Chapter 62

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~~~~~~~ The drunk mind speaks sober heart~~~~~~~


A loud knock on Namjoon's door woke him up. Namjoon slowly walked towards his apartment room door to see a drunk Taehyung leaning against the wall. Namjoon sighed and glanced at the clock to read 1 am. He was disappointed in the younger men.

Taehyung pushed Namjoon slightly and went inside the apartment, swaying side to side like a baby as he walk toward the nearest couch. "Hyung...I'm sleeping here tonight," Taehyung slurred as he plopped down.

Namjoon didn't respond. He just ignored the younger men and attempted to go back inside his bedroom.

"Why? Am I not worth loving? Am I not capable of love? What the fuck is love???!!" Taehyung stressed as he messily run through his hair and sighed. He was drunk and Namjoon knew that Taehyung had already passed his drinking limits. The younger man no longer has a facade on, but he is now a see through glass.

"Taehyung, you should sleep. You have work tomorrow," Namjoon ignored the younger men's question about love because he doesn't know what love is either. But mostly, he knew Taehyung was never in love with any women. And it made him curious about Y/N to make Taehyung fall for her deeply.

"Screw work! I don't want to do work. I want to do Y/N," he giggled softly as he look at the picture of her in his phone. He quietly took a picture of her while she was asleep on his bed. He thought it was absolutely adorable and pleasing to his eyes.

But his soft giggles turn into a frown as he suddenly realized she's going to marry someone else. "Life is not fair. What does he have that I don't?" Taehyung pouted like a three-year old child.

Namjoon shook his head as he look at the childish behavior of Taehyung. He doesn't know how to help the younger man. He would usually encourage Taehyung to confess, but it's too late. Y/N has already decided to marry someone else and urging Taehyung to confess would just make the situation messed up.

"Just give up on her, Tae. Find someone else. There are many fishes in the sea," Namjoon shrugged. It was always to move on for Taehyung since he never develop any feelings toward his one-night stand. And right now, Namjoon sincerely wanted the old Taehyung back because seeing the young man in pain is new and unbearable.

"NO! I only want her. She's so cute and perfect to me. She rarely smiles and when she does, I feel like my heart is about to pump out of my chest. She doesn't like to talk much either, but when she does, her wisdom and caring gestures peaked out of her. I want to hold her in my arms everyday to tell her she's perfect and beautiful. I want to love herself as much as I do." Taehyung sighed with a small smile plastered on his face, reminiscing the moments he had spent with Y/N. He couldn't go back to his own mansion because everything reminds him of her. From the teacup to his bed, everything is screaming her name.

"You do realize that she's marrying someone else, Tae. You are only going to hurt yourself if you don't move on," Namjoon reasoned logically as he patted on the younger man's shoulder. Taehyung didn't budge at all. He was staring silently at Y/N's picture with a soft smile on his face.

"I'm going to confess," Taehyung bluntly spoke out his mind as Namjoon quickly shook his head.

"No, Taehyung. You know its not going to change anything. It's going to make things worse for the new couple," Namjoon tried stopping Taehyung but the younger man didn't listen.

Taehyung slowly placed his right hand on his chest, where his heart was beating. "But it hurts," Taehyung sniffed with his eyes closed. It hurts to let go of Y/N. He can't. He wanted her. Not in a sexual way like he used to feel, but in a way which he feel safe and comfortable around her. He needed her as his home.

"I know, Taehyung. But you just got to accept the reality. She loves him remember? They love each other, so don't get yourself involve and get hurt by them." Namjoon handed some tissues to the younger man who started to cry softly. Drunk Taehyung was soft and fragile. Every feeling that he feels can be seen when he's drunk. That's why, Taehyung never drink over his limits. But tonight, he just wanted to forget the pain.

"Does she actually never develop any feelings for me? Not even a slight bit? Sometimes I dream of her looking at me with loving eyes in my arms and I just wish I can live in my dreams forever. It's very funny because when I wake up, I was all alone on my bed." Taehyung started to cry as he remember all the sweet dream he had about Y/N. He knew he fell hard. And this is his first love, so it's hard to forget.

"Taehyung-ah. Stop thinking about her. Why don't you distract yourself with other things? Maybe find another fling. Or maybe launch another fashion line. I don't honestly know, but you've got to stop thinking about her," Namjoon sighed. He wish he can bring the old Taehyung back because at least the old Taehyung isn't broken like this. In fact, the old Taehyung didn't care about anything at all.

"I know I'm going to regret this. But I can't live like this anymore. I have to confess. I must confess." Taehyung suddenly sit up on the couch. He started dialing the number he's been staring at minutes ago.

"Taehyung stop!!" Namjoon tried to grab the phone out of Taehyung's hands, but it was too late.

"Hello?" The other line answer.

Taehyung was wasted. He couldn't think much or even say a suitable greeting. He just say something that he's been keeping in him for so long.

"I love you, Y/N."


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