Aesop x Reader

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There is a new person in the mansion. "An Embalmer...?" I thought to myself.

"Is it a he? Or a she?" You asked to Emily "I don't know.. Let's see."

Suddenly he came from the door.

"It's a he." Emily said "Really?" "Yea I'm serious." I saw him walking.

I can't believe my eyes.. He doesn't look like how I thought he would..

I can't stop looking at his grey hair tied with a black ribbon, his eyes looks pretty and filled with hope.

"Hello, there I assume you are Aesop Carl! I am Emily and this is (Y/N)." He just nodded then went past us.

"That was rude..." Emily got pissed

I just chuckled seeing her reaction then thought to myself as I smiled "Aesop Carl.. He looks different.."

We are now in a match.

"Focus on decoding!" Fiona said from the distance.

I found a cipher and start to decode it until someone came to me.. It was Aesop.

He saw me then helped me decode.

We were almost done decoding until suddenly the hunter came. It's Marie! (Mary but I'll call her Marie cuz 'Marie Regal')

She chased me and left Aesop finish decoding the 3rd cipher. I avoided her attacks and run as fast as I can.

I vaulted to the window but sadly the hunter used their blink and hit me.

I was running out of energy until Aesop run in front of me and body blocked me and he told me to run and decode the last cipher, so I did.

When I was at the last cipher I saw Eli decoding "I need help." I said and he turned back and healed me.

We decoded the last cipher and ran to the exit gate but Aesop was still being chased by Marie.

Fiona called us with her portal and teleported to us.

Aesop got knocked down and said "The hunter has detention!", While he was being chaired he said "Get out of here!"

I then noticed a coffin beside the exit gate and it turned grey.

"W-what is happening with that coffin?" I asked to Eli and Fiona "I don't know.." they both said the same thing.

After we asked each other we saw Aesop coming out of the coffin like he just resurrected or something.

After looking to each other with confusion, we noticed the hunter was getting close to us so we ran to the exit gate.

As we ran I looked at Aesop "What was that???" I thought to myself.

After the match, Emily was checking all of us to see if we had any serious injuries or not.

I was injured mildly with a stab so Emily wrapped my stomach and chest with some bandages.

I was sitting down looking up to the moon above while humming a little song. I was enjoying myself until I saw someone in the shadows.

It was Aesop.

"Oh, Hi there, Aesop.. What brings you here?" I asked while looking at him being wrapped with bandages all over.

You pointed me and said "Y-your voice.."

I began to feel embarrassed "O-oh sorry, I was being noisy wasn't I?"

"N-No!" He shouted a little. "N-not at all.. S-sorry for shouting.."

"Oh.. It's ok" I said as I smiled at him.

"I just... heard someone singing and got curious who it was.. That's all.."



"B-by the way.. thanks.." I said shyly.

"A-about what? "Saving me.. at the last match.. And sorry you got injured.. This.. Bad.."

"Saving you was my option.. And these scars are normal for me.. So don't blame yourself for my injuries." He said while sitting next to me.

We talked for hours until we heard Emily said, "Everyone it's bed time!"

We said goodbye to each other and we went to our room.

"She's so kind and caring.. I want her.. She's.. Different.."

As weeks past by we began to grow closer to each other. And every time we have a match together, he would always find me first and protect me. I knew I was falling for him.. But.. Does he even feel the same?.. I can't even see his expression under that mask..

"Hey, Aesop.. I-I've been wondering.. What are you hiding beneath your mask?" "I don't hide anything beneath this mask. Why do you ask?" He looked at me with a confused look.

"Can you show me? I'm curious.." "A-are you sure..?" "Super sure." I said as I smile.

He removed his mask slowly. I went total shock looking at him. He looks extremely hot and cute!

"I-I know I don't look nice.." "Nice? This is better than nice! You look cute!" Aesop got shocked hearing my comment. "Y-you think so?" "Yeah! You look hot-" I covered my mouth in embarrassment. Aesop also blushed hearing my comment. "Why do you hide your face anyways..?" "I'm afraid if I don't cover my mouth.. I will talk about what they don't want to hear.."

"W-why do you want to see my face that much anyways (Y/N)?" Aesop asked "Is it because you never seen my expression?" He said with a little smirk. I blushed and nodded at his answer. "Haha. You know (Y/N)? You look so cute. I can't help myself to fall for you over your smile." He said so honestly

"It's ok if you don't feel the same.. I get it.." "N-No!" I shouted a little. "I.. I like you too.. B-but I'm just too scared to admit that I fell for you.." I said while I hide my face.

"Then.. May I?" He asked "H-huh?"

In a blink of an eye I can feel his lips pressed against mine. I kissed him back while hugging him. We spent the night hugging and teasing each other. We both fell asleep on each other until the sun woke up in the morning.


Emily: OMG LOOK!

Emma: What is it? It's like 11 PM already-- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OMG SO CUTE!

Eli: What's with all this no- Ah, I see. Do keep your noise down.. And they don't look so cu-

Emma & Emily: Glares at him

Eli: I-I mean they look cute! Haha of course. Ha.... *Lord Hastur please help me*

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