Chapter 17

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~~~~I hate getting flashbacks from things I don't want to remember~~~~~~~

Y/N's POV:

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Who is cooking at this hour? I glance at my alarm clock which says 8:00 am...SHIT I'm late for work!!!

I rushed downstairs to see Jungkook making pancakes while humming a tune.

I slowly walked up to him and back hugged him.

"So my wife is making pancakes?" I teased him, remembering the time we used to have role-plays. He was David Beckham and I was his wife. It was funny and silly as we fooled around his house.

"I'm making pancakes for you, yeobo (Korean name for calling one's husband or wife)," he chuckled as he turned around to face me.

"I don't think I have time to eat, I'm late for work," I sighed while looking at his beautiful pancakes.

"You're the CEO of your own company, you can be late. You are your boss anyway," he rolled his eyes as he put strawberries beside my pancakes.

"I don't want to be late. I have to be on time for the meetings and everything," I replied as I took a seat to eat my breakfast.

"Omo my yeobo is tired. Let me massage your shoulders," he winked as he approached me.

"Kook, you don't need to." I took his hands off of my shoulders.

I took a bite of his soft and delicate pancakes and savored it. "Wow, you do know how to make delicious pancakes!" I complimented him.

"Thanks, it's my first time," he chuckled.

"First time?! NO way!" I was surprised by his talent. He is good at everything. (Duh! Golden Maknae!)

"I woke up a little early to watch You-Tube tutorials to make pancakes. I want to make breakfast for you since you have become really thin, comparing to the last time we met, he told me calmly as he sipped on his raspberry juice (pic above).

"You're too sweet Kook, I don't deserve you," I sighed as I became disappointed at my workaholic self.

"Hey I found a picture of us in kindergarten hanging around in the playground yesterday," he smiled as he took out his phone to show me.

I look at our childhood picture and immediately frown. It was me, Jungkook, and her. The woman I hated the most in the world. She was our best friend and my neighbor. But she was also the one who spread dirty rumors about me and my father. She said my father harassed and raped me. How cruel is that? My father never did those things to me except hitting me. He was violent, but he was never one of those dirty perverted men. Yet, this girl spread fake rumors around my school. Starting from that day, I got bullied. And our friendship was over.

"You should crop her out Kook," I told her with a big disappointment.

"Right! I forgot. I'm sorry Y/N," he apologized as he gave me a warm smile.

Meanwhile at Taehyung's Mansion

Namjoon's POV:

I've been sitting at this dining table, waiting for him patiently for half an hour. And he still didn't show up. This little idiot.

After a while, I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Oh hyung! How long have you been waiting?" he asked me, surprised that I showed up at his house.

"Since you were born," I sarcastically told him, rolling my eyes.

"Sorry hyung...I slept late last night," the young boy chuckled, showing me his boxy smile.

"Because.....?" I trailed.

" don't want to know...," he laughed as he grabbed cereal and milk from the fridge.

There was a breakfast prepared for him like an hour ago, but I ate it as I impatiently waited for him.

I know when Taehyung said 'you don't want to know', the answer is either he got drunk or he had sex. It's either one of them. And by looking at the hickeys on his neck, I know its the latter.

"Do you even remember those girls' names?" I asked him as he shrugged.

"I can't, and I don't need to. Its just a one night stand. Besides, we both enjoyed it so...its a win-win!" he giggled cutely, acting innocent and all.

Just as we were talking about the upcoming launch for our company, a girl came down the stairs. She was wearing Taehyung's white T-shirt.

" left me!" she pouted, trying to act cute in front of us. Well, mainly Taehyung.

"Oh you're awake...hehe I was hungry so I left," he smiled and ask her to take a seat.

She looked at me and smile awkwardly. Fake.

"Taehyung, we have to go. We're late for work." I told him as I put my coffee cup in the sink.

"Oppa...take a day off. Spend time with me," the girl sweetly whined as she wrapped her hands around Taehyung's waist.

 "I can't do that baby, I have to work," he told her as he took her hand off of him.

The boy I've been taking care of for years may look innocent, but he's nothing near to that. He is a playboy and a heartbreaker. He would do anything to please himself and his company. I'm just his guardian telling him to stop his actions, and he wouldn't listen to me.

"Ahem," I fake-coughed and the girl automatically glared at me.

"Well then, call me later Oppa!" She smiled at Taehyung and gave him her card.

She took all her belongings and started wearing her heels.

"I'll take your shirt Oppa, I'll give it to you next time," she winked as she left the mansion.

After she closed the door, Taehyung scoffed.

"I'm guessing there won't be next time," I told Taehyung as he nodded with a smirk.

I took a look at the girl's visiting card labeled with bold letters: Baek Areum. She's a vogue model, how impressive.

"Kim Taehyung, if you keep poking the cereals with your useless chopstick, I will end your life here," I told him, getting irritated by his manners.

He chuckled as he looks at my annoyed face and poked his tongue out at me. This kid...

TO BE CONTINUED..............

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