Complicated love Jack x Naib

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Naib's POV

*Huff huff* "Get out of here!" I shouted to Norton. I ran as fast as I can. "Shit! I don't have anymore gauntlets." "Well, well. Can't run that fast anymore, huh?" Jack smiled while he grins. "Oh well shit." I thought to myself while running. After a while, I got hit and I was running out of air. "I need help!" I shouted. Not long after, Kevin came and took me away with his lasso.

I was finally saved from Jack. My boyfriend.

Jack's POV

"Fuck that cowboy! He fuckin' took my Naib. He was about to knock down and I was going to take him for walks while I carry him bridal style. Damn that bastard!" I said as I punched the wall.

"My little Naib.. I'm not going to let you go again... I promise." I said as the last cipher popped.

I ended up chairing the Perfumer and the Mechanic. Naib escaped the first with the cowboy escorting. "Dang it. Whatever at least it's a tie."

Naib's POV

That was a tough match with Jack.. I had a pretty big scar but it wasn't that deep. Well at least it'll heal fast. "Thanks Emily." "No problem, Naib.. Your scar will be fully healed after a few days so don't worry. Here are some bandages. Make sure to rub this healing plants at your scar after taking a bath and use this oil after you use the healing plants, then use the bandage to wrap your scar. If you run out of those stuff, feel free to ask for more. Don't be shy, dear." She said to me with a smile while she walk away.

"Damn.. A lot of rules.. I hope I can remember it all..."

I went to my room and write my diary. Well it's a daily thing to do for everyone. Well the survivor's daily thing.. I don't know about those hunters and I don't want to even know.

My room is connected with the hunters manor.. The thing that makes it worse.. Is.. My room is connected to Jack's. That's right. He likes me and umm I don't really.. I'm a survivor and he's a hunter.. I can't be with him? ..Or can I..? Well I'm giving him a chance. Not that bad.. He is pretty nice.

Jack's POV

That was so tiring.. I feel so exhausted. I still hate that damn cowboy. He have some guts to mess with me. "Whatever.. It's time to peek on what's Naib doing~"

There's a hole in my room that shows Naib's room. Damn I like to peek there. I've seen him took his shirt off and.. Jesus Christ.. I can't describe my feelings. He looks so hot and cute at the same time. I love him with all my life. I love his smile, (sometimes he smiles looking at that little pet of his and it's super cute.) his cold attitude, I just love everything from him.

"Damn he's taking his shirt off. Wait, is that a scar..? Oh God.. I made those scars.. Well it doesn't look deep.. That's a relief but still. I can't believe I hurt my little Naib..  What is he doing? Writing a book? Oh probably that diary we all are told to do. I never knew that survivor's were also told to do it daily."


Naib's POV

I heard something.. And I feel uncomfortable.. Like being watched. What's that? A hole? Quite big..

"Hello..? Anyone there??" Gotta admit.. I was trembling.. It's scary what if there's someone watching right now???

Then I heard Jack humming. It's just him. I thought to myself. I ignored him and I decided to take a shower. Damn that made me feel good and relaxed.

I got out of the bathroom and Jack isn't humming anymore. "Probably because it's already 12AM?" I thought to myself and decided to go to sleep too. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't tired, cuz damn I'm ExHaUsTeD. Playing 3 matches isn't easy. I had to replace that old pig man because his back was hurting and Martha was busy as hell.

Jack's POV

It's 12AM and I'm still not asleep.. I'm tired but my eyes aren't shutting down.. Well I guess I'll be peeking at the hole and let's see what Naib's doing.

Seeing him coming out of the shower with his pajamas is not often. "C..Cute.. I wish I could cuddle him!" It seems like he's gonna go to sleep.. Well I guess I should too? I'm satisfied already. "Goodnight my little Naib. I wish you know how much I love you.. Why is it so hard to win your heart?? Ok enough thinking about this nonsense! I should go to sleep. Love you, my little Naib."

Naib's POV

I woke up at 8 and it's Saturday today. Great. Every Saturday, Survivor's and hunter's go to this other manor where we all have fun. Finally a break from this shitty game. "I'll just eat breakfast.." I said to myself.

"Ok, after this everyone get ready to go to the manor to join the hunter's ok?" Martha shouted. I finished my breakfast and decided help Emma with a little gardening then go change clothes and get ready.

"Everyone ready? Let's go." Vera said. Yea I'm mentally ready I guess..

Jack's POV

I can't wait to see little Naib! I'm going to give him this rose. I hope he loves it. I dressed up my best for this.

Third person's POV

"Aesop! My little bunny!" Joseph said as he came up to Aesop. "Joseph, stop." "Aww I c'mon I want to hug you! It's been so long since I've seen you." (I'm sorry for my grammars from here and on I'm working on this at 1.35 AM ;-;) "It's been 2 days Joseph." "THAT'S 172.800 SECONDS!!"

"Well happy to see you, Eli." "Fuck off Hastur, Eli's my fiance!" Fiona said with a jealous face. "Aww you both worship me. Don't disobey your God, Fiona. Watch your tone and language." "OH HELL NO! HE'S MINE SO BACK OFF!!" "We can provide a threesome~" "Y-YOU PERVERT! NO!" "Guys.. Umm I love you both so please stop fighting." "See? Even Eli is ok with a threesome." "Hey, I never agreed for a threesome." "Hah! Eat that, Hastur!"

"...Naib." "Jack.." "For you, Little Naib." "Thanks.. And um.. This for you.." Naib gave him a little flower. "Thank you." Jack smiled. "Let's go somewhere else?" Jack said while he carried Naib bridal style.

"I'm sorry for the scar at your back.." "It's ok. I can bear it." "Did I mention how cute you look today?" Naib blushed "S-shut up!" "You look hot.." Naib mumbled. "What's that?" "I-I SAID NOTHING!" "Don't lie, Naib.. I know your hiding something." "F-fine I said you l-looked.. Hot.." "You look cute when you're embarrassed. Why not honest from the start?" Naib hid his face under Jack's chest. "Aww you love me so much don't you?" He nodded. "I love you so much as well, Naib." He then kissed Naib's forehead. After that, Naib kissed his cheeks unexpectedly. Jack smiled and pressed his lips at Naib's.

"Why is it so hard to get you, Naib?" "Mmm I don't know probably because I don't think people stand out much." Jack opened his mask "What about now?" Naib blushed and said "Open your mask more often.. You look scary with a mask." "Now, now Naib. If you want to see my face just say so and don't be shy."

After talking for some hour, they went back inside. On the way, they saw Joseph taking Aesop wearing a maid costume to the.. bedroom??? (Aye juicy shit ;) ) "What did we miss?"

"Just some couples being drunk." Geisha said. "Glad we didn't see that" Jack said while still carrying Naib bridal style. "Right, Naib?" No answer "Naib?" He looked down and noticed that Naib fell asleep in his arms. "So cute. I love his angelic face while he sleeps." He thought to his self. He kissed Naib's forehead and said "Goodnight my little Naib." Well I guess I could live with this complicated love...

While I was walking with Naib asleep in my arms to my room, I heard something.

"A-aaah~ J-Joseph! Fa-AAaahster!"

I wish I didn't hear that.

HELL YEA FINALLY DONE! I SURVIVED THIS UNTIL 2.07AM! (very unhealthy please do not follow my actions.)

Kill me for writing 1321 words (story only)

Welp. Hope you enjoyed the story. See you guys at the next chapter or part? Or story? Idk. :/

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