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Evelyn finds herself declining Lakeith's calls as she lies in bed. After all that has ensued, her emotions were everywhere. She shut down and even though she shouldn't have been ignoring him, she does anyway.

She wasn't planning on ignoring him for this long because she believed the feeling she was feeling was going to soon pass. But the feeling was still there.

"Are you still ignoring the mans calls? I understand that you are not feeling good right now, but don't make him suffer for it. I know he's really worried about you." Marlena speaks as she sits by a concerned Asia who observes her dear friend with compassion, due to her tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

"Leave me alone, Marlena."

"Evelyn please she's right, you know? I mean I don't know him that well because I'm only now becoming aware of this ' friendship '. But I think you're taking his strong liking for you for granted." Asia agrees.

"Ugh you too? Shut up!" She smacks her teeth, angrily pulling the silk covers further over her head.

Asia shakes her head, "Okay.. Marlena you better deal with her attitude she has because I'm obviously not getting through that big ole' head of hers."

"I'm not dealing with it either. Get up and call the man, we have plans today or do you even care? Or do you even remember? We are supposed to be going to the carnival he was nice enough to pay for. He paid for all of us to go. And of all days to throw a tantrum you pick this one? Quit being selfish and get up!" Marlena chastises, yanking the covers off her body.

"Quit it! Leave me be."

"You are so entitled and sheltered! As soon as you feel as if you have no control over the things that goes on around you, you run away. It's unhealthy and isn't going to help you in anyway. All you're going to do is be at a stand still. I know how you feel regarding mommy and daddy but I don't know why you keep letting them back in your life like somethings going to finally change. They are the kind of parents you just need to be estranged from." Marlena adds, hoping she opened her sister's eyes.

Though all she does is remain in silence. Asia and Marlena then sighs in agitation. Such a baby. They both think to themselves.

They may have believed she was being selfish and maybe she was, but she was embarrassed of her parents behavior and how they gave her an ultimatum in front of everyone. Maybe she shouldn't have downplayed her feelings and should've told him how sad she really felt. Though she couldn't because all she feels for herself is.. self pity.

However she knew one person who could get her out of her funk. Grandma Noonie. "I wanna see Grandma Noonie." She randomly says hopping off her bed.

"Um girl did you hear anything I said?" Marlena questions, watching her walk towards her closet.

"I heard you Marlena, but I said I wanna see Grandma Noonie."

"We have to get ready for the carnival Evelyn. Damn. I' am not understanding as to why you're playing around like it's a joke." Marlena spats as Asia leaves to go wait in the car, not wanting to see them bicker anymore since they're usually so loving towards one another.

"What makes you think we're still going? Why are you going so hard for him anyway? You know nothing about us. You weren't even there."

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