Chapter 42

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~~~~~~~Sometimes you want to protect someone that doesn't care about you~~~~~~

Y/N's POV:

Strolling down the aisle, I look at my left and right for some snicker bars. I've been dying to eat chocolate since it is the time of my month. It's very uncomfortable to buy tampons in front of a man that has been following me everywhere. Kim Taehyung couldn't stop following me like a lost puppy. Ever since Jungkook left me, he wouldn't leave my sight. He even does his work at my house.

He comes to my house early morning with some breakfast and he leaves at night after dinner. These past few weeks have been him and me only. Although I keep pushing him away, he wouldn't budge.

I'm just trying my best to not become dependent on him. I'll eventually end up hurting myself when he leaves. But this guy can't keep following me. This morning, he told me that he has a meeting. But he changed the time and decided to follow me for groceries shopping.

I don't want to be a little child that he keeps taking care of. I can take care of myself like the way I've been doing before I met him.

"Can you stop following me?" I ask him as he stops pushing the shopping cart and looks at me. His lips slightly pouted as he scans all the tampons on the shelf.

"What size do you want?" He asked me shamelessly, oblivious about the heat rushing through my face. I'm blushing terribly.

"It doesn't matter. Can you just leave me alone?" I asked him furiously as I started to stress over the fact that I can't have my personal space.

"Okay." He simply shrugged as he grabbed three tampon boxes in different sizes into his shopping cart. "I'll wait for you at the counter," he nonchalantly told me and strolls away as I started to feel the need to dig a hole and die.

I follow him to the counter without any words. I just grabbed some snicker bars as I walk toward the counter. I took out my purse to pay, but he already took out his black credit card. The cashier women smirk at us as she takes out all the items in the cart. There are tons of items.

"Newlyweds shopping first time in the year?" She asked us as I gape my mouth in surprise. 'Do we look like freaking couples?' I silently ask myself.

Taehyung just nodded his head with a small smile, not even attempting to disagree with the cashier lady. "Thank you," he told her as he took the two big shopping bags, slightly revealing his veins that are intensely popping out of his sleeves.

"I'll leave you at home today. I have somewhere to go," Taehyung told me as he put the bags in the car trunk.

"Finally, you're leaving me alone," I sighed happily, thinking about all the possibilities that I can do alone: binge-watching Netflix and chewing on snickers.

"Don't miss me too much. I'll come back as soon as I finish the business," he winked at me as he opens the door of a passenger seat. He's being such a gentleman that I started to think his true intentions behind it.

Third POV:

After leaving Y/N at her mansion, Taehyung quickly picks Namjoon up at the airport. Taehyung assigned Namjoon to stalk the psychiatrist Min-Jun because Taehyung disagrees with his statements about Y/N. She is normal.

Namjoon slowly walks out of the airport and sighed as he saw the younger man leaning on his Mercedes Benz.

"I've searched him up everywhere. Every freaking hospital in Seoul and I still can't find him," Namjoon sit down at the passenger seat and started to find a comfortable position to sleep. He's been searching for Min-Jun for the past few weeks but nothing comes out. So Namjoon decided to find Min-Jun in Paris since this is the place where Jungkook met Min-Jun.

"I have no idea what you are doing Taehyung. Do you need help from that psychiatrist? Have you gone mad?" Namjoon asked with his eyes closed, trying his best to fall asleep during this short car ride.

"Maybe, I have gone mad," Taehyung chuckles as the memories of Y/N and his plays in his mind. He has been following her everywhere. And he even manages to realize her period days. She hates to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with him. But he enjoyed every moment with her.

"I heard that you don't go to meet Mr. Min Yoongi often. What were you doing? You cam here for work Taehyung," Namjoon lightly scolded.

"I found something better than work," Taehyung replied as he started to park at one of the famous hospitals in Paris.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked but got hushed by Taehyung. Namjoon annoyingly rolled his eyes at the younger men's action.

"Hyung, let's go. Let's start finding Min-Jun in this hospital and let's go to every hospital around the city." Taehyung enthusiastically left his car and rush into the hospital reception.

Hours past to 9 pm

Taehyung and Namjoon have been searching Min-Jun in every hospital, but they still couldn't find him. Taehyung started to assume that Min-Jun must be a fake doctor since they couldn't find him anywhere.

"So, what are you going to do next?" Namjoon asked Taehyung as he aggressively gulps down the bottle of water, feeling weary.

"I'm going to go back to Seoul tonight with her. Jungkook knows how Min-Jun looks like, and I can't contact him these past few days. Maybe he changed his number or something." Taehyung sighed.

"Does she know that you are doing this?" Namjoon asked with his half eyes closed.

"No. She doesn't need to know that I'm taking care of this. She has had to find ways to make herself happy during this time before the actual truth comes out."

"What makes you think that Min-Jun is lying. Maybe he is an actual psychiatrist from another country that professionally examine Y/N's behavior-" Namjoon was got cut off by Taehyung.

"Hyung! Don't say that. I know she is normal. She does not have any signs of schizophrenia. I know Min-Jun is lying. Somebody must pay him to do it. Or maybe he has some intentions." Taehyung angrily told Namjoon as he speeds up the car to Y/N's mansion.

Taehyung slowly opens the front door of her mansion and saw Y/N sleeping. He can't stop but smile at her innocent face sleeping in a weird position. He slowly pokes her, refraining himself to kiss her awake.

"Stop that Taehyung! You've been bothering me these past few weeks. Let me sleep!" Y/N yelled with her raspy voice and Taehyung chuckled at her cuteness.

"We're going to Seoul now, princess. Wake up."

Y/N immediately stood up with wide eyes. "Now?" She asked as the fear of seeing Jungkook again lingers in her mind. She knows that Jungkook is back in Paris as her secretary reported back to her.

"I don't want to go back," Y/N stubbornly told Taehyung.

"Do you still want to live in a place where he left you? Don't you want to go back to your work and become the independent woman you are?" Taehyung persuaded Y/N by using her weakness. And she finally gives up and decided to move back to Seoul.


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