Chapter Six

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Kai's POV

"Contemporary dance will work. I compose my own dances or I used to anyway". I said as I kept thinking back to that text message. "Kai are you okay? I know that look. It was the same look you wore in high school. Is everything okay?" Kyung Mi asked her voice mixed with concern. I looked up at her debating if I should tell her or not. By how she sees me I decided against it. "Yeah, I'm okay just stressed out right now". Which was the truth but still I felt bad that I couldn't tell her. I mean this is her father I'm talking about. I couldn't break her heart by telling her that her father is out after me again.

"I can tell you're lying Kai. Tell me after school over coffee while we discuss our dance choreography". She insisted. I nodded. "About getting coffee don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked although I already knew. I could tell that Kyung Mi was uncomfortable by my question as she shifted her position. "Yes, I have a boyfriend but he won't mind if it's a school project. Let's meet at Starbucks that's just down the road". Kyung Mi suggested.

"I'll meet you there". No longer I had finished my sentence the bell rang. I watched as Kyung Mi met her boyfriend before she disappeared. Not realizing that my phone was vibrating I picked it up. I looked at the caller ID not recognizing the number.

"Hello?" I asked walking down the hall. "I told you before to stay away from my daughter. But I see you didn't listen. Meet me at the Han River tonight eight sharp. If you don't show up there will be consequences. See you soon". Mr. So said as he hung up. My hands shook in fear as I listened to every word. I looked around trying to see if I saw him, but no one was looking at me. All around me students were going or leaving.

Suddenly I was bumped into knocking my phone out of my hand. "Shouldn't you say sorry?" A guy spoke anger dripping in his tone. "I shouldn't have to apologize. You bumped into me. Therefore it was you who bumped into me". I said holding my ground. "He's not worth it Taehyun". A girl spoke tugging on his arm. He looked down at the girl a smirk coming to his lips. "Next time I won't go easy on you". He said walking away.

I picked up my phone noticing that it was cracked but still worked. This day has been the worst thus far, and it only just begun. More threats from Mr. So and now some guy named Taehyun. "I already hate my life why must it get worse". I whispered.

It was days like these that I didn't want to show my face in public. I just wanted the earth to swallow me whole. Everyone was either afraid of me or I was the one being threatened. I didn't like fighting but I was the one who was always being hunted. And this just might be my last fight. The one to end everything, to end all my pain and suffering. But this fight will come with a cost. One that could break me even more. I don't want to be broken anymore, but ever since I was a kid that was all I ever knew. I was lost in this cruel world, to wander alone not knowing if I was going to see another day. Every day my life was numbered in this world we call home. But I never really had a home until I met Kyung Mi. She was my safe haven, my light that guided me through all the pain. But this black heart of mine broke hers.

I held the coffee mug in my hand lost in thought to notice fingers in front of my face. "Hey, earth to Kai". I looked up to see Kyung Mi staring at me. "I'm sorry what did you say?" I asked looking up at her as she shook her head. "I been calling your name the last two minutes. Why have you been spacing out all day?" I took a deep breath looking at the coffee mug.

"Life's just complicated lately that has me distracted". I stated thinking back to everything I had been through. "When isn't life complicated. But seriously are you okay though? Because I can tell that this has you on edge". It does have me on edge, but what can I do. "Hey, Kyung Mi when was the last time you heard from your father?" I asked nervous of her reaction. I needed to know if she knew his whereabouts were or if she heard anything. She physically went tense as she looked away.

She bit her lip, before looking at me tears in her eyes. "I haven't spoke to him or seen him since he was taken into court. Why would you ask such a question?" Kyung Mi's voice came out bitter as she tried to control her anger. "I wasn't trying to upset you or bring this up, but the other night I got a text from him. He was threatening me that he would see me soon. I was asking because I needed to know if you heard from him". I leaned in closer so only she could hear.

"Why didn't you tell me this morning. My dad is very powerful and he won't stop unless he is stopped first. Kai if you meet up with him he can kill you this time. Last time I thought I was going to lose you". By now tears were in her eyes which only pulled on my heartstrings. "I couldn't really tell you because you didn't want to see me at that time. All you saw me as was the murders son so I let you go because I didn't want to hurt you anymore or for you to hate me. It's because of me that your life got messed up. I couldn't put you through that much pain that you already suffered. I hate myself for how I hurt you and I'm sorry that my family messed up your life". I vented as I told her my feelings.

"Kai, I don't hate you. I never did. At that moment in my life I didn't know how to feel. I was angry at the world for taking my mom away. At that moment when I said all I saw you as was the murders son, I regretted it. I never meant to say it. But I can't take back what I said and no matter what I can't forget my past. Our paths were bound to cross and I'm glad they did. But at that time every time I saw you it reminded me of what happened. But I want us to rebuild our friendship this time and make it right. If I could take back everything I said I would. I hope there is room for you to forgive me".

That concludes the end of chapter six. What was your favorite part? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. What do you think will happen next? Any guesses? I want to thank everyone for reading this book and supporting it. It truly means a lot. I promise this book will pick up the pace because a lot is to come. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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