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Evelyn wearily pens down all the salient details of her brand new patients, and like any other normal nurse in the hospital, she was in an irritable sense of mood. Every single one of their patients has a severe injury that forces the nurses to gown up for the sixtieth time for one evening alone.

There were many tiring procedures army nurses had to follow by, this being one of them. She was aware she signed up for her profession, though she was hoping all she had to do tonight was be on standby and provide information. Unfortunately hope was splattered... "Evelyn we're one nurse short, Leeann called out sick..." One of her fellow coworkers, (Briana) babbles, prior to pulling her to the side.

On any normal day she would've did what was asked of her with no hesitation, but these men were way rowdier than she had ever encountered with in her days of working here. Being an army nurse was something her parents wanted her to do all her life. Her heart wasn't really in it, though as time passed, she grew to love the idea of being an army nurse. So she decided to graduate early from high school and college. After finishing the long process, she had to go through a training course.

This gave her knowledge on everything she needed to know regarding being in hospitals and being on field if necessary, though she didn't once think she would ever have to put those field skills to use. But she was severely wrong when everyone was deployed every now and then. All of the women were trained in all aspects, and even sometimes had to work with flight nurses who were short on backup and it was what usually triggered her the most.

When a nurse was in the process of healing a soldier, she would hear everything: groans from the men due to them being in excruciating pain, and sometimes even bombs. And it could've been emotionally draining for someone who wasn't strong enough to handle their job.

Although Evelyn has been through many trials, she would never place herself in the category of failing to handle what she signed up for, but there were days where she zoned out and this was all because of her main trigger, loud noises. These men were so noisy, and most of the noise wasn't coming from them only being in pain; they were all very arrogant and simply loved to hear themselves talk. With the exception of one man in the far corner, she happened to take notice of.

"I'm sorry if this is all so sudden Evelyn, if you aren't up for this ... we can easily double up.-"

"No its okay, Briana. I have everything under wraps, just go over there with the other ladies and see if you can calm everyone down okay?" She reassures, unintentionally failing to give the woman a chance to respond once she immediately walks over to intensely care for the man.

Evelyn begins to check his vitals and during this small exchange, she never bothers to connect eye contact nor speak. There was no need for her to showcase her nurse smile either. She was sure a man in unbearable pain wouldn't want to see one anyway, so in lieu of mustering up small talk, she goes head first to his injury. Prepared to heal him in the best way she knew how, until the men in the room became louder and louder.

The tools in her small hands begin to lightly shake near his graphically busted knee and it was kind of like she was in a daze she couldn't shake no matter how hard she endeavored. Her disorder was being toggled with..

Thankfully seconds later she hears an angered voice in front of her face. "Hello? Are you just going to stare off into space or are you going to do your job?" The handsome man hisses, capturing her surveillance. Rather than responding, she only glares at him as if he were a radio in lieu of an actual human being.

The man knew this infamous look all too well due to him being the same way since he began his line of work. He knows exactly what she was going through and despite being in pain; he feels drawn to help this woman. His men were her problem.. "Hey ... listen up! As faces of the American military you all will have to behave accordingly and allow these nurses to do their jobs without any problems, do I make myself clear?" He shouts, in pain though, never loses the firmness in his voice..

Within seconds his men responded respectfully and silence finally filled the air, making Evelyn clear her previously clogged throat. Proceeding back to the man. And once she finishes, she informs the man his assigned nurse would be coming for him in no time, and attempts to leave before feeling a small pull to her arm..."I apologize for my behavior earlier.-" He apologizes.

"Oh please. You're okay. No one thinks clearly when they're in pain anyway. Although I will say this ... I have no idea how they are allowing you to run things over there Mr. Sergeant, but this is my facility and I could only hope this lets you know how to sort out your words with me next time.." She partially jokes with him, while placing all of her materials back in its rightful place on the cart she skillfully managed to bring along with her.

"Well, I know that's right." He agrees with a charming smirk following behind. Not only because he was holding himself accountable for his wrongdoing, though also because he adored a confident woman who as well had the ability to make him smile since he barely ever did so. This she was.

The two individuals lock eyes with another for seconds before the awkwardness in her soared out and forced her to look downwards.. A small cough behind her tore her pupils from the ground and landed on the man's assigned nurse in which came much quicker than she expected. Evelyn then suppresses her smile and due to the way heat well-nigh rose from her cheeks, the man could tell this woman was fond of him. Only as much as he was with her..

"I'll leave you guys to it then. I really do hope you have a speedy recovery sir." She speaks as she shakes his hand. Allowing the corners of her lips to curl up into a memorable smile. Which makes him beam from ear to ear as well. The young woman was gorgeous. The man inwardly thinks as he releases her soft hand and eyes her strut off into the frenzy of nurses until he could no longer do so..

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