how he'd go about making messes in the kitchen. But aside from all of that, I just wanted to be in a cute relationship with him.

“ Are you gonna go take care of him? Maybe get him a coffee? ” Wooyoung whispered to me with a wink. I saw his look of confidence burn away when one of our co-workers - who also seemed to like him - went to take care of him. He smiled at her with a wink and before actually ordering something, he just flirted. I frowned as my heart sank and I left to go on break.

That was how it usually went: my heart would remind me of how in love I was with Seonghwa, only for me to get hurt in the long run because my shyness gets the best of me and I can't speak to him. But why would he talk to anyone like me anyway?

Most girls - and boys - often dressed the way he did; ripped jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, you name it. They also smoked cigarettes and partied like it was their last day alive. They kissed everyone they hung out with. I, on the other hand, wore pastel sweaters and ripped jeans with netting underneath and pastel converse to match. I wore rose bracelets and unicorn earrings and my hair was often more on the messy side. Basically, I looked like a girly boy on a regular - but that was just my style. I never smoked and I hated parties and alcohol. Never in my life had I kissed anyone and I spent most of my time reading shoujo manga and chowing down on sugary sweets. Anything out of my confort zone, I left to Wooyoung to describe to me and most of what he knew about was beyond anything I was ever taught. I was always referred to as innocent and I guess my friends are right. I never even get half the jokes they make with each other.

Once my break was over, I came back out to see Seonghwa staring right at me. I froze in place and my heart skipped so many beats, which probably wasn't okay. The latter smirked and winked and my whole world slowed down. My crush of several years noticed me and winked. My gut told me to run away out of shyness, and that's what I did. I ran to the kitchen and hid in there, hoping I was safe. But all I heard were footsteps and sure enough, Seonghwa came in and stood behind me. I turned around and I was face to face with him. He stared at me with those angelic but demonic eyes. He eyed my expensive clothing and I couldn't look at him, I wad looking everywhere else.

“ Kang Yeosang. That's your name right, baby? ” he said in a low voice.



Sorry this chapter was a bit late, I wanted to get it out to you guys. I'm still figuring out some things for this story so it will be slower. And sorry if the chapters are a bit choppy and lame. Thanks for understanding after I made the announcement and thanks for reading! 💕💕💕💕

Shy Boy, Bad Boy | SeongSang [COMPLETED]✔️Where stories live. Discover now