Chapter 19

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~~~~~Different people get different things out of the images. It doesn't matter what it's about, all that matter is how it makes you feel~~~~~

Y/N's POV: 

Entering the party with a red dress is not a good choice; the color caught the attention of many people as they started gazing at my direction. I keep telling myself that they are looking at Jungkook because he's new here. But those people might be looking at me too since I don't usually go to parties. Wrapping my hands around Junkook's strong arm makes the situation worse. 

"Let's find your father," I turned around to face Jungkook. He was admiring the decoration of the elegant party and failed to hear me. 

As I was about to talk, a man interrupted us. "There you are! My son and my favorite girl!" The man smiled at us. He has aged during these years as wrinkle started to appear under his eyes. 

"Mr. Jeon, its nice seeing you again," I smiled and gave him a warm hug. Remembering those times where he encouraged me to continue working. He was very encouraging and wise; he paved my way of becoming a successful CEO. 

Jungkook softly shook his father hand and smiled warmly, "I'm excited about tonight," he quietly squealed like a child. 

"Let me introduce you to some of these people, son." Mr.Jeon dragged his son across the ball room and stopped at Min Yoongi's table. 

Min Yoongi is one of the most important people in our industry, and he never stays in one place. He is always traveling to places around the world and collecting models like pokemons. He also find places to set his shows in each country that suits his taste. 

I stayed back while Mr.Jeon introduced Jungkook to Min Yoongi. Everyone at the table was surprised to see Jungkook as they have never seen him before. I quickly left the place to get myself a drink. 

"I see, your boyfriend is Mr. Jeon's son." A deep voice exclaimed as I turned around to meet his brown eyes. 

"He's not my boyfriend," I told him expressionlessly, wondering about his sudden appearance. He's been ignoring me for days. 

"He's not?" The man raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised by my answer. 

"What do you want Taehyung?" I asked him straightforwardly, knowing that there is always a purpose behind his conversation. 

"Nothing. I'm just here to talk to my friend," he smile awkwardly, feeling the awkward tension between us. 

"Friend? Last time I check, you left me and ignored me."

"No I didn't....I was busy," he chuckled softly. By looking into his eyes, I know he's lying. But I don't actually care about his absence, I don't need him anyways. 

"If you'll excuse me, I have to be somewhere right now." I excused myself, searching for Jungkook. 

Kim Namjoon's POV: 

Staring at the two CEOs having an awkward conversation from a far entertains me. Taehyung couldn't stop looking at the red dress that compliments Ms. Y/N's body. After all, he is a playboy and he has his own instincts.  

They haven't been talking for a while now. And the underlying reason is because of Taehyung. He told me last night about her. And I thought he was jealous at first, but more likely to be sensitive. 


"You've been ignoring Ms. Y/N. I guess you are finally listening to me." I told Taehyung as I was surprised that he listened to my warnings. 

"It's not because of you, hyung," he told me as he sighed, running his fingers through his messy hair. 

"Huh? Then why?" I asked him while pouring him some more wine. 

"I thought Y/N was different from all the girls I've met. She's very distant and does not like intimate relationship. I couldn't get into her mind from the start. So I was pretty interested in her. But when I saw her in another man's arms, everything changed," he told me as he slowly took a sip of his wine. 

End of Flashback.....

Seems like he does not care whether she was in another man's arm anymore. He can't keep himself away from her. She is an interesting prey for him and I know this boy will do anything to get her. And the sad thing is that I can't control him either. 

Jeon Jungkook's POV: 

After smiling and introducing to many CEOs and models, I started to get tired. I searched for Y/N, but she is nowhere to be found. 

As I was walking toward the food court, I saw a familiar girl. It was her face that looks similar to someone I knew. 

"Baek Areum?" I asked her, wanting to know whether the lady was really her. 

"Jungkook?" The girl quickly turned around and rushed towards me. 

I was jungshooked. This can't be happening!! She can't be here. Y/N is here and she will kill both of us if she found us out. 

I quickly dragged her out of the building as she started yelling in pain. 

"What are you doing Jungkook?!" She shouted at me, but I ignored her. 

I let go of her wrist as soon as we arrived at the parking lot. 

"You shouldn't be here, Areum. Go back home," I demanded while my eyes search for the presence of Y/N. 

"But I wanted to see I came here," she drunkenly whined. 

"Now you see me, so go back home." I told her, wishing that she would really listen to me. 

"Jungkook, I missed you," she slowly told me as she wrapped her arms around my biceps, clinging onto me. 

"Stop doing this! Let go of me and leave before Y/N see us," I demanded once again. 

"I don't care about her! She's the one who broke our friendship," she whined again. 

"No. You were the one who broke our friendship. You shouldn't stab Y/N's back from the start," I told her while rolling my eyes at her lies. 

"I'm sorry, and I really do regret about it. But its too late. She won't forgive me. She's too stubborn, Kook," she called me by my childhood name.

"Don't call me that. And how could you expect her to forgive you after all you did to her?!" I asked her with anger, not being able to believe her words. 

"Jungkook, don't yell at me. I have no one else but you. Living as an orphan has been hard for me and you know that. So please don't leave me again." She started crying while wrapping her arms around my waist and pull me into a tight hug. 

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice called me from the entrance as I turn around to see a familiar figure. 


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