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The evening speedily arrives. Today would be her solidified introduction into the world. She was more highly strung than anything, but she was trying to be a brave woman.

As of now, they were in London, on their way to the Wembley Stadium. Candidly, no one in a million years would think this would be the first place he would decide to kick off such a mega tour because he would usually begin in places he lived in, which was either New York or Los Angeles.  

Chaz always toured in the US overall because the US loved him, but over the time that has flown by.. Evelyn has taught him to be more of a universal performer so he was starting off in the UK.

Usually many artists loved to perform in the UK in lieu of US because UK showed more love and possessed more hopelessly devotion than US, though with Chaz he received equal love from both. All over the world to be technical so he was planning to travel everywhere this time around.

They have fifty tour dates so it was going to be a long voyage of travel and discovery. She believes she was ready and so was everyone else. They were happy...

Of course up until Chaz fly's off the handle.. "   God damn! What is that smell? Smell like someone ate a handful of dead maggots..    "

All the women become offended and pause, continuously saying they knew how to keep up with themselves, with the exception of Evelyn of course. She knows she was okay. "Somebody's lying and it damn sure isn't my nose.." Chaz adds, flaring his nostrils to peg which of the women the smell was coming from.

Chaz continues to do this before his nose leads him to.. Soraya. "   Soraya don't you know how to keep up with yourself? I never had to tell you no shit like this before.    "

Soraya shakes with embarrassment as all the women's ears flap to see if Soraya would talk back to her boss..

       Soraya was fueled with anger... She knows how to keep up with herself and was the cleanest person she knew but before even making their way to their venue, they had tons of promotion
     stops to do and so on. They were all over the place all day so of course she wouldn't smell too pleasant and it didn't help that she naturally sweated more easily than all the others. She couldn't help this.. it was out of her control.

"Of course you never had to because I'm always clean but your promotion and PR has us running around like chickens all day.. of course I'm not gonna smell like flowers. I'm human Chaz.. if its such a problem I can go shower back at the hotel and come right back." Soraya responds.

"Well you go do that then, but get your outfits from the rack before you go back so you won't waste any more time than your funky ass is going to already."

Soraya scoffs and crosses her arms..

"You hear me woman? I want your funky ass already dressed by the time I see you again.-"

"Okay Chaz I heard you!-"

"Well then you answer when I speak.."

Choosing not to anger her boss any further, Soraya only looks out the window and chews the inside of her lip to escape crying. Soraya didn't want him to see her cry because knowing Chaz, he'd only view her as weak and weak was the last thing she wanted to be viewed as by Chaz.

Once you were defined as weak by Chaz, you were his laughing stock..

Evelyn feels bad for Soraya and wants to console her though when Chaz tells her to come near him and open the top window to air the smell out, she does as told. As she stands on the seat to slide the top window back, Chaz keeps a hold on her waist and once she pops the window back, she sits by him and takes his jacket he was offering to her since he didn't want her to freeze.

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