Chapter 48

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~~~~~~~When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I miss you~~~~~

WARNING: SMUT AHEAD (Credits to  pjnkchxrry)

Y/N's POV:

"Can I call you daddy?" I ask him with my pleading doe eyes as he started choking on his own saliva. Is he drunk? or Am I drunk?

I look at his face turning into a deep crimson red while his Adam apple moves again. His surprised eyes bring this giggly feeling inside of me and I let out a small giggle.

"Daddy, can you pass me the bottle?" I make the baby grabby gesture and point it to the kitchen counter where the two empty cups are guarding the half empty bottle.

"Stop calling me that," he lowly growls as he grabs the bottle for me with his large hands.

"Call you what? I called you Daddy cause you sound like one," I give him my innocent smile as I take a small little gulp and let out a hiccup.

"Y/N. Please stop. You're very drunk right now and you will regret saying that tomorrow," he sighed as he try to grab the wine bottle from me but I took a step back until his body is leaning against mine. I still try to reach my arm out so he can't snatch the bottle from my hand.

But suddenly, I can feel something poking on my stomach. I quickly look at the area and saw a small tent forming out from his pants.

"What is that?" I ask him, pointing out the tent and look at him with innocent eyes. I was really curious.

"Nothing. Stop looking at it," he quickly say as his large hands cover his lower part. I was shook at his reflexes and try to pull his hands away.

"Seriously what is that? Can I touch it?" I ask him with a cute little pout, hoping that he will eventually let me touch it. I'm very curious.

"Y/N!! Stop this nonsense. You're going to regret this so much. I'm trying my best to control myself and you should too. You're so drunk that you are not even Y/N anymore." He frustratedly run his other hand through his hair and sighed.

"I think its getting bigger," I told him, still staring at his tent. What is he talking about? I am still Y/N.

He suddenly lifted me up bridal style and I gasp out of surprise. He open the bedroom door with force and place me on the bed. What is he doing?

"I won't do anything to you, Y/N. As much as I want to, I will hold myself because you're drunk and if I do it, it'll be like taking advantage of you." He told me as he turns back to leave but I grab his hands.

"Do what?" I ask him back scratching my head.

"See you tomorrow, Y/N" he slowly pull my hands away and shut his bedroom door.

As soon as he left the room, I sighed and cross my arms in front of my chest with a tiny pout. How can he leave me? How dare he? What is wrong with him?

Then all of the sudden, the word "Leave" reminds me of Jungkook. The one who left me for no reason and stay with another women. Am I not enough? Did he see me as weak? Am I just a broken girl that he always have to comfort? Did he get tired of me?

My vision becomes hazy and I can barely keep my head up, I lean back and sink into the soft white sheets trying to ease my headache. as I was closing my eyes I saw a figure in the doorway.

"W-who is i-it?" I stuttered fear rushed through my veins. My heart pounding inside me, but it calmed down after I saw the familiar face. jungkook. I gulped as he was eyeing me from head to toe, venom in his stare. I was confused as to why he was being so cold to me.

"Why did you call Taehyung daddy when I'm your daddy? huh? Do you think it's okay to be slutting around? you're my slut and mine only, not anyone else's and especially not that fucking Taehyung," his words laced with anger and dominance oozing from him.

I don't know why I'm getting turned on, ugh! Stupid hormones maybe it's because I'm still drunk? yeah may- my thoughts were cut out as Jungkook pinned me down onto the bed, his body hovered against mine.

We were so close that I could even feel his body heat. I stared up into his eyes, feeling small as he looked down at me. The disappointment was shone through his eyes, I couldn't help but whimper at the thought of him being disappointed in me.

So I trailed my hands down and unbuckled his belt. I flipped us over so that now I was on top and he was below me. I went down until I reached his raging boner. I pulled down his boxers as his member sprung out.

My mouth watering at the sight of his cock, the veins all in the right places, precum dripping down and the size of it made me go crazy. Not wasting any more time I started licking from the base to the top and after a few more licks I engulfed his member. tears coming out of my eyes as his cock was hitting the back of my throat, it burned but I loved the pain.

My jaw hurting but I didn't stop, wanting to hear more moans coming from Jungkook. Soon he cum down my throat and I tried to swallow it all but I couldn't so some cum dripped from the side oh my mouths.
Jungkook was panting heavily from his orgasm and I couldn't help but smirk him after seeing how much of a mess I made him. It made me feel powerful.

But all of the sudden, his face wasn't looking at mine. He was looking at a girl that came up beside me. Sitting with a fake smile on her face. She glance back at me with a dumb smirk and pull him towards her. I was surprise. Where did she come from?

And he started leaning on her and started smashing her lips. How about me? Am I really not enough for you, Jeon Jungkook? I try yelling at him but the words never come out. So I yank him away and jolt out of bed.

That's when I realize that I was dreaming. It was all an awful dream made out of my drunk state and the memories of him. I miss him too much and everything seems so real. I started crying as soon as I woke up.

Its like she took him away from me just like she took my friends away from me when we were young. Areum is a crazy ass bitch. I hate her so much. But he likes her.

I stood up from the bed and immediately realize that this isn't my room. Its someone elses
since the walls are surrounded by dark shades of brown and maroon.  I look around the room and squinted my eyes as the daylight hit me. I took a closer look at the window that has a note sticked on it. Who the hell sticks notes on windows? Of course that idiot.

I walk closer to my clear window to see his handwriting all over the page.

Y/N, you were so drunk last night. I just had to let you sleep on my bed. I swear I didn't sleep on the same bed. I swear I didn't do anything. I slept in the guest room last night. I cook some breakfast for you. I hope you like it.

PS: I didn't take any advantage of you although you ask me to. You are one horny girl when you're drunk.

- Your One and Only Kim Taehyung

I started to blush as I read the last sentences. How can he call me horny? I'm never horny.

I slowly walk downstair, praying that he's not home. And he actually isn't as the whole house was quiet and empty.

I saw a milk and some cereal in a bowl. So this is the breakfast? I scoffed as I remember the doctor telling me that Taehyung sucks at cooking.

I'm going to get him for this and calling me horny. I chuckled to myself as some memories of last night came into my mind. "Can I touch it?" What the hell was I saying? Touch what?

Ugh. I have to ask Taehyung about last night.


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