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Yale was a huge decision.

But in the end, it was one that I decided on quickly after talking to dad.

He told me it was mom's dream school and although she got in, she didn't have the funds to go to an Ivy League school.

And with that knowledge I called professor Fiddler straight away with my answer. And in her opinion, it was 'the right one'.

Billie flew with me to Connecticut as she still has down time before leaving for more touring preparations as she begins it in a couple of weeks.

And although I know she's torn up about me leaving we both know it's temporary and it's an offer I could never reject, nor does she want me too either.

We both agreed long distance wouldn't change anything and it'd be the same as her being away on tour and we were fine when she was away.

But I can't shake the sinking feeling in my stomach when giving being away from her and my family for so long.

And I won't have Morgan or Belle to talk to or get help from. I doubt Ivy League kids want to associate with a transfer, scholarship kid.

God I hope I'm not exiled upon first glance.

"-I can't believe you're actually leaving us! But you'll do amazing, show those prep kids that we're just as good as them in Cali" Morgan wrapped her arms around me and refused to let go.

"Dude, now I'll be all alone with her" Belle joked and joined the hug.

"Who am I meant to hang out with and study with now? At least Belle's grades made me feel better about myself but now I'll be the Belle of the class" I whined "ow!" I yelled when Belle's fist came in contact with my stomach.

"Jesus Christ" I wheezed, clutching my stomach.

"She wasn't lying though" Morgan added but not before moving an arms distance away from Belle's fists.

"I know" the barely passing girl mumbled "but it's a schooling year, and I'm determined to pick my grades up! Who knows maybe Harvard will come knocking on my dorm room door" she posed with a grin.

"Doubt it" I muttered.

"Only reason they'd knock on your door was if the professor wanted to get some"

"Well then I'd for sure get in with this bomb p—"

"And now you're making me doubt if I'll truly miss you two or not" I said with sad smile and pulled Belle in for another hug.

I always found it funny that we became friends despite her initial attempts of hitting on me. But hey, I made a lifelong friend and that's all that matters.

Belle's a smart girl. She wouldn't be doing law if she wasn't, but she did tend to drift towards distractions like girls and partying. Which was her down fall last semester.

Hopefully she realises her mistakes and corrects them this coming semester.

God, this coming semester is this coming week.

How have I only just realised this now?

"I'm really going to miss you two" I told them with a frown.

"We'll miss you too Lex, every time you come back make sure to visit us. I know you'll secretly miss our shitty dorm" Morgan said.

And she was right, I really ended up missing that shitty dorm room.

Balance of Probabilities // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now