Chapter 21

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~~~~~~~"As soon as I see someone getting close to you, I get Jealous"~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/N's POV:

Taking a stroll with Taehyung in this small orphanage is surprisingly nice. Its been a long time since I enjoy the nature and such beautiful scenery like this. 

The two little girls run around the small playground and left us alone. 

"They're so cute," I told Taehyung as my eyes never left their small little figures. 

"Cutest creatures in the world. You should've seen them as babies, they were so adorable and tiny," he giggled as he reminisces the past. 

"So you've been with them since they were born?" I asked him, slightly surprised by the fact that he has been with them for quite long. 

"I came here often after my dad passed away. I can relate to these children's lives. They don't have their parents around them. They don't have the two people that can guide them and show them the world outside." He sighed as he stared at the sky. 

"I understand," I quietly murmured as I remembered the moment my mother ran away, leaving me alone. 

We sat at the nearest bench and stayed quiet for a long time. Both of us enjoying the quietness and each other's company. 

Suddenly my phone rang and a message popped up. 


"Sorry for leaving you last night. I was busy meeting new people that I forgot to be with you"

My best friend apologized for his absence last night. He doesn't have to actually apologize. He's going to be a CEO and he will be busy as usual. 

"What's going on with you and that dude?" Taehyung asked me, distracting my thoughts. 

"None of your bussiness," I told him and suddenly realized that my reply came out rude. 

"Okay," he answered back and turn his head to look at the two little girls playing. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized as he turn around to look at me, slightly surprised. "He's my best friend and the person I rely on the most."

"Hmm...are you two dating?" he asked me, minding my business again. 

"No. I don't think he thinks of me in that way. After all, I'm his childhood friend," I shrugged. 

"Do you see him as someone else more than your best friend?" He asked me as he scoots closer to me. 

His question stuck in my mind as I thought about my feelings. How do I feel? Jeon Jungkook has changed and has become a hot mess. And I used to have a crush on him. Did my stupid crush turn into something more? can't be. I don't like Jungkook. Not in that way. 

"Hello? Earth to Y/N," Taehyung waved his large hands in front of me and smile. 

"I..I have to go," I quickly got up to leave, feeling uncomfortable about this sudden topic. "Its very nice of you to show me around Mr.Kim," I addressed him by his sir name, wanting to build the professional ground between us. 

"Mr.Kim? Really?" He asked me as he raised his left eyebrow in disbelief. 

"I-I have a meeting in next ten minutes," I lied as I left him on the bench. 

Third Person POV: 

As Y/N quickly rushed out the small little garden, Taehyung chuckled while looking at her figure slowly fade away. He couldn't help but smile as he recalled her being flustered. But his smile suddenly turn into an upsetting frown as he realized that he's not the one who made her flushed red. He realized that this was his first time having this foreign feeling. And he still cannot identify what the feeling is.

"There you are," Namjoon slowly walk towards Taehyung holding a small baby boy. 

Taehyung remembered the time when Namjoon told him that he wants to be a father. And seeing Namjoon holding the small little boy in his arms make Taehyung believe that Namjoon would be a great father. 

"Hyung, you should adopt one," Taehyung suggested as he give Namjoon a small smile. 

"I'm too busy with my work. I won't have the time to take care of the baby," he sighed as he pull the small baby closer to him. 

"You will be a great father for sure," Taehyung lightly chuckled as he try to forget the foreign feeling he got earlier.

"Something is wrong Taehyung. Tell me." Namjoon demanded as he took a seat beside Taehyung. 

Taehyung smile at Namjoon's concern face. They've known each other for a long time that they know when something this off. 

"I don't know hyung. I feel this weird feeling when Y/N was flustered by talking about her best friend," Taehyung told Namjoon as he was confused by his own words. 

"Weird feeling? Do you somehow wish that you are her best friend?" Namjoon asked and Taehyung quickly nodded. 

"Yea, something like that." 

"You were jealous." Namjoon chuckled lowly. "Finally, the playboy is getting jealous of another man. This is getting interesting."

"Thats not true, hyung. Why would I feel that way?"

"Tell me Taehyung. Do you perhaps like Y/N?" Namjoon questioned Taehyung. 

The younger boy's face turn into a crimson red and he shrugged. "I don't know."

"She's very different from the girls I had dated and played. She's so serious with her life and it somehow make her look hot. I thought she was playing hard to get, but she wasn't. Its just her past that made her this way. And I can somehow relate. But when I saw her in another man's arm on the other day, I started to have this weird feeling. Hyung..What if..." Taehyung suddenly realized his feelings. 

"What if?" Namjoon asked Taehyung, wanting to make sure that he's not assuming things on his own. 

"I think I like her. Ugh..this is so frustrating," Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. 

"Finally Kim Taehyung is crushing on someone." Namjoon laughed as he look at the frustrated young man beside him. "Its very ironic, you know?"

"What?" Taehyung asked, completely lost and confused. 

"The girl you end up liking is a person that is very distant and may have feelings for her best friend. Taehyung, this is kinda like karma. You broke million of girls' heart. And this one might break yours." Namjoon told Taehyung as he sighed. 

"You're right hyung. I should get over her. This is just a small tiny crush. Nothing can happen and will happen between us." 



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