Chapter 55

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~~~~~~~~~~A simple talk can save millions of relationship in this world. Only if both sides  will be open to make things right~~~~~~~~

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Taehyung's POV:

Strolling towards the huge door on the top floor of this building, I tightly gripped onto the recording device and a videotape. I'm in Jungkook's office, getting ready to reveal the truth that he failed to see. But I'm still contemplating whether I should even tell him the truth or not.

Last night, Y/N told me to give Jungkook the two devices as a favor. She said she can't bring herself to talk to him after everything that happened. I completely understand her, and I know that some part of her still yearns for him.

I know he will go back to Y/N. He will apologize and make up for it. The guilt of leaving her behind will eat him alive. But he doesn't deserve her. She's so much better and she's so oblivious to see how perfect she is.

If only she sees the way I see her, she would eventually appreciate herself, love herself, and go easy on herself. She's been hurting herself after this break up and it made me realize that she loves Jungkook a lot. Of course, he was her night and shining armor. I can't blame her for falling for him when no one else was there. I wish I met her sooner. Way before he met her. But it's not possible because my life is a misery and love is not a thing for me. I don't deserve love.

Jungkook's secretary knocks the door for me and informs him. I slowly walk inside to see the dark decorations on the walls. His office is similar to mine but has a darker theme in it.

"I don't think I'll be ever seeing you again," he told me as soon as I walk in. The feeling is mutual. I dislike him too. Not because we had fought before. But because he hurt Y/N and fail to see how precious she is.

"Well, I'm here and I brought something for you," I place the recording device and videotape on his desk. He looks at the two devices with confusion.

"Listen and watch it. You'll know everything." I told him as he just gave me a quick nod and face his computer screen. No manners at all.

"I'm going to be honest with you Mr. Jeon. I don't like you and you don't either. Our feelings are mutual. But we both know Y/N. And I don't like the way you treat her. If you truly love her, I don't think you will give up on her that easily. All I want to say is that please take care of her. Let her know that she's worth everything. Show her a reason to love herself. I'm going to go now," I turn around to face the door but he stopped me.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Jungkook asks with his eyebrows scrunched.

"You'll know later. Just promise me to take care of her," I told him and he nods his head slowly. I don't know what she sees in him.

Y/N's POV:

After all the events that happened these few days, I don't know how to feel about Jungkook. Why did he believe Areum and her crazy shitty ideas? Why did he choose to leave me after everything that we have been through? I felt so betrayed and I don't want to see him.

My feelings are mixed with confusion and hatred towards Jungkook. Out of all the events that I had faced, I have one serious question in mind. Why does Taehyung help me?

He told me that he understands me, but is there something more. Are there any feelings or emotions that are attached to his intentions? I don't know. But I know that my feelings have changed for him. I don't see him as an annoying womanizer CEO that is my most hated rival. I start to see the small boy that looks up to his father. I'm starting to see the small boy that can't do anything but follow his mother by force. He became a womanizer because of his mom. He started to become someone I hated because of his family and his past. And now, I just see the small boy that I want to embrace.

Now, I'm walking around in the camera shop, choosing the perfect camera for him. He told me that he wanted to become a photographer just like his father. This gift can show my gratitude to him and make him happy at the same time. I never admit this but he made me happy these past few days. He never questions my past or forces me to do anything. He never mentions Jungkook to make me uncomfortable. All he did was to show how life can be so much more and he gives me daily reminders to love myself.

"Hello miss. What kind of camera are you looking for? Is it for you?" The saleswomen ask me as I gaze at the shelves fill with cameras.

I don't know anything about cameras. I don't even have the basic knowledge about it. All I know is I want the best for him. "Can you show me the best quality camera?" I ask her and she leads me to another shelf.

After a long explanation of the camera from the saleswomen, I decided to buy the camera. Just when I was about to leave the shop, an unknown number called me.

"Hello? Who is this?" I ask quickly.

"Hello, my dear Y/N. I'm Mr. Jeon. Can we meet dear?" A man asks me and I was surprised to hear him. Jungkook's father barely calls me. He only calls me on a special occasion or when he has a favor to ask. He's like a father to me since he technically raised me to be someone I am today.

"Sure. We can meet anytime, Mr.Jeon," I reply with a smile, which he can't see. I have done everything for him as gratitude. He is a kind man that raises a homeless girl and turns her into a successful CEO. I admire him.

"Oh please, call me father. We are already like a family. I'll send you the address of a nearby cafe. We can discuss some matters, dear. See you," the man hung up immediately.

That's very weird because all my life I have never called him father. I always call him uncle or Mr. Jeon. Something is about to happen and I don't feel good about this.


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