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This has to be one of the most horrible times for Evelyn as she sobs on the lap of her friend of seven years, (Asia). She cries as if her body was being run over a thousand times. Her cry was so intense, even Asia began to feel a few tears in the brim of her eyes.

Evelyn feels hopeless and petrified about her disorder. Some people would think she was overreacting or plain out being a baby, though she's never been through anything like this. She was lucky her whole life and had never been through anything traumatic up until this moment. So she feels trapped in a cage. Like this would follow her around for a lifetime.

She couldn't even bring herself to inform anyone she was home besides Marlena. She only told Marlena because they were the closest and because she wanted to see if Marlena would put in a word for her as far as dancing goes... Evelyn wants to feel as if she has some kind of control over her life so hopefully dancing could help her life move in a direction...

"Please stop crying. How about we go on YouTube and look at bunnies?" Asia says, gently brushing her hair from her face prior to grabbing the remote control.

"Asia no..." She mumbles, before hearing their doorbell echo throughout the apartment.

Asia releases a sigh and sits up. Peeking through the nearest window, she sees Evelyn's mother, (Angelica) and her older sister, (Marlena). "It's your mother and sister. You told them you were back home?"

"My sister... yes. My mother... no. Poor Marlena. She probably was guilt tripped into telling her..."

"Hm. Well we're not obligated to let her in you know. Only Marlena..." She replies.

Evelyn shakes her head, "You know my mother is nothing to play around with when angered... just let them both come up."

"Okay..." Asia murmurs before buzzing them up and once they come in, they don't even bother to greet Asia. Per usual. Asia thinks to herself as she leaves them be.

"Why are you even living with her when you know how she is...? Something's off with her... I think she's- you know what never mind. Just come stay with your father and I until you find the home you like." Her mother says.

"Mommy if I said it once, I said this a million times. Neither one of us mind living together. And she isn't gay either, and it wouldn't matter to me if she was... Please stop bringing that up."

Evelyn and Asia knew each other since the beginning of time so they were automatically closer than ever, and staying together was beneficial on both ends of the stick. She was literally sitting on a gold mine due to how much money she had saved up over time, but she wanted to find her dream home, so in lieu of wasting hard earned money on hotels, she stays with Asia for a lesser price.

Neither of them were in any rush to purchase homes anyway. Ascribable to them enjoying each other's company immensely. "You wouldn't care? Have you been reading your bible these days? Because the things that are coming out of your mouth are...-"

"We have more important things to discuss." Marlena buds in.

"Mhm... yeah I guess we do. Like you coming back home and not telling any of us. Honey why didn't you tell us about your diagnosis? I could've brung you back home myself.-" Angelica adds.

"Mom, mom... mom! I really appreciate everything you do for me, but this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you. I want to deal with this on my own and if I wanted to tell you... I would've. Actually how did you even know?"

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