& burn

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It's mid semester and I'm drowning. And so is Morgan. We are writing papers and studying more than we are sleeping. The bags under my eyes have moved in permanently and are showing no signs of moving, but there is a plus side to all this madness because the hours I am spending awake is also when Billie is awake on the other side of the world.

Since she's left, we haven't stopped texting and have even facetime a few times when possible. Morgan didn't believe me at first when I told her Billie was in our dorm and we watched a movie. But then I showed her the photo that Billie took and sent to me, of me asleep on her chest.

Which was both extremely embarrassing but also flattering at the same time cause she called me cute and wouldn't stop teasing me about it. Morgan then believed me and wouldn't stop screaming in excitement that Billie Eilish stood where she stood or sat where she sat or even breathed the same dorm room air. Which was a little over the top and very dramatic that my fellow law student, friend was this excited that a person was in our dorm.

Whilst mid-way through a paper on the inner workings of a jury and if they are biased or not my phone started ringing. Looking at the clock it read, just a little past eight-pm so it couldn't have been Billie.

Picking my phone up from the bed I looked at it and smiled before answering.

"Hey Ava—" I greeted but stopped when I heard muffled fighting and yelling.

"Lexi! Tell Aiden to give me back my straightener!" I heard Ava yell into the phone. Letting out a sigh I sat on my bed ready to calm the twins down.

"Kids stop it!" yelled dad who was probably pulling the twins away from each other.

"Lexi if you haven't hung up yet tell Ava to give me back my controllers. Honestly my demands aren't high to make! And I'll give the brat her straightener ba- OW why'd you pinch me! Oh my god dad! I'm bleeding! I HATE YOU AVA"

"Toughen up Aiden! If you're seriously going to have a cry over me pinching you then say goodbye to your dream of making varsity football" Ava told Aiden who I could faintly hear was whining to dad "Lex? Are you still there?"

"Yeah Ava, I'm still here. What are you two fighting about now?"

"Honestly I don't know we just started brawling last night and I hid Aiden's controllers—"

"Yeah so give them back!"

"-go back to crying nerd! Anyways as I was saying I hid his controllers because I was bored, and Aiden wouldn't hang out with me or give me any attention because he was gaming with the boys or some shit"

"Ava you can't expect Aiden to not take your straightener if you've taken the controllers from his game" I reasoned with her.

"That's what I said!" Aiden yelled out.

"Aiden come over to the phone and Ava don't hit or scratch ok?"

"I'm here. Don't touch me rat" Aiden told me and then Ava, his voice much clearer.

"I was going to surprise you two but I'm coming home this weekend and leaving early on Friday so I can pick you two up from school" I told them my plans. I started getting homesick around the same time Billie and managed to get this weekend off so I could visit my family.

I miss my dad and the twins so much. I miss dads cooking and even the bickering of my younger siblings, plus I know that Ava is having a rough time at the moment because I'm not home and she's told me she as stuff to talk about but wants to in person.



"Wait does dad know? DAD LEXI'S COMING HOME ON FRIDAY!"

Balance of Probabilities // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now