Part 12

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Jungkook walked down the steps until he reached the end of them. Holding onto the railing he carefully stepped his foot on the floor and shined the flashlight's light around to see if he spots anything.

"What is that?" Jungkook looks to find a wall and a door next to it, he tries the doorknob thinking that it would let him in as he turned it fast. The doorknob didn't budge and he huffed out loudly in frustration.

"Then why is it here? There has to be something in there." Jungkook glances at his left seeing a small hole that was next to his view and stared at it for awhile wanting to see through it. He slides over and looks at the hole then couches a little to see clear through the hole. What he saw was an arm sticking out of what looked like a bathtub, the hand looked pale and lifeless just hanging there then Jungkook yelled out in shock now putting the pieces together in his head that it had to be Jiseong's body in there.

"The hell?! Jiseong!" Jungkook cried out and went over to the door trying the doorknob again. He heard a loud scream of his name, recognizing it was Taehyung's voice and he shined the light at the stairs before using his speed to run up them to see what was going on and where Taehyung was.

"Taehyung?!" Jungkook screamed and tried to follow the sounds in the house to lead him to where Taehyung was. He then ran down a long hallway and stopped seeing Taehyung on the floor crawling back into a corner as the killer stalked him with a sinister posture and holding a knife into their hand that was already covered in blood. Jungkook knew Taehyung was hurt and he had to act fast before Taehyung got hurt again. The younger male tried to peer into the dark and seen a crowbar just sitting feet away from him, he grabbed it and crept behind the killer slowly making sure his movements weren't heard and when he got close enough he took the crowbar and raised it to the back of the killer's head hitting hard causing them to topple over and fall to the floor with a groan of pain afterward signaling they were hurt.

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