Chapter 22

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~People would tell their best friend about their crush. But in my case, my crush is my best friend~~~~

Y/N's POV:

I was thinking about Taehyung's words as I scrolled through my mails. Maybe he is right. I think I like Jungkook more than friends. I think.....I have a crush on him. 

My phone beeped and a small message popped up. 


'I need your help Y/N. Can you come meet me at my office?'

I don't know what to reply back. Should I reply with a simple 'ok'? Will it sound like I don't actually care to see him. Should I reply with 'sure'? Will it sound desperate? Ugh...I've never struggle this much before. 

Just as I was about to reply back, my phone rang. 

Y/N: Hello?

Jungkook: Hey! Did you see my message?

Thump Thump Thump (Heart beat lol)

Y/N: Y-yea..

Jungkook: oh good. Come and see me ok? I really need your help. I don't know anything about this industry (he chuckled)


Y/N:  Sure I'll come and see you later. I have some work to finish.

Jungkook: Ofcourse, my CEO must be busy. I'll see you later then. (he chuckled lightly)

Did he just say 'my CEO'? ugh.....Thump thump thump thump

Y/N: yea...see ya

I urged myself to hung up but he stopped me.

Jungkook: Wait Y/N! I forgot to tell you something. 

Y/N: What is it?

Jungkook: I've got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you.  (1D song lyric lol)

Don't play with me Jeon Jungkook! Dammit!

Y/N: What three little words?

Please don't say something cheesy. My heart will explode. 

Jungkook: Please Bring Food...

Y/N: huh?

What the hell? Is that what he wanted to tell me?

Jungkook: I'm hungry Y/N....bring some food ok? (he told me with an aegyo voice) 

Y/N: Nope...I don't have money

I told him and hang up as soon as possible.

What is he doing to me? Since when did he become so playful and childish. He's still a baby boy. I can't even believe that he's really my childhood friend. 


I knocked on Jungkook's office door as his secretary lead me to the room. 

I slowly open the door to reveal a handsome men leaning his head on his hand while tapping his pen consecutively. He bit his lips as he was lost in thoughts. I wonder what he was thinking. 

"May I come in CEO?" I jokingly asked him as he looked up towards me and nodded his head. 

"I've been waiting for you," he smiled at me as he stood up to hug me. 

His soft cologne lingering in the air as he approached towards me and slowly embrace me.

He keeps on hugging me without any warning. My little heart is going to explode soon. He will be the death of me. 

"Jungkook....let's get to work," I told him, trying to distract myself from checking him out. 

He wore a dark blue suit with his forehead exposing beautifully. He look hot as usual. And his sweaty hair stick on some part of his forehead. His clear skin glow even more in the day light as he smile to me. I wiped some sweat on his forehead with my handkerchief. 

"Why are you sweating a lot?" I asked him as he frowns. 

"The air conditioner does not work here. They'll fix it soon." He told me as he sighed. 

I look straight into his eyes and see that its not those usual brown orbs. Its dark blue. 

"Hey...are you wearing lenses?"

"Oh yea...Do I look better?" he asked me as his eyes glowed up like an anime character. 

"S-sure!" I stuttered, not wanting to be honest. 

"Look at me and tell me. Do I look good?" He leaned in and huskily whispered into my ear as he took the handkerchief from my hand. 

"Yes you do," I simply replied as I try to hide the loud heart beat that I can't stop. 

"That's right baby. I'm hot," he said as he chuckled at my reaction.

I was Jungshooked. I couldn't reply or even move. Did he just call me 'baby'? 

"Stop flirting with me idiot. People might think that we are dating," I told him as I hurriedly took a seat on the leather couch in his office. 

"Let them think whatever they want. I don't care," he shrugged and took a seat beside me. 


"Hmmm?" He slowly replied as he leaned his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed.

"I think I have a crush," I confessed honestly. I cannot hold it. I mean people usually talk about their crushes with their best friends. I want to do the same. 

"Crush? Are you still in kindergarten?" He asked me as I playfully punch his chest. Damn, he works out!

"I'm serious kook. I just happen to like this guy. And I don't know how to act around him," I told him. I can't believe I'm saying this to my crush. Dammit!

" is this lucky guy that you like?" he asked me as he switch his position to face me. 

"Not telling you!" I turned around to avoid his dark blue eyes.

"Come on! Who is it?? I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything," he whined as he cupped my cheeks in his hands so I could face him. 

"I'm not telling you..." I told him with my cheeks puffed out. 

"Don't tell me its Kim Taehyung...," he said while deeply looking into my eyes. He's serious. 

"It-its not him," I replied back. The fact that Jungkook assumes I like Taehyung surprises me.

"Don't lie Y/N. He was checking you out at the party. And he knows about the situation with your father. And besides....I heard he's the only guy you have problems with. So I'm assuming that the hate you have for him turns into love...," he trails off.

"No...its not him. Totally not him. Not him at all. I don't like his attitude. The way he play with girls. The way he annoys me. The way he wanted everything in his own way. I just don't like him at all."

"Then who else? Y/N.....stop playing around..Just tell me." He insisted me as he started playing with my hair. 



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