Aesop's Special Day

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Credits to the artist for the bootiful drawing uwu

Anyways I'll be publishing the request probably in these 2 weeks (I'm sorry)

But now please, enjoy my special chapter for Aesop Carl.


Aesop's POV

I woke up by the sun shining through my window. It's bright. I sat up and remembered something. Oh right, today's my birthday.. Not anything special.. I'll probably end up celebrating it by myself like always. I don't mind it, yet I feel a little pain in my heart that no one came in my room to wake me up and say happy birthday..

I got inside the bathroom and took a shower. I finished and looked in the mirror to tie my hair. I got out of my room and saw that hall ways were empty. I walked to the dining room and saw breakfast but... It's only one plate, and nobody else is there. I walked up to the seat and saw a note

"Good morning,
We are all a little busy since this morning and you woke up late, so we left you breakfast. You can talk to me or Naib in our room if needed. But I'll only be available at 11.00-02.00 and Naib is available at 03.00-3.30. Anyways, this is your match schedule: 10.30, 12.00, 01.30, 02.45, 4.30. Enjoy your meal and day!

Your dearest, Eli Clark."

What? I have a lot of matches? Wow.. I guess this'll be my birthday gift. Awesome. I'll just eat and talk to Eli.

I finished my meal and went to Eli's room. I knocked on the wooden door and heard him shout "hold on". He opened the door and gave me a smile. "Oh, it's just you. Come in." I nodded and walked in. "Are you ok, Eli? You look like a mess." "O-oh uh this? I'm busy today so.. Well yea, messy." I gave him a confused look before giving in. "Do you know what day it is?" "Uhmm.. May 11. Why?" "..Nothing. I just.. Forgot the date." I said while feeling a bit down. I guess nobody remembers..

"I have a match in 5 minutes, Ace. I'll be going." I nodded and got out of the room with him. "Good luck." I said, he looked at me and smiled. "Thanks."

I looked at the clock '10.00 AM'. I guess I'll wait.. I walked in my room and opened my mini make up box. I organized everything inside and replace everything that was nearly out or used. I closed the box and walked to the matching room. I saw Emma, Naib, and Servais already waiting. "Am I late?" I asked, "No. Just in time. The hunter isn't here yet." Naib answered. I nodded and sat on my chair, waiting for the hunter. I heard footsteps and I immediately got ready.

I woke up in The Red Church and saw cameras. My eyes widen and I felt happy. I hid on the corner until the camera got on and went to a cipher. Naib is currently kiting Joseph for 240 seconds (Mah Naib is a good kiter and he op u-u). I finished my cipher and saw that there were only 1 cipher left. Eventually, Joseph got tired of catching Naib and started to chase me instead.

"Joseph? Why?" "Cause it's my job and your job is running away from me. Now, can you please hurry up and do your job? I'm busy and I want to finish it quickly." He answered coldly. I felt shocked and sad because he never answered me coldly before.. I nodded hesitantly and started to run but I wasn't feeling like it.. I was to heart broken to run. I wanted to just die and get sent back here and then. I got slower and slower until I eventually stopped walking and stood still. "Helloooo?? Carl? I don't have all day here. Move it." I looked down. He never calls me Carl.. he's never this cold.. Why.. Did I do something?  I looked back and started to see him with my teary eyes. "What's wrong with you?!" "Aesop, what are you doing?" "You were never like this! You would always ask me to play with you and run around! Why are you..- why are you being cold.." He sighed and with that, the alarm went off, signaling that we can open the gate. "Look, I'm sorry.. I just have to do a lot of things today and I want to make this match quick. I want to finish all those things quickly." He said. "What kind of things?" "That's.. None of your concern, Aesop.. I'll bring you to the dungeon." I was sad, disappointed, and hurt. First nobody cared about my birthday, and now this? What a day for my birthday.. Joseph brought me to the dungeon and I gave him a hug "I'm sorry.." was my last words before jumping in.

I came back to the manor and walked in my room. I cleaned myself up and get ready for the rest match. It kept happening until 05.00 PM. I was done with all of my matches and again, no one was in the hallway. I walked in the kitchen and looked around for sweets or something that can cheer me up. I opened the fridge and saw an average bucket of vanilla ice cream and a cupcake. "Guess this'll do.." I took both of the sweets and went back in my room. I locked the door and sat down putting the sweets on my table. "Well.. I guess.. Happy birthday to me.." I said while I ate my cupcake. I took the bucket of ice cream and then watched TV. (The host be rich-)

Joseph's POV

I felt really guilty for being so cold to Aesop.. He is sensitive and.. Those actions might have shattered his glass heart. But I'll make it up to him after this. I have everything ready and it's going to be great.

Aesop's POV

I woke up because of a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw Eli and Naib on my door. "Yea?" "Happy birthday, Aesop!" They said in unison. My eyes widen but then smiled. "I thought you guys forgot.." "We would never! You are like the best person in the world besides me!" Naib said while proudly patted his own chest. We laughed and then spent the whole evening together.

"Hey, Ace, wanna go the main hall?" Eli asked. "Why?" "I asked first." I sighed, "Fine. I'll just follow you guys." We went in the main hall. There, no one was in the room. I looked back and saw Naib and Eli closing the door "WAIT WH-!"


I banged on the door (Aye not that bang-) "STOP PRANKING ME! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!", I shouted. But no answer was heard. "Aww, mon amour. No need to be violent to the poor door." I looked back to see Joseph standing near me. "Oh my God.. Joseph.." I sighed in relief knowing it's just him.

"Now that we're alone, mon amour.. Happy birthday, my sweet cute angel." He said as he pulled out a small cake with some candles on it. "B-but I-I" He put down the cake and hugged me. "I'm sorry for what I did this morning. I didn't meant anything I said." I hugged him back and felt tears rolling down my face. "I-it hurted- you know? I-I thought you hated me-" He stroked my hair trying to comfort me "I know.. I'm sorry.. But I did it for all of this. Now, why don't you cheer up and open this present I have?" "Present? Oh.. Joseph... You shouldn't have.. But thank you." He smiled and gave me a box. Well, so much for wrapping presents but I care more about what's inside. I opened the box to see a black suit with light blue patterns.

 I opened the box to see a black suit with light blue patterns

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"Joseph- I- This is.. Amazing. I never knew you could make clothes?" "Oh no, I didn't. I only sketched it and asked Vera to make it." I smiled and gave him another hug. "Thank you.. I love you so much.." "Oui, I know you do mon amour, I love you too."

"Make a wish, Aesop." Joseph said. I nodded and thought for a while then blew the candles. We ate the cake together afterwards. "Aesop, you're such a messy eater." Joseph said giving me a sigh. I looked at him confused. I never eat messily and he knows that. "What do you mean?" He leaned towards me and cupped my cheeks. "This is what I meant." He then pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked but kissed back after a few seconds. After eating the cake, we went back to my room because he insisted to sleep with me and I gave up saying no.

"Today.. Was amazing.. Thank you Joseph.." "Anything for you, my cute angel." He said cuddling me before drifting to sleep. "Goodnight.."

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