Chapter 14

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~~~~~ Life is full of surprises~~~~~

Y/N's POV:

After the long emotional talk back in his apartment, I thought I knew him better. But I was wrong. He kept annoying me even more after that day. His constant messages annoyed me to death, and I wished my secretary didn't give him my number from the start.

I stared at the phone screen, remembering the time I named him 'annoying CEO'.

Annoying CEO:  How's your day?

Y/N: good, until you texted me

Annoying CEO: well then I guess it'll be worse after you see me

Y/N: What do you mean? I'm not going to see you.

He seen zoned me. 

I couldn't believe him, he's planning to meet me. When? How? Where? I can understand his past and how he was treated, but I cannot understand his actions now. What does he want?

Just as I was typing a letter to Park Jimin, Mia came in with her tablet. She smiled at me sweetly and handed me my coffee.

"Good morning Miss." 

"Mia, is everything alright?" I asked her while taking a sip of my warm coffee. The sweet and bitter aftertaste ease my mind as I talk to her.

"Yes, everything is fine. But most of the employees are struggling to design a tux for Mr. Jeon," She replied with worries in her eyes.

I wasn't surprise to hear that. Mr. Jeon was my best friend's father who helped me build this enterprise. He showed me his way, and I created my own path. So in many people's eyes, he is a boss and a teacher of mine. So they struggle to create a perfect tux for his birthday due to nervousness. 

"Send all the designs to me, I will take a look and give them feedbacks." I told her as I checked my messages, waiting for him to reply me back. But he didn't.

Just as Mia was about to leave, I heard arguing noises in front of my office:

"Sir you cannot go in," a woman said.

"Why not? I know her," the man replied.  

Mia interrupted their conversation and popped her head inside my office door. 

"Miss, Mr. Kim wants to meet you," she told me quietly, scared that I might not let the troubling man in.  

"Bring him--" as I was about to finish my sentence, he opened my office door and came in elegantly. He even fix his green suit and winked at me as soon as we came face to face.

His actions were so unprofessional, and I wish he could see that. He walked towards my desk like he own the place. This guy knows how to dress like a god. 

"Miss me babe?" he winked, ignoring Mia and the woman he argued with earlier. 

"Don't call me that. And it is so unprofessional to show up in my office without telling me." I told him with a serious tone that could scare any of my employees. 

"I did told you that I'm going to meet you. And what's the point of being professional? We are friends anyways," he give me an innocent boxy smile. 

"Friends? Who say we are friends?" I asked him, ignoring the fact that Mia and the receptionist is still looking at us. I waved them as a sign of dismissal. And they left. 

"Oh...I'm sorry. I thought we are friends since I told you about my life and my problems. I thought you can be a reliable friend. But I guess..I'm getting myself too ahead," his smiles turn into a sad frown as he took a seat in front of my desk. 

"Look...I don't actually make friends. Beside my childhood friends, I don't have anyone. It is just me and my work. And I understand your past and your problems, but I didn't know that listening to your life makes us friends. If you consider us as one, then we can be. But friends don't just show up and distract each other like this, do they?" I asked him calmly, not wanting to hurt his feelings and fight with him. 

He stared at me for awhile, shrugged like a child, and stood up. He didn't answer me but walk to the door with his back facing me. 

"Hey! Where are you going?" I asked him, not being able to keep up with his sudden childish manners. 

"Chill, I'm going to the toilet," he chuckled and left the room. 

I rolled my eyes at his silly action. After comforting him and telling him that we can be friends, he went to the toilet? Why is he like this?

A moment later, I heard a man arguing with my receptionist. Not again! Why does he keep arguing with her? 

The receptionist slowly came into my room. 

"Miss..." she slowly trailed. 

"Its okay, bring him in," I rolled my eyes at their little fight, failing to know that the visitor wasn't Kim Taehyung, but another man. 

The man came in, wearing a black shirt with red jacket on top. His ripped jeans exposed some part of his leg. I stared at the man, not being able to recognized the figure. 

"Y/N..." he slowly trailed and give me a warm smile. 

The smile reminds me of a boy that I used to know. The boy with two bunny teeth showing whenever he smiles out of euphoria. I remember him. My one and only best friend. 

"Jeon Jungkook!!" I shouted as I ran up to him, ignoring the fact that I'm still in my office and I'm 21 years old. 

I went into his arms and treasure his embrace. I couldn't get enough of it. It wasn't my first time, but after all those years I feel safe. 

"You have a nice toi--" Taehyung said as he came into my room and stopped as he saw me hugging Jungkook. 

Jungkook stared at this man with his doe eyes, without blinking. The receptionist quietly exit the room due to the intense atmosphere build up inside the room. 

Jungkook didn't let me go. He hold me in his arms as I stared at the shock man in front of us. 

"I---I have to go." Taehyung slightly bowed as he turn back to exit my office.


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