Chapter Thirty One/Part One

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Kai's POV

For a while the room was silent as we had come to the conclusion of what to do. "Alright let's tell the kid what the plan is". Suho said as he looked at all of us. "You guys go ahead and go in the living room, I'll be there in a minute". Chanyeol said as he slowly walked towards the door. Nobody said anything as Chanyeol walked out of my room. "Alright let's tell So Jae the plan when Chanyeol arrives". I said as we walked out of my room and where So Jae was waiting.

So Jae was waiting by the door looking at his phone. When we came in he looked up a glint in his eye. "Are you going to help me get my sister back?" He asked hope lacing his voice. I looked towards the hall not seeing Chanyeol. I looked back at So Jae as he rose his brow looking at each of us. The atmosphere was thick with tension that we were nervous of what was to happen.

"We'll help you, but on one condition. You have to be with one of us at all times. We don't want you ending up getting hurt. To find where So Kyung Mi is, you need to lead us to his office first  so we can find her location but quickly get out safely. Once we get her out of there we will need to hurry and escape while my parents will be on standby ready to capture your father and put him back into confinement where he belongs. We expect you to still be on our side and not set us up into a trap. Are you on our side?" Chanyeol asked standing by me.

So Jae nodded looking around the room eyeing each of us. "Yes, I'm on your side. If I never was on your side I wouldn't be here. I'll lead you to his office, but I can't guarantee that my father will be gone. Secretly I have been following him and he mostly spends his days there. But we might have a problem though. My father has been getting more guards since he fears Kai will go crazy since his girlfriend is taken by him. He expects himself as the first target on the list dad will be expecting that. The first priority should be getting Kyung Mi out safely as we find an escape route for her. I'll lead you to his office and from there we will search for her". So Jae explained as he grabbed his backpack.

All of us grabbed our coats and whatever else we needed until we left the house and hopped into the van. "Where to So Jae?" Suho asked as he started the vehicle. "We'll use my GPS to get there. His office is kind of in a weird place to be honest. But his phone is easy to track down. If he becomes hostile when we get there defend yourself no matter what. I know from first hand how his temper can be". So Jae's voice trailed off as he looked down at his hands.

"Don't worry we'll get Kyung Mi back. I'll make sure of it". I reassured him even though I knew it was easier said than done.

. . .

When we arrived the office was eerie quiet. So Jae picked the lock before peeking in. "So far the coast is clear. One of you stay in the car just in case. If father sees all of us he'll be sure to grab his men. Come on we don't have much time". So Jae said as we looked around in the dark office. "Look in any of these drawers the paper should be in here". He said as we searched around the office.

"Hey, guys I think I found the document". Baekhyun answered. "Take a snapshot of it. If he finds that the papers are moved he'll be really pissed off. Come on let's get my sister back". So Jae said as we all followed his lead. While we drove down the familiar road I looked closely at the landmarks knowing exactly where we were going my blood running cold. "There's no need for GPS, I know exactly where we're going". I said as I stared out the window.

I was suddenly nudged in the shoulder by So Jae. "Wait you've been here before? Why didn't you say so". He said with a Knowing look. "It used to be my house once upon a time. I know the place like the back of my hand. Besides it should be easy to navigate through unless otherwise. Whatever you guys do you must stick together". I said looking all my friends because it may just be my last time. "When we arrive go through the basement first. Kyung Mi might be there or somewhere else there. Take your weapons just in case. And Baekhyun I hope you still have your blind smoke bombs in hand". I remembered the last time we used them and it seemed to be successful. "There in the bag I packed". Baekhyun said with a nervous smile.

I looked down at my phone noticing that I got a text from none other than Mr. So.

Unknown: I seen that someone broke into my office. Meet me at your old place I have something that belongs to you.

I cursed under my breath handing my phone to Chanyeol. "He knows we're coming. He seen that we broke into his office. Mr. So must know our plan now". I said frustrated at how this could go down. "It's my fault he's angry, if it helps I will confront him myself while you find Kyung Mi. As you said so yourself it was once your house". I shook my head. "It's not that easy Jae. Your father could end up killing you if he finds out you crossed him. Besides this is a sick game and a kid like you doesn't need to be in the mix of it all". I tried to reason as I didn't want him to get hurt. "It's a little too late for that. I was born into it. And I'm sixteen". He argued back.

I looked up at my old home the memories all coming to me at once. "Alright you guys know the plan. Stay together and don't get caught. Go in pairs so keep your guard up. Remember we're one remember? We'll meet back here soon". I said as I looked around me. The night cold air sent chills down my body. "You're not going alone. I'll go with you. It's my job to protect you". Chanyeol said coming up beside me. I nodded looking at my friends. "Be careful guys". I said as I made my way towards the basement door and opening it.

My heart raced in fear of the unknown that was about to happen.

That concludes the end of chapter thirty one/part one of Red Heart. I want to thank everyone who gave this book a chance and for supporting it. It truly means the world to me. What has been your favorite part of the book thus far? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. What do you think will happen next? Any guesses? Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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