Chapter 20

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~~~Your greatness is not what you have, its what you give~~~~~~

Jungkook's POV:

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" 

I turned around to meet my dad squinting his eyes to see the girl beside me. I quickly dragged her behind me, so he cannot see Areum.

"I'll come dad! I'm just talking to a friend," I told him as he went inside the building again. 

"Areum, you have to go now." I told the girl who used to be my childhood best friend. 

It was me, Y/N, and Areum. Three best friends that couldn't be separated. Until Areum spread the rumors about Y/N's dad harassing her. The rumor she spread was horrible, and people believed her. Areum was Y/N's neighbor during that time, so people probably think Areum was telling the truth. But I couldn't find the underlying reason why Areum did that. 

"Jungkook, I need you. I have no one around me. I'm lonely. And my health is getting worse," she started crying in my chest. 

"What health?" I asked her, surprised by her sudden confession.

NEXT DAY........

Y/N's POV:

Jungkook left me last night. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I left the party early. I gave Mr. Jeon his tux and excused myself before Taehyung find me again. 

"Miss, New Year is approaching in three days. So are you willing to donate three million dollars to the orphanage?? We do this every year, so I think it will be the best to do it this year too," Mia suggested.

Every year, Y/N Enterprise donate 3 million dollars to nearby orphanages so they could start their new year with enough amount of money. They can attend schools and buy their needs. 

"Lets donate 4 million dollars this year. I hope it will make them happy," I told Mia as she sweetly smile at my response. 

"I'm sure they will," she happily told me as she left the room. 

As I was preparing for the next meeting and searching through my Email, I saw one of the orphanages' mail. 

'Hello Ms. Choi Y/N, we are very thankful for your kindness every year. Your greatness is proved by what you gave us, and we would like to invite you to our New Year celebration. Our children will be performing this year, and I would like you to come and join us. Your presence is enough to make us happy.


I looked at the attached file underneath that contains the invitation. I was surprised to see that the celebration is today, and its going to start in an hour. 

I should at least go there after my meeting. I might be late but I should at least be there. 


I walked inside the small building fill with kids. They were laughing, playing , and some are even crying. I've never been to any orphanages, but I know life as an orphan is hard. Theres no parents to guide them. They don't get enough warmth of their parents as they were abandoned by them. 

"Hello," a little girl walked up to me and greeted me. Her soft voice flow into my ear as I started smiling at her. 

"Hey~" I softly replied back as I hold her soft little hand. 

She guided me toward the small reception, and three ladies welcomed me. 

"Hello Miss, are you here to meet any of the kids?" One of the lady asked me as she handed a form. 

" I came here for the ceremony and I know I'm late. Did I miss it?" 

"Sadly yes. It just ended ten minutes ago." The women gave me a small smile and return to work. 

The little girl looked up at me and smile. She started dragging me to the small playground and asked me to sit on the swing set. Everything here is small and I wish I could fix it. 

"Whats your name baby?" I asked the little girl. 

"My name is Nari and I'm this year old," she showed me her five fingers and I smiled at her. 

"My name is Y/N and I'm pretty old." I giggled as I see her confused face. 

"It's nice meeting you Nari," I told her and shake her small little hand. I don't know how to talk to kids. They are cute but I don't know how to interact with them. 

"Nari!" Another girl that is a little older than Nari called her. 

The little girl ran up to Nari and hugged her. I look at their cute interaction and smile at them. They make me happy. 

"This is my sister, Nana and she is this year old," Nari showed me seven fingers and I giggled at her cute little gesture. 

 "Its nice meeting you. You are so pretty," Nana told me and touched my cheeks. Her hands are so soft. 

"Nana, where are you?!" A person asked from behind me. 

I turned around to meet the last person I want to see: Kim Taehyung. 

His eyes trail from Nana to me as he opened his mouth in shock. Of course, who would expect someone like me to be here, interacting with kids. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked me as he lift Nana up in his arms. 

"They invited me to see their New Year celebration, but I missed it," I told him, avoiding his eye contact. I don't want him to see me as a heartless person who would miss the cute performances from the kids. 

"So you just came in to meet Nari?" He asked me. I was slightly surprised by his question. How did he know their names. Is he related to them? Or does he come here often?

"I just met her today. How about you? When did you know them?" I asked him back. 

"Since they were infants. I came here often to see the kids. They need warmth and someone to play with. So I came here when I'm free." He told me as he gave me a boxy smile. Somehow, his kind gesture warm my heart once again. He's more than a cocky flirty boy. 

"C'mon, let me show you around,"he called me as he started to walk away. 

I picked up Nari and followed him. 


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