Chapter Seventeen

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Kai's POV

Chen wouldn't answer my calls or texts. He too sees me as a monster, which I never even knew that he liked Kyung Mi. I felt like a bad friend for taking his crush away as it's breaking bro-code. I just may have lost my best friend because we like the same girl. I couldn't give up either of them because they are my family. But how can I fix things between Chen and myself? I couldn't lose my best friend who I've known for years.

I was taken out of my thoughts when the bedroom door opened. "Go away I want to be alone". I said while flipping through my book. "That's no way to talk to your brother". I turned around in my seat to see Chanyeol leaning in the doorway. I looked at him confused. "What are you doing here? I thought you were staying there one more day". I asked closing my book. "I was, but I got a call saying that you and Chen had a fight and that you locked yourself in your room. Is that what happened?" Chanyeol said as he sat down on my bed. I looked down at my bracelet knowing I couldn't stress him out. "I wouldn't say we had a fight. Besides you should be resting you're sick". I stated worriedly at how tired he looked.

"I'm not going to let my illness define me. And that isn't why I came. What really happened between you two?" Knowing Chanyeol he wouldn't leave until he got an answer. "Chen was telling me that for years he liked Kyung Mi, but never had the courage to ask her out. But since we're dating now he can't stand the sight of me since he is reminded that he likes her. He said and I quote I can't be around you right now. I never even knew he liked her. If I had known he did I wouldn't have started dating Kyung Mi. I tried calling him, but he won't answer". What turned out to be a happy day turned out bad in the end. "I think I just lost my best friend Chanyeol". I couldn't look Chanyeol in the face as I said those words.

"Give him some time and Chen will come around. You did nothing wrong he's just feeling hurt right now. Eventually he'll move on. You can't help who you fall in love with Kai. Fate and destiny happen for a reason and you're fated with Kyung Mi". Chanyeol patted me on the back as I felt like I lost my best friend. "And what if he doesn't come around? Then what? I'm just the monster that walks on this earth that everyone fears me as". I stated feeling angry at myself. "Hey, look at me Kai, you're not a monster. If Chen doesn't come around that's on him, then he's lost a loyal friend. Like I said before and I'll say it again you've done nothing wrong". Chanyeol reassured me but still I felt terrible. "Then what if Kyung Mi likes Chen?" I asked only because I was curious. "You don't have to worry about that the way she looks st you, you're her one and only".

While Chanyeol kept talking I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. I grabbed onto my head biting back the pain. Everything felt overwhelming and I felt like I was being suffocated. My vision was turning dark and Chanyeol's voice was getting further away. Everything  in my room right now felt like it was in slow motion. I could feel myself free falling with nothing to catch me. Before my world turned dark all I could hear were the panicked shouts.


. . .

Chanyeol's POV

I watched as Kai slept, his fever hadn't gone down. Had I known that he was sick I wouldn't have left him. And with the stress I knew it couldn't have helped any. "How is he?" Xiumin asked coming into the room. I looked over my shoulder seeing Xiumin with a bottle of water. "Kai's fever is still high which hasn't gone down in the last hour. He keeps mumbling things that I can't make out. I shouldn't have left him". I felt guilty that my brother was sick and I wasn't there.

"It's not your fault. Besides you need to take care of yourself since your illness and all. Kai will be fine in a day or two. Here's some more water for him when he wakes up". I thanked him grabbing the water.

Xiumin and I took turns taking care of Kai talking here and there. I knew my condition had changed in the last two days, but I couldn't tell Kai yet. It was part of the reason why I came home early. But seeing him like this I couldn't tell him the news. My friends hadn't known yet either which I needed to tell them, but I couldn't. In this moment now my brother was more important. "Don't worry Kai, I'm not going anywhere". I whispered feeling my eyes grow heavier.

. . .

Kai's POV

When I came to all I could hear was Chanyeol's voice beside me as he was talking on the phone. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. "Kai's fever broke sometime in the night and he's resting now. I'll keep you posted". I heard Chanyeol hang up before I felt the bed dip beside me. "Don't scare me like that again kid". Chanyeol sighed before getting up.

"I'll try not to scare you. I had been feeling bad ever since I woke up yesterday but I ignored it. By the time I couldn't ignore it was too late before i passed out. You should get some sleep Chanyeol. You need it". I insisted feeling worried. Chanyeol flashed me his signature smile before lying on the other bed. "There you happy?" I nodded. "I'll keep my eye on you. You need the rest more than me. I'll be here when you wake up".

Even though I was still sick, I had gotten to spend time with Chanyeol before he would have to go back home. It was just like when we were kids and we'd bunk together when one was sick. "You know mom and dad want to see you too right?" Chanyeol spoke interrupting the silence. I scoffed. "Mom would want to see me. Dad not so much. He hasn't liked me since the confession. But then again he hasn't really thought of me as his own son". I stated only because it was the truth.

Mr. Park hadn't liked me well as a kid because I was slightly rebellious and a bad influence on Chanyeol. But at that age I hadn't really known my life was in danger then or that my world was going to get worse. "He does think of you as his own son. He just has a different way of showing affection. When you were in that week long coma he called every few hours to check on you. He didn't sleep for that entire week much like me. We never knew if you were going to be taken from us. From his perspective he probably thought he was going to lose his son". I let his words sink in wondering if he really cared.

That concludes the end of chapter seventeen. What was your favorite part? I want to thank everyone for reading this book and supporting it. It truly means a lot. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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