Wu Chang x Joseph

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A request from  @BEBE_Joseph !

I umm tried for this chapter. Modern Au Wu Chang and Joseph live together and is already a couple btw (Sorry but it'll be fluff.)

I don't really know if you want a threesome but like I guess anyway is fine.

Anyways, enjoy!


Joseph's POV

I'm weak. I can't do things right. Now, here I am, in my room.. Crying over me and the death of my brother. I should've been there. I could've been helpful. I-I I shouldn't have just stand there like an idiot looking at him when he was obviously coughing blood.

I woke up and panted. 'A dream. It was a dream.'

"Joseph? It's time for breakfast!" I heard a person said, while knocking. I didn't answer. I was too lazy. The person eventually opened the door because I forgot to lock my door. Nice job, Joseph. "Jo? Oh my God, it's messy. Anyways, you coming out?" "Get out, Xie..." "C'mon. Look at you, you haven't gotten out of your room for days. You'll get sick." I sighed but didn't move an inch. "No, Xie.. I want to stay here." "What's wrong? That dream again?" I nodded then closed my eyes. He gave me a sad sigh and patted my back. "Look.. You were young. You were shocked. It's never your fault. Fate was the one to blame, Jos.. If it helps, why don't you check what's for breakfast?" "You probably made boring pancakes like usual.." "Ouch. My pancakes are not boring. But no, I made something special." "As in, black goo? Like what you and Fan made 3 weeks ago?" "Hey, at least we didn't make you eat it." "Fine, fine. I'll go out and eat.." He smiled. "I'll be waiting outside."

I got up and walked to a mirror. 'I should clean myself up.. My hair looks messy and my face looks all depressed and shit..' I put on my white sweater and tied my hair with my yellow ribbon. I walked out and got to the dining room where Xie and Fan are waiting. "So.. Breakfast is.. Toast with bacon and eggs?" Xie smiled happily, "Yep! Enjoy!" I took the toast and I used the butter knife to spread the butter and ate it.

After breakfast, I went back to my room only to be stopped by Fan. "Fan. Move." "Joseph. I want to play with you." "No, Fan. Move. Please." "Aww you're gonna make me feel lonely.." "Play with Xie or something, please Fan." He pouted, "Xie is becoming boring and easily predicted." He said as I saw Xie walking towards Fan and smack him on the head, "I HATE YOU FAN! I'M NOT BORING!!" I just sighed and walked past him "Please.. Fan... Not today I don't feel like it." He stopped and started to frown and talked in a serious tone. "Then when?" I stopped and stand there shocked. "Pardon?" "Then when? When are you going to come out and have fun with us again? Do you even have any idea how worried we are?! Are you just gonna keep on locking yourself in your room, crying and blaming yourself for your brothers death?! Joseph! It's not your fault! It wasn't anyone's fault! He's in a better place without pain and you should be happy! Not mourning?! Come on, Joseph. It's been around 1 month since we hanged out and have fun as a couple. All you do is just wake up eat and go back in the room. Everyday. Everyday. Joseph. For 1 month that's what you've been doing!" He shouted a bit. Xie tried to calm him down a bit, "Fan, calm down..." I stood there. Frozen. It's true.. It was all in the past and I haven't been caring to them at all.. "Do you know?.. We miss you.. We miss the cute short Joseph who would hug us and hang out with us everyday. Please, Joseph.." I looked at him and he was looking down, sadness, disappointment, and embarrassment in his eyes. I hugged him as I cried a little. How can I be so selfish? They cared for me and all I did was nothing. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. He patted my back as an answer and hugged back.

3rd Person's POV

They had fun for the rest of the day at the arcade and the theme park. "Faaaaan." "What's wrong Joseph?" "I'm tired.. Can we go back home?" "It's getting late, Fan. I think we should head back." Xie said while looking at his phone. Fan nodded and walked to Joseph. Joseph gave him a confused look and eyes saying 'What the fuck are you gonna do? Don't you dare carry me home.' Fan chuckled and carried Joseph anyways. "Well, too bad I'm carrying you anyways." , he said. Joseph groaned but gave in. Joseph fell asleep on the car because of the soft kisses Fan gave him while carrying him. "He was very tired, huh?" Xie giggled a bit and smiled looking back at Joseph. He smiled in aww looking at his angelic face of his boyfriend sleeping peacefully. "Look at our little angel back there, sleeping peacefully." Xie said as he got a 'hmm' as an agreement from Fan.

They arrived home and went inside with Fan carrying Joseph. They didn't seem to want to awake the shorter male. They couldn't. They have never seen their lover sleeping as peaceful as this. They tried sleeping together once and Joseph seems to always wake up in the middle of the night due to his haunting past, making his sleeping hour broken. Joseph didn't want to disturb the twins while they sleep so he decided to sleep in his own room instead of with them. They tried everything to calm him down in his sleep by playing music, using aromatherapy, and much more but none of them worked on the poor male. The twins were happy knowing that their lover is currently sleeping without any nightmares. Fan carried Joseph to their bedroom followed by Xie. "Mmngh.. Fan, Xie.." Joseph mumbled, half awake. "What's wrong?" The shorter male simply shook his head and cuddled Fan for response. Fan sighed and rubbed his back. "We'll wake you up for dinner? Or do you wanna skip since you ate at the theme park?" Xie asked, patting Joseph's head. Joseph mumbled some words but the only thing they heard clearly was "Skip.." Xie smiled and kissed Joseph's cheeks and walked out. "Ok. We'll let you rest. Sleep tight." Fan said then changed Joseph's clothes before tucking him in and giving him a kiss on his forehead. He smiled then walked to Xie and closed the door. "Let's wait for him. I'm gonna cook for dinner. Any idea?" Xie asked to his 'brother' "Hmmm.. Onion soup?" Fan questioned. "What? Onion soup? I don't want to cry because of an onion, Fan. I'll just make chicken with potatoes." Fan shrugged on his 'brothers' words. "Ok, you do you. I'm gonna go-" "No. You help me with the potatoes." Xie said, cutting off Fan. "Seriously? Fine."

The end

uwu that's the ending.

Ok fine the real ending is they slept with Joseph and showered him with kisses and cuddles all night.


I'm now starting to ship these two oh God. They be cute and filling my heart with those uwu's

This was kinda short I'm sorry. I was actually rushing this cause I need to do lots of school work. I apologize- I'll make better chapters- I swear-

Anyways, hope you enjoyed and see you guys next chapter!

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