six feet under

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"Lex!" Morgan yelled from outside our door and burst into the room, dropping her bag on the floor before rushing over to me.

"Get up! We're going out to a celebratory party" she grinned, trying to pull me out of bed.

"Do I have to go though Morgs? I was planning on watching Netflix and eating my feelings" I frowned and rolled out of bed, my sock clad feet hitting the carpeted floor.

"Of course! But don't worry it's not a frat party, I don't even know if it's a college party, but I was talking to this really hot barista at Starbucks and he invited me and said I could bring a friend or two. And you need to get out of bed. Since I met you haven't been to as many party's as you should, and it'll be good for you to take a break Lex. You deserve it"

"You're right I do deserve it, what do I wear though?" I asked while walking to my closet.

"Certainly not that" she grimaced and my sweats and tank top "I don't know something slutty yet classy?"

"Let's just go with casual" I laughed at her and began picking out outfits.

"Where is this party anyways?" I asked as I zipped my skirt up and made sure the white tank top I picked out was tucked in.

"Somewhere between Beverly Hills and Highland Park" she shrugged.

"So you don't actually know?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"It'll be fine Lex" Morgan waved me off with her mascara wand "we'll uber there, he gave me the address"

"And what is hot Starbuck's boy name?"

"You ask too many questions"

"So you forgot?" I burst out laughing.

"It'll be fine"

"So you tell me"

The uber ride wasn't too long and it seemed as though we got to the correct address as we pulled up a street with cars parked along it and a house with many people going in, coming out and surrounding it.

"Here you girls are" the driver said as he pulled up.

"Thank you so much sir, have a good night" I thanked him and got out with Morgan.

"Let's go!" Morgan yelled excitedly and wrapped her arm around mine, dragging my towards the lit-up house, or more so mansion.

Like any party there were rowdy drunk people, however they were older, and most people were dressed in more expensive clothing.

"I texted Starbucks guy that we are here and he said he'll meet us at the door" Morgan pulled me towards the open front door as I looked around at the people around us trying to figure out what party or who's we were at.

"Morgs I don't think we should be here" I tugged at her arm "these people don't seem like they're at college"

"Probably because they aren't, who knows it might just be a famous persons party" she wiggled her eyebrows, sporting a grin.

"Yeah who knows" I mumbled and pushed away a guy who stumbled onto me.

"Hey! Morgan!" who I'm guessing is the Starbucks hottie approached us and gave her a hug. I might be gay, but there is no denying how good looking this guy is. Light chocolate skin, golden eyes and bouncy curly hair.

"And you must be Morgan's friend" he smiled at me and brought me in for a hug before I could protest. Patting his back I pulled away and cleared my throat before smiling.

"Sure am, I'm Alexandra. But call me Lexi" I introduced myself.

"Great to meet you Lexi, I'm Will" he flashed me another smile showing off is perfectly white and straight teeth before looking at Morgan and taking her hand "come on, let me introduce you to my friends"

Balance of Probabilities // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now