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Time passes as the two siblings relax in the living room of their parents' home. Boredom surrounds them during the exhausting wait for their parents to come back from grocery shopping for Christmas dinner.

They were already displeased it was taking this long, though then again it was a holiday so it was to be expected. Plus, they were the kind of parents that waits last minute to get everything for nearly every occasion.

Marlena glances at her sister who was lying upside down on the couch and fiddling with her manicured nails. "This is boring. If they were going to take this long, I could've stayed at my house." Marlena says, looking over her face through the reflection of her phone.

"You're telling me..." Evelyn replies, dangling her feet off the couch.

"Come on and let's take some pictures. We need to do something to pass time."

"Don't really see how it's going to make much of a difference..." Evelyn says though sits up anyway and makes her way to Marlena's lap for a good angle since the couch has limited space.

Once they both find a good pose, Marlena snaps several pictures. As soon as they finish, the sound of footsteps coming near made them immediately switch back to their original spots. Knowing it was their grandmother.

She then walks in and purses her lips up at them. "I already know y'all were taking y'all little pictures. Don't try to be coy now. All I know is y'all better go upstairs and make it seem like you're doing something productive. Cause you know they're gonna have something to say about every little thing when they get back." She says, making them snicker as they get up to do as advised.

Marlena and Evelyn's grandmother on their mothers side, (Noonie) was the siblings most favorable person to be around out of everyone in their family. Grandma Noonie wasn't as strict as their parents were.

She allowed them to do many things their parents wouldn't even think twice about letting them do. And due to them being raised as Christians, they were expected to be squeaky clean. She knew it stressed the girls out so she always tried destress them whenever they were in her presence.

Noonie believed they had to make mistakes in order to learn. They were young so they weren't always going to be perfect. No one was.

So to her, it was better to allow them to do what they desired and learn on their own. Of course they would be guided as young women, though the more family pulls, the more Marlena and Evelyn would pull back. It's more convenient to leave them be and trust they had a good head on their shoulders and knew what they were doing in this thing called life.

All one can do is guide their children the best way they can, and then let them fly.. They would find their way back around every once and a while..

During the time span of an hour, Marlena and Evelyn clean every bedroom and set up the dining table. Once they were done, they decided to relax in their parents room and watch TV since it was the biggest one in the house.

Chuckling at a corny joke, Marlena directs her surveillance on Evelyn's phone that repeatedly chimes...

"Your phone keeps going off. You want me to like.. get it for you?-" Marlena asks, turning her nose up.

"Nope." She replies, quickly grabbing her phone to respond to Lakeith (who she has been speaking to all day).

"Okay... Anyway can you take a full body picture of me?"

"So timers just don't exist anymore?" Evelyn questions in an irritable tone.

"They do.. I asked you though." Marlena retorts.

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