I'll Stay By Your Side [NaibxReader] (angst)

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Requested by  Kyouzki

Modern AU :')



You were known as Naib's best friend since kindergarten. You guys were like two peas in a pod, inseparable that's why you began to live with him in your house, the poor boy lost his parents because of a car crash around five years ago and you agreed to help him. People never dared to be friends with the cold boy before you came. Because of you, Naib's cold hearted side began to melt and he became soft and caring, he even made friends and learned how to trust people. The more you know him, the more side of him goes out. He was cranky and he loves attention, you called him a cat sometimes because he would do anything to get attention. You see him nothing more than a best friend. Little did you know, the mercenary developed deep feelings for you.

One day, you were invited to go to a party Vera was having, she was one of your close friends in high school and you haven't heard from her ever since. All you know was she became one of the most famous people in the magazine and she has a perfume company. She invited everyone from your high school to celebrate her birthday. A famous person inviting everyone in high school to go to her party? It would be a huge waste if you don't show up. You were even grateful that she even remembered your name and existence. It was a great opportunity knowing she doesn't usually invite people to her parties, and it would be great to see your high school crush again, Eli Clark. You had a huge crush on him and you guys were friends yet again, you barely see him.


"Naib! Guess what!" I said with sparkles in my eyes. He groaned kicking his blanket before opening his eyes and sitting up looking at me with his sleepy eyes. He mumbled a 'what' and closed his eyes because of the bright light coming through his window. "Vera invited us to her birthday!"
"Vera? Oh.. Her. So what?"
"She's like popular right now. Jeez! You should be happy she remembers you!" I said, pinching his cheeks.
"Arh- Okay, okay! Ow, ow stop! It hurts!"
"Why would I? You cheeks are so chubby."
"Y/N! Ouch! Hey stop! Forgive me, forgive me! Please spare me! I-I'll go with the party with you!"

I smiled hearing he gave in and will go to the party with me. I let go of his cheeks and hugged him mumbling 'thank you' 's.

You let go of him and got ready to find what you will wear to the party. You found a sabrina white short dress with rosy pink flower patterns near the bottom and a mini bow at the right waist. It one of your mom's and you've always wanted to try it on.

Time skip brought to you by Jack being bullied in 8vs2

We arrived at the party and my eyes went wide when I saw her house. IT WAS HUGE! A MANSION! We went inside and was greeted by maids. Just how rich is this woman? She's like living in a castle as a princess. They told us to go to the backyard so we did. The backyard was big and was decorated.

I saw Vera and called her over hoping she would notice me and she did. She walked towards me and smiled, thanking me for coming and talked about how much she missed me and all of us. We talked for a while and noticed that the party is going to begin, so Vera and I parted for a while.

Naib's POV

The party started and I decided to talk to my old friends, Norton, Aesop, and Eli, leaving Y/N alone. I haven't even left her for an hour and she came back hugging my back, drunk. I looked back to see her holding a glass of wine. "Seriously, Y/N? You're drunk?" She didn't answer but giggled a bit. I sighed and held her, wrapping her arm around me. "Sorry, I'll be taking my leave. I'll talk to you guys later. I gotta take care of her."
"Ohhh~ The cold hearted Naib is caring for his friend, how sweet. Have you told her that you like her or did you chickened out?"
I looked down and didn't dare to answer Norton's question.
"Naib, you should tell her sooner or later. Would you want her to be taken by someone else?"
Aesop was right, but.. I'm scared to ruin our friendship.
"I gave up. I don't like her I never did." ,I lied.
"You don't? Then.. Can I ask her out?" Eli asked. I looked at him, trying my best to not glare at him.
"I kinda.. Like her since high school.. But I never asked her because I thought you liked her.. Since you don't, can I ask her out?"
"I-it's not my choice! Why would you ask me?"
"I don't know. I just felt like I have to."
"Just let her answer once she's awake."

I walked carrying a drunk Y/N and sat on a bench away from the crowd. "Y/N are you drunk?"
"Totally drunk. Let's play a game, you have to answer everything I ask truthfully. How is that?"
"What do you think of Aesop."
"Nice shy kid."
"What do you think of me?"
".. Best friend."
"... Who do you like?"
".. Eli.. Clark."

I was speechless. So she doesn't love me after all.. She just loves me as a best friend. I was holding back my tears when I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked to Y/N and she was tugging my shirt. "What..?"
"Why are you frowning?" She was talking normally, I forgot that she doesn't sleep after being drunk.
"Are you.. sober?" She nodded. I smiled, answering her question, "I was worried because you nearly made a fool of yourself in front of Eli y'know." She looked shocked, "H-how did you know I like Eli?"
"It's so obvious. I've heard it in high school often. But I haven't told him. Why not ask him out? I heard he likes you too."
Her eyes widen and she tried to hide her smile, "R-really?" She asked. "Yea. Just go and ask him out. I'll be waiting here."
She thanked me and immediately ran to the crowd, finding Eli. I sighed and melted on the chair. I'll let her go since it's for her happiness.

I looked up to the sky and saw the bright moon and cried, knowing I'll never have her. Happiness and sadness filled my heart. But whatever happens, I promise that I'll stay by your side.


I hope that was decent. I had another plot but.. I decided to use this one instead. I actually thought of making part 2 but it's up to you guys.

Anyways, thanks for the request and I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for grammar mistakes and all.

See you all next chapter!

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