Chapter 10

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~~~~~~ I wish I could ignore you like you ignore me~~~~~~~~~

Y/N's POV:

After that incident at my office, he stopped contacting me. Its been a month. He never message me or talk anything about the collaboration that he wanted so much. Its better this way. I'd rather let him see me as a monster. As a heartless person who only knows what she wants. Because letting people know my past hurts me even more; they will look at me with those pity eyes, making me feel weak. So I'd rather hide my past. 

"My sister is thinking about something else," Hoseok cooed beside me.

He arrived to Seoul two weeks ago, and surprised me with his presence yesterday. He was busy getting an apartment and a car to live here for awhile. I was happy to see him, but sad at the same time. I don't want him to know about my father's situation, Hoseok will force me to see him.

"I'm thinking about work," I somehow lied.

", always work," he rolled his eyes.

"Hoseok, you don't understand. Ever since my-"

"It's okay, I know," he cuts me off and then chuckled at my serious face. He always love messing around with me. 

"Hoseok, do you want to follow me to the SUGA fashion show tomorrow?" I asked him, knowing that he will gladly follow me. He's a big fan of Yoongi. Sometimes he would never stop talking about how the fashion show inspire him to wear better clothes and how it changes his fashion taste. 

"Is that what my sister wants?" he asked me childishly, and I just smile.

"Yea and I'm pretty sure you want to go there too. So quit the act and just say yes." I playfully rolled my eyes and nudged him. 

 I remembered the time we used to play together as a child. He would pretend like he never wants anything while I know he's dying to get whatever I have or have to offer. We weren't that close before. We were just cousins. But ever since I lost my brother, Hoseok became a real brother that I relied on the most. 

"Then, I'll accompany you to the fashion show! Seriously you need to get a boyfriend by now. Its so depressing to see you alone, attending fashion shows and those popular events related to your work. You don't go to parties to meet new people either. Sis, you can't keep doing that." He softly complained. He knows that relationships are never on my bucket list. And he desperately want me to be in one. 

"I know I know, but I don't need a boyfriend or any man in my life. I can deal with everything myself. And what's so bad about being alone? I've been living like this all my life." I shrugged as Hoseok shook his head in disapproval. 

"Mia told me that some guy name Kim Taehyung has a great interest in you, he asked for your number the other day," Hoseok raised his brows up and down teasingly.

Now that explains why he has my number. He bullied my secretary. 

"Pfft, he's a playboy. One time, he flirted with a girl from a model agency so that he can get the top popular models for his company. After that, he left her. Can you believe that?" I ask him in disbelief but Hoseok just shrugged like he doesn't care.

"Well actually yea. He has the looks of the model and is rich, so probably every girl he flirted might want him back." 

"I don't care. He's just a stubborn dude who wants to mind other people's business," I rolled my eyes. 

"Why?What happened?" Hoseok asked me with a serious face. This time, I can't joke around anymore. I have to tell him the truth. 

 Should I tell him about my father?

"Nothing, just business stuff." I nonchalantly told him as I grab my phone and start avoiding my brother. 

"Okay then I'll see you tomorrow at the show. SUGA fashion show right?" he asked me.

I nodded and waved him as he left. 

THE NEXT DAY......... (time skipped cuz I'm lazy lol)

I entered the huge building that was labeled "SUGA" with bold letters.

Hoseok take my hands to hook it around his arms. "Ready little sis??" he asked me with his sunshine smile.

"Yea," I exhaled my breath that I didn't know I was holding. I'm nervous but I don't know why. Is that because I'm going to meet Taehyung after the fight at my office? Why would I be nervous to meet him?

"You look great." Hoseok complimented me, distracting my thoughts and comforting me.

"You too," I complimented back. 

As I scanned around the big room, I saw many people dressed up in elegant gowns, taking colorful champaigns from the waiters.

These were all the CEOs of the big fashion industries, and some of them are even better than me in controlling their industries. But of course, whatever we do, there will always be people that are better than us. 

Then all of the sudden, I saw him. The guy who has been ignoring these past days. He was wearing a dark purple suit with sunglasses on the sides, looking like a god damn model. (Picture above). And somehow, it irritated me. My nervousness was washed away with irritation and confusion. Is it my fault that I treat my father like this? And it wasn't his business to start with.

I was expecting some kind of flirty words or a welcoming smile from him as usual since he is the main sponsor of this event. But he gave me nothing. No words, no smile, not even a glance. He literally ignored me.

Hoseok is right, he does have a handsome face and a strong body structure. I didn't notice his admirable features till now, only when he was ignoring me.

"Can't seem to take your eyes off of him," Hoseok cooed as I remember Hoseok's presence around me again. He was looking at me checking Taehyung out. 

"Wha..I wasn't looking at him," I scoffed.


HOST YOONGI: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SUGA fashion show. You will be seeing elegant fashion designs from many talented fashion industries. And I hope you will enjoy the show. thank you for coming. 

I took a seat on the chair that has my name on it which is in the VIP row. Hoseok sat beside me too, as my guest.

But the guy who has been ignoring me, sits in front of me. With the runway between us. You know the feeling when someone has been annoying you and suddenly stopped? You can't just adapt the changes quickly, you feel something. Wanting to know the underlying reason why the person suddenly stop. But in my case, its because of my father. Its not his business to talk about my family anyways. 

And he still keeps ignoring me. It's better this way. 

HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr.Kim Taehyung, the main sponsor of today's SUGA fashion show. 

Everybody started clapping as he took slow strides to the stage. He smiles at everyone and started his welcoming speech.

How annoying, pfft.


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