Chapter Thirty Two/Part Two

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Warning: Some sequence of violence may not be suitable for some people. And cursing.

Kai's POV

My heart raced in my chest as we walked around in the empty rooms no sight of Kyung Mi. If she wasn't here then she could be in the upstairs rooms. While we looked in the basement I couldn't help, but feel this bad feeling in my stomach. I tried shaking it off but it wouldn't go away. "Kyung Mi could be in the upstairs rooms she's not down here. Remember to stick together". I warned Chanyeol as we climbed the stairs. We could hear voices upstairs one of them belonging to Xiumin.

I opened the door to reveal Xiumin and Chen opening the smoke bombs. "Kyung Mi isn't downstairs have you heard anything yet?" I asked growing more worried. They shook their heads which made me feel disappointed. "She's not upstairs either. All of us checked the rooms and there empty". Lay announced. "Where can she be?" I whispered looking around. There were no secret rooms in this house, at least that I knew of.

My phone vibrated in my pocket which I knew who it was.

Unknown: Meet me in the barn and come alone. If you don't things are about to get ugly and someone will have to suffer the consequences.

Fear gripped my heart as I read the message. Another consequence another bad memory. "What did it say?" Baekhyun asked leaning over my shoulder. I sighed not wanting anything to happen. "He wants to meet me at the barn just down the property, but wants me to come alone. If any of you come someone will suffer the consequence of my actions. You guys stay here I'll try and get him to change his mind. It's the only way". I didn't like the idea one bit, but there was only one way out of this.

I was grabbed by the arm the firm grip holding me in place. I looked up to see Chanyeol looking at me with fear. "If you go through with this you die. Someone has to go with you. I won't let my brother sacrifice himself because of his parents doing. I'm sorry I can't let you do this". Tears ran down his face as he pleaded for me to not go. I gave him a weak smile my mind already made up. "I'm sorry Chanyeol, but this is what I was made to do. If I go through with this I die. If I don't someone will die or myself. I can't live with myself if I ever lost any of you. You've all been my family for years and I appreciate you guys for taking care of me, but this is my destiny. You guys are like my brothers and for that I'll be forever grateful. But there is only one way out of this. Don't think of this as a goodbye, think of it as I'll see you later". I shrugged Chanyeol's hand off me ignoring the yells of my brothers.

This was my destiny rather I wanted it to be or not. In this world of sick games this would be my last. I knew lives were going to be lost but I only hoped it was myself because I wanted all of this to end. To end this suffering I've dealt with for years. I looked back at my friends feeling my heart break even more. I'm sorry, but it's what was meant to be. Forgive me. I opened the door running to where my girlfriend was at. There standing in the barn was Mr. So and a four of his men. Immediately my eyes scanned the place not seeing Kyung Mi. I was suddenly thrown to my knees as Mr. So's men held me down. I tried fighting back but their grips were too strong. "Where is Kyung Mi?" I asked anger dripping in my tone.

Mr. So smirked a gun in his hand. "Oh, that's for you to find out. You see Kai, I told you to stay away from my daughter to which you didn't listen . This could have been avoided if you would have just done as I said. But then you must have a will to live as it seems you can never disappear. But don't worry I'll make sure that you don't see daylight again". He smirked circling me taunting me. "Where is she?" I yelled fighting against their grip. "Do you really want to know? I'll tell you. She's out of your reach, and safe from you. But since you want to see her I'll let you".

Mr. So pulls out his phone showing me a video where she's barely conscious with cuts and bruises on her. Anger coursed through my veins as I seen her condition. "What have you done to her?" I asked looking at her fragile frame. "I have done nothing. It's what you did. I wouldn't hurt my daughter. But I'm protecting her from you". He smirked which sickened me to the core.

"You're one sick individual. She's your daughter your own blood and you put her in harms way. Let her go and just take me. Stop hurting the people I love and just hurt me. I beg to take her place, please let her go". I begged. I would do anything to take her place. "You must really have a death wish". He hissed. "Isn't that what you always wanted?" I asked knowing he would only lie again. "Yes, but these games make it more interesting. And to answer your question you can take her place. Guys bring her out". Mr. So yelled as he demanded looking at me.

I looked to my left when I heard a noise coming from the left of me. My eyes grew wide as I seen the condition that Kyung Mi was in. "Kyung Mi!" I shouted trying to break free, but was kicked by Mr. So. "Not so fast. I didn't say when you could take her place".

I spun on my knees knocking the guards down lunging myself at Mr. So. We fell down rolling in the dirt as we threw punches at each other. His men were trying to pull me off but I was stronger running on adrenaline. "Get this ass of a kid off me!" Mr. So yelled. Suddenly I could feel a weight being lifted off of me as I could hear the voices of my friends.
They were fighting the men as I was dealing with Mr. So.

He threw a punch at me knocking me down into something hard. I crumpled to the ground as I could feel my ribs break. Through blurry vision I could see that Mr. So was outnumbered a smile coming to my lips. "No, this can't be". He whispered looking all around him. My eyes landed on Kyung Mi as So Jae was trying to wake her up my heart racing in fear. All around me my friends were fighting sometimes teaming up.

Suddenly I felt pain at the back of my head as I fell to the ground in pain. I looked at my hand it smeared in a red substance that could only be blood. I could feel the pressure of someone getting on top of me but I had no energy to fight them off. "Kai!" Faintly in the distance I could hear Chanyeol shouting my name with the weight of someone being thrown off me.

Above me stood Chanyeol as he helped me stand up on my wobbly legs. "Chanyeol behind you". I shoved him out of the way feeling the brunt force of something hitting me in the back falling to my knees yelling out in pain. I tried getting back up but my body physically couldn't move as it felt like it weighed a ton. I watched in horror as Chanyeol fought Mr. So my blood running cold. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. None of this was meant to happen and it's all because of me.

I watched in horror as Mr. So rose his gun up pointing it towards my brother. "Chanyeol look out!" I shouted, but I physically couldn't move. It was as if something was holding me in place. Chanyeol's eyes were wide as he looked at the gun in fear. The gun went off both falling to the ground. "Chanyeol!" I shouted tears falling down my face. Mr. So lied in front of me his gaze blank. "Finally. . . I c-can join my wife". I faintly heard. I glanced over at Chanyeol's still body tears burning my eyes. I tried crawling over to him, but I couldn't move my body only my head. "Chanyeol". I whispered losing hope that he was okay.

I could hear voices but they weren't the voices I expected. It was Chanyeol's mom who was yelling. Very faintly I could hear voices but they sounded so far away. I could feel myself drifting into the darkness that was trying to drag me under. With the last strength I had left I tried calling out to Chanyeol, but once again I didn't get a response.

The last thoughts I had before the darkness took over was Kyung Mi and Chanyeol.

That concludes the end of chapter twenty twenty part two of Red Heart. I want to thank every single one of you for reading this book and supporting it. It truly means a lot. I can't thank you enough. Hope everyone has a safe and good weekend. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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