Chapter Nine

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Kai's POV

"Kyung Mi how did you get here?" I asked as we ran through the house trying to find a way out. "Let's just say that when you talked to me I had a haunch to follow you. Once you spoke of my dad, I knew something felt wrong. You hadn't acted that way since high school and I knew in that moment I had to protect you. I can't see my dad tear apart another family, especially to someone I'd hate to lose again". Chanyeol cleared his throat before we stopped.

"Can we save the chitchat for later? We're in a do or die situation with people after us". Chanyeol said ushering us to keep moving. Just as we were about to reach the last door there was a sound of feet coming our way. "There stop them!" A guard yelled. We looked behind us trying to unlock the door but it didn't budge. "Great just great". I hissed under my breath.

Suddenly the guards were colored in different colors of smoke blinding them of where we were. The door handle that I was holding was snatched out of my hand a hand pulling me through the door along with the three of us. I looked up to find Chen looking back at me. "Smoke bombs nice idea". I said as we ran faster towards the van. "It was Baekhyun's idea". Chen spoke.

I froze as I heard a click of a gun behind me. "I wouldn't move if I were you". Mr. So spoke his voice rising. I turned around putting Kyung Mi behind me. "Dad, go back to where you escaped from. Kai opposes as no threat therefore leave him alone". Kyung Mi  spoke as she looked around me. Mr. So smirked not lowering his gun. "His family put me in a place I don't belong. Plus we have unfinished business to take care of". Mr. So said as he took a step closer.

"If you're going to hurt him then you have to go through me first". Kyung Mi spoke as she stepped out from behind me. "Kyung Mi what are you doing?" I asked stopping her. "Don't worry he won't harm you or his daughter". "I'm not going to let you protect me. I don't want you to get hurt. Chen Remember what I said?" I asked looking over my shoulder. Chen nodded before taking a hold of Kyung Mi. "Go with Chen he'll keep you safe". I said as I gave her a small smile. "Haven't I heard this before". She said as she followed Chen.

I looked over at Mr. So my heart rate picking up in fear. "Now are you going to listen or are you going to do this the hard way?" He asked. Chanyeol looked at me before looking at Mr. So. "What do you want from us? Haven't you already put him through hell?" Chanyeol asked his voice shaky.

"You kids don't even know what this is about do you? This is between Kai and I. This isn't about you". He said looking at Chanyeol. "It does involve me because he's my brother. And we stick together. Kai's leaving with me and my parents are going to be here any minute. So think of your choices carefully". Chanyeol stated stepping in front of me. A blinding grenade went off blinding Mr. So as we were suddenly grabbed being pulled towards the van. "Come on hurry we don't have much time before that wears off". Baekhyun said as we reached the van.

Kyung Mi was sitting in the front seat looking worriedly at us. "You both okay?" She asked as we tried catching our breaths. "Yeah, I think so. Where's our parents at?" I asked as Baekhyun got into the van. "Something came up as they are running late. But the bad news is Mr. So is going to get away". Chen said as the bad news hit me like truck.

I wasn't going to be safe anywhere no matter where I go. My world once again is being turned upside down and I have no control over what happens. There is only one way out of this and I don't know if I can handle it anymore. My friends and family are in danger because of me and I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to them. They shown me that there is more to life than living and they opened my mind to the beauty of the world. But how can I see the beauty in it if the world is a cruel place?

"Guys I want to thank you for saving me once again. And I'm sorry that you have to risk your lives because of me. You all should be living a normal life one that doesn't involve asking when is your last day. I can't thank you enough for helping me". Tears burned my eyes as I realized that I could lose them at anytime. I felt a hand on my shoulder which was Chanyeol trying to comfort me. "Hey, it's okay. You won't lose us. We signed up to protect you, that is for life. Besides it's what brothers do for one another. You don't have to worry about losing us because we are one remember?" Chen spoke causing me to chuckle through the tears. I nodded. "Yeah, I remember. We'll always be one team".

. . .

While staring at the ceiling of the apartment, I couldn't help but think everything that has happened. In the last year my life has changed. I never thought I would ever see my first love again or ever believe that she would forgive me. Within a year I changed. My life was getting back to normal, but then he escaped from prison and my world is dark again. This black heart of mine can't take much else. Inside I'm screaming out for help, but no one hears me. I've suffered so much that my heart may never return to red ever again. This black heart of mine may forever be with me. I grabbed my journal turning it to a blank page and started writing.

This heart of mine
That once was red
Slowly faded to
Black as the cruel
World changed it
Slowly turning it
Into ice as time
Changed it but
You took this
Black heart of
Mine and slowly
Changed it made
My ice heart
Warmer as you
Made me see
Things in a more
Beautiful way one
Light that has
Changed my life
With you around
You slowly changed
My heart to red again...

That concludes the end of chapter ten of Red Heart. What was your favorite part? What do you think will happen next? Any guesses? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. I want to thank everyone who has read this book and supported it. Thank you it truly means a lot. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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