Control 2 (JosephxAesop)

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- Joseph lives in his own mansion and Mary, often visits him.



I kept on thinking a way to escape but stopped when I heard a door unlock. I looked towards the door in terror. I tried to look calm as the figure open the door wider.

"I see that you're awake, my darling." The figure said.


"I knew you would get out of those ropes." The figure said. I looked at him in terror. He got closer to me and soon pinned me to the wall. "Say~ I'm pretty hungry and that blood of yours is so tasty. Why don't you give me more?" "N-no- AH! I-it hur-hurt." The vampire bit my neck and kept on drinking my blood. "So sweet. It tastes like sugar. You taste amazing." He said while biting on another place. I yelped in pain but soon started to feel drowsy. Blackness starting to cover my view and soon, I passed out.

I woke up and saw the vampire sleeping next to me. I jumped a bit and touched my neck. Weird. No bite marks. Everything is clean. The vampire soon opened his eyes and I crawled to the edge of the bed scared.

"Who are you.. And where am I?" I asked. The figure smiled a warm smile. " I'm Joseph Desaulnier, a half vampire. You are currently in my house." "What are going to do to me..?"

The person seemed a bit surprised but then his face softened. "I'm not going to do anything to you anymore, ma chérie.. I'll explain to you later. Now why not follow me for breakfast?" He asked. I nodded slowly and followed him. I needed to be careful who knows if he will poison me? Or kill me when I eat or. Well anything can happen.

We got out of the room and walked into a big hallway. The place seems big like a mansion. We kept walking until we arrived in the dining room. The room was big and full of paintings, photographs, sculptures, and other expensive things. There was a big long table in the middle of the room that has around 32 seats.

"Do you.. Live alone or with other people?" I asked. He looked at me then answered "I live with some people. Not family members tho." I gave a small 'hmm' to answer him. "Well, what would you like to eat? Pancakes?" "Um I guess that's ok. Anything's fine, really." "Alright. Pancakes then. Do you like sweets?" "I do.." He smiled and then continue to make pancakes.

I looked around and think about where is the main door. Based on the structure of this room.. I think this mansion has at least 3 floors. Probably around 36 bedrooms since there are 32 seats.. Plus some empty rooms I saw while walking. I'm currently on the first floor. I'm looking at.. East. The main door should be either behind me, or at my left. (Don't mess with Aesop and his skills u-u)

Ok, ok first of all. Let's recall what happened... I was going back to meet Eli and Naib, then I felt a sting on my back. When I looked back, Joseph was there and then he pulled me. Soon, he bit me and drank my blood which drained my energy. Then.. I think I heard Eli and Naib shouting at him..

"Pancakes are ready." He said as I jumped, "Ah, sorry. Did I scare you?" "No I was just um thinking." He lifted one of his brows but then shrugged it off. "So.. The reason I took you here is because of your blood. Your blood has a rare taste. Not common for people. To vampires, people who have rare taste of blood means that they are your fate. You might be confused. But either way, the red string chose us as a couple." "What? Hold on.. So my love of my life is you, a vampire." "I'm afraid so." "I'm dreaming." "Want me to pinch you?" "...No thank you."

I finished eating and surprisingly there was no poison at all.  "So.. You said that you were half vampire.. What's the difference between a normal vampire and a half vampire..?" "Real vampires can turn into bats and they need way more blood then how much I drink. They also can't be seen in mirrors and they are weak to garlic. Us, half vampires, are more human-like. We can still eat normal food and don't drink as much blood as the real vampires. We can also be seen in mirrors and we are not weak to garlic." He explained. "I heard you guys can fly, is that true?" "Pretty much? Yes. We can also go through walls. Like ghosts but visible and touchable."

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