Chapter Twenty Three

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Kai's POV

It's been a few days since I was discharged from the hospital, and to say the least I never been in this kind of pain in my life. I basically went from my bed and to the bathroom. I wasn't physically able to do much other than write and people coming to visit. Other than that I was asleep sometimes due to being medicated. In the time of being in my coma I missed out on so much. From the moment I got hurt everyone's world stopped including mine. I was scarred for life not once but twice, both mentally and physically. I knew from the moment I woke up I wouldn't be the same again.

I grabbed the notebook that I had been eyeing for a while and started writing.

These battle wounds I have
Weren't caused by being a
Hero, but rather the guy
Dressed in black, the one
Who haunts me in my
Dreams, the one who
Wants to wipe me out
For he is disguised as the
Devil. I'm forever changed
Not the go lucky guy, but
Rather the broken boy
Of who I am. The one
Who is just a shell of
Who I once was. Now
My heart is converted
To being jet black a
Sliver of very little color...

Tears burned my eyes as I let my emotions out on paper, the pen shaking in my hand. I couldn't let them see me break. I had to remain fine so they wouldn't worry more about me. But my heart was already broken riddled of all this pain. I didn't dare let a tear fall as I heard a knock on the door. No quicker than I dried my eyes and closed the book did Suho enter with a tray of food. He set it down on the table before sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I brought you some food. You need to eat something. You're looking thinner by the day". Suho spoke as he glanced over my weakened body. I looked over at the food my appetite gone due to the ache radiating through my chest. While the food did look good, I just couldn't eat without feeling ill. "I'm not hungry". I said tiredly. I was tired of being a burden to others. "Kai, you need to eat at least something today. Just a couple bites is all I'm asking". Suho pleaded his eyes holding concern. I knew Suho was right that I needed to eat something but food just didn't sound good. "If you don't eat I will spoon feed you myself". Suho warned giving his best glare. I looked at him in horror. He wouldn't? No way was I going to be fed like a baby.

I reached for the tray, but regretted the movement holding back the wince. Suho grabbed the tray and handed me the bowl. "I made you curry rice. It's our family recipe and I specifically made it for you. Whenever I was in a down mood about things my mom used to make it. I at least hope it will brighten up your spirit". As Suho told me the story I knew I had to try it because I knew if I didn't I would hurt my older brothers feelings. As soon as I took the bite my taste buds came alive. It was delicious probably the best food in a while.

"It's really good Suho thank you". I said as I finished the bite. Suho smiled happiness crossing his tired features. "You're welcome. I'll leave you to eat. I'll be in my room studying". Suho patted my knee before leaving the room. My heart sunk as I was once again left alone. Part of me knew I was being selfish by wanting company, but I knew they had their own lives and work to do. But why did I feel so lonely?

I ate the dinner a few bites at a time before finally losing my appetite. I set it aside feeling the ache in my chest intensify. As I rubbed the area of my chest I wondered when this was going to end. Or how much I had to suffer because of this man. This wasn't the life I wanted or had planned for myself. I once had dreams. But those dreams seem far away now. A near distant memory if I recall. Here I am picking up the pieces my parents caused now seeping into my reality. The reality that has been my nightmare for years. All I wanted was a new life, to start fresh with family and friends and not have to worry about if I'll see another day. I wanted a good safe future for my girlfriend and I. But I didn't know if it was going to happen.

I looked over at the time wishing I could be dancing rather than being confined to this bed. I guess I shouldn't complain as others have it worst off. All I could think about was the extent of my injury and how it was going to effect me. I wanted so bad to have a normal life, to be normal, but I can't change what is of my life. Instead I needed to forget my past as people say, but have they forgotten how scarred I am? I am only human.

. . .

Kyung Mi had decided to get some fresh air with me as we slowly strolled through the neighborhood. While I had zero energy I still forced myself to spend time with Kyung Mi before she had to go home. It was nice walking hand in hand just the two of us.

"This brings back memories of when we first met in the woods. The trees filled with warm colors, the leaves crunching under our feet. It feels like Dejvu all over again". Kyung Mi said as we sat down at the nearby park, the one we met at. "Look who's getting all poetic on me now. I agree this does feel all too familiar especially since it's fall". I said nudging her playfully. I looked over at Kyung Mi the sunset setting behind her making her more beautiful than ever in my eyes. The sun casted a golden glow around her which made me realize that Kyung Mi has always had a light surrounding her. She sheds light on people through her bright quirky personality. But she was also my light to my darkness, the girl who saves me from the depths of my black heart. "What? You keep looking at me". Kyung Mi blushed hiding her face under my ball cap. "It's because you're beautiful". I whispered. It was true Kyung Mi was the most beautiful girl in my eyes.

She peeked out from under my ball cap blush dusting her pale cheeks. "You're just saying that". She shied away hiding her face in her adidas sweater sleeves. "No, it's the truth. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever lied my eyes on. And all I see is you in my future". I said as I caressed her chin looking into her hazel eyes. It was saddening that she didn't see herself as beautiful, but in my eyes she breaks the scale of beauty.

We both leaned in the world around us suddenly disappearing as it was just us two. Our lips touched my whole entire being coming alive as electricity of sparks ran through my body. Kyung Mi deepened the kiss pulling the back of my hair as a moan escaped my lips as all I felt was pleasure. We pulled apart both breathing heavily as we looked at each other with adoration for one another.



We jumped startled as a banging noise could be heard that resembled gunshots. My heart raced uncomfortably in my chest as the anxiety filled every part in my being. This seriously couldn't be happening.  Not now.

That concludes the end of chapter twenty three of Red Heart. This is my birthday present to you all, the readers. I want to thank every single one of you for reading and supporting this book. It truly means the world to me. What was your favorite part? What do you think will happen next? Any guesses? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. Don't be a silent reader, I'd love to read what you think of this book. Don't forget to vote.

Hope everyone is having a good time on their holidays.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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