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Preliminary to Christmas, Evelyn quailed going to the doctor. Though due to her thoughts weighing heavy on her conscience, she decided to go anyway and sadly her frightening theory was true. She had been officially diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.

So now she was packing. Along with the help of Briana who happens to be way more distraught than Evelyn was. During the few years the women have known each other, Evelyn kind of became like a little sister to her, maybe even best friends. So it deeply hurt that it was coming to such an ending for now.

Briana wants to at least know how she truly was feeling regarding everything since this was her first time ever hearing about this ' disorder ' situation. She never was aware, because Evelyn never informed her of her worries. She was glad she did now though. Better late than never, I guess. Briana thinks, locking one of Evelyn's suitcases.

As they move in silence, rain beats on the roof like a madman. The prime reason as to why there was silence was because all of the women were taking showers. And it was a good time to pack because they didn't want to hear Nina's remarks or views on things.

So they deemed themselves lucky, though their luck quickly ran on e when Nina appears. "How come you two didn't shower with everyone else? Think you too good now or something?" Nina says, slipping off her sandals and grabbing her shea butter off her bed.

"Anyway.." Evelyn trails off, ignoring her like Briana seemed to be doing as well.

Nina rolls her eyes before landing her eyes on Briana. Always up under her.. Nina madly thinks. "I'm so sick of you defending and being up under this bitch all of the time. Did you forget how to be down or something? We don't even hang anymore.."

Evelyn raises her eyebrows. "Excuse me?" 

Briana buds in, "I wonder why.. It's not about being ' down ' .. It's about right and wrong. You and those whores been pouncing on this girl ever since she came in the service. You say you respect her, but I haven't been seeing much of that. From you or those other bitches. She puts her pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us so there's no reason to treat her as a misfit. You're just jealous and bitter and if you're doing it to her, you'll do it to me in due time. And I'm not dealing with it! She's my sister and around these times you've been plucking my last nerve so you can keep your definition of ' down ' and shove it up where the sun don't shine okay? Grow up... Don't you get tired of pulling other women down to lift yourself up? I would be.. A sad life you live."

"Oh you think you got me so pegged huh? Well fuck you Briana, I hope she's worth losing me over."

"She is." Briana nonchalantly replies, turning back around to help with her remaining suitcases.

"Bitch." Evelyn murmurs under her breath, making them both smile to themselves since she never curses.

Nina hears them, but she couldn't even be angry. She was tired...

So instead of making herself look even more miserable, she continues to get dressed for bed. While having to soak in her desolation and reflect on losing a good friend because of her own antics she's pulled her entire life. She has a lot of self reflecting to do and for her to barely notice now made her realize, she had a long way to go...

Soon there was a small knock on the door. "Evelyn honey.. Mrs. Anderson would like to see you now." One of the many staff members announces.

"I'll be back." Evelyn mumbles as she follows the woman out the door.

Once she walks in and sits in front of Mrs. Anderson she weirdly looks around.  Wondering what else could be said... Her fate was already determined. "How you holding up, darling?" She genuinely questions.

"I'm okay..."

"Hm okay. That's good. Well answer me this... Any plans?"

"Treatment of course.-"

"No really... Like after treatment and all..,"

"Mrs. Anderson.-"

"Please.. call me Kim you're like a daughter to me." She prefers.

"..Kim. I have a really good friend I stay with back home. So I'm okay regarding my living situation. But if you're speaking on real life opportunities... I can't really say. I don't think I'll find anything." She says, lifelessly shrugging her shoulders.

She was losing hope, this was all she knew for years and now it was being ripped from the palm of her hands. This seemed like she was going back to square one.

" Baby it's not the end of the world. You're young. Only twenty one too. Do you know how many people would die to be your age again? Your whole life is ahead of you. You will find something you like. I  promise you this. I know you like to dance..."

She perks up, "How do you know that?

"I'm the head nurse. Practically the head of everything. I knows things. Those hussies may haven't liked you, but they sure could never say you didn't know how to move. You used to dance your way through everything. We all saw you when you thought we weren't looking. You can move child! You need to do something with your gift. All you need is connections. That's how everyone gets famous... Don't you have Marlena Jackson as a sister? Use her connections."

"Well dang.. you seem to know about everything don't you?" Evelyn shockingly asks.

Marlena was her sister and just happened to be a well known singer. She was proud of her sister nonetheless and wasn't ashamed of her, but she wanted Marlena being her sister to be a secret from everyone she worked with. (With the exception of Briana) because she didn't want any of the women treating her any differently than they have been only because her sister was famous. And she did a good job hiding it so she was confused as to how she figured.

"You do know all of the letters have to go through me right? You and Marlena send letters back and forth all of the time and no I didn't open your mail. I recognized the address. She lives in Los Angeles and I remember driving by her mansion with tourists. They said it was her home. Besides the resemblance you two share is uncanny."


"Oh? Marlena Jackson is your sister. She has connections, use them, and be a dancer so I can tell everyone back home I knew you when I see you on TV. You can be a star. So you should really ask her.."

"I guess.. I'm not sure.. I mean I'm sure being connected to her would be like the yellow brick road to overnight success, but she can only get me through the door. Everything else after that is up to me and I don't wanna have an unbalanced career. Especially since I know people care very little about dancers nowadays. The chances are slim to none for me to be international. I won't set myself up for failure. Plus it isn't what my parents want me to do. I can't pursue dancing, I'll be letting them down if I do.-"

"Anything can happen and if anything.. I know you can be international. You have the quality.  You sew your soul into your dancing. Any dancer who isn't cared for is because they don't do that... You'll be known. Not because you're Marlena's sister or connected to any one famous. Only because of your talents okay? I also know your parents are very religious, but if Marlena can be a singer, you can be a dancer. Don't let them hinder you. They're your parents and you should listen to them, but when it comes to your career don't because when you're on that stage, it's only going to be you up there working. Ask Marlena and see if she can help you.. I'm serious. Good things come to those who wait, but not to those who wait too long. Dance while you still can. Everyone will be proud of you. Even your parents and if not.. they'll come around soon enough. You're their daughter." She encourages, placing her hand on top of hers.

"Okay.." Was Evelyn said as she deeply thinks..

Evelyn wasn't completely over her diagnosis and knows it was going to take time before she can even have the chance to dance, but everything happens for a reason. She had to believe this in order to move forward in the next stage of her life...

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