Chapter Thirty Four

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In the picture above is what Kyung Mi's engagement ring looks like. If you want you can imagine a different ring if you prefer.

~Two Years Later~

Kai's POV

It's been two years since Chanyeol's passing and while life has moved on for some, it hasn't for me. Chanyeol's parents have nothing to do with me now especially Mr. Park, they basically disowned me. The only ones I had to lean on was my friends and Kyung Mi. There isn't a day that goes by that Chanyeol isn't on my mind or that something that always reminds me of him. I still carry the photo with me wherever I go as I still feel that he is still here.

I looked at myself through the mirror straightening out my tuxedo. I was beyond nervous for tonight and what was going down. This was a new stage in my life, one I was beyond nervous about and a new life awaited me. My heart raced in my chest as I looked at the small box in my hand. "You got this Kai". I whispered putting the box in my pocket. I grabbed my car keys and made my way towards Kyung Mi's apartment.

Kyung Mi and I have plans to rent an apartment together since her brother is now in college. And since Kyung Mi is alone we basically stay in each other's homes. Driving to her house felt like it took a lot longer than it should have, but then again tonight marks the very first time we met in the woods three years ago.

I knew from the first moment that I saw Kyung Mi in the woods, I knew she was something special. In the moment my heart was racing only because she was the most prettiest girl I had ever seen not because I was also in fear for our lives. She gave me hope despite I tried pulling away from her, but it was nearly impossible when our bond was purely one of a kind. I couldn't stay away from Kyung Mi, no matter how hard I tried staying away I physically would feel ill without her. It was then I realized I couldn't live without Kyung Mi. She changed my coal black heart and slowly it bled red again tainting my coal black heart. Kyung Mi taught me what love was and what love meant, taught me that my past shouldn't define me and that now I should be living in the present. She shown me a whole new world, one that I thought wasn't possible, but she opened my eyes and my world is no longer black and white, but in color. This heart of mine is no longer black, but red with undying compassion for one another. And I hope to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life.

I knocked on her apartment door feeling my heart race in anticipation as seconds ticked by. This night wasn't like any other night. No, this was a night I wanted to remember until the day I die.

The door suddenly opened taking me out of my thoughts of chaos. When I looked up Kyung Mi was wearing a black lacy dress that hugged her petite frame perfectly. Boy did she look beautiful. "Y-You look stunning Kyung Mi". I stuttered at a loss for words as she was truly beautiful. She blushed looking down at her outfit. "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself". She said cracking a smile. I took her hand in mine  guiding her to my car.

(I'm going to skip the dinner scene and go to the surprise)

~Time skip~

After we left the restaurant I was more nervous than ever. "I have one more surprise for you, but in order for it to be a surprise I have to blindfold you. Because if you see it, it'll ruin the surprise". I said breaking the silence. In the darkness I saw Kyung Mi nod. I grabbed the blindfold out of my pocket before loosely tying the fabric. "Do you trust me?" I asked whispering in her ear. "Yes, I trust you. You should know that by now". I heard a tint of a smile in her sentence. I started the car feeling a smile come to my lips. Same Kyung Mi trying to lighten the mood.

After driving for a while I had noticed that Kyung Mi had gotten awful quiet which had made me think she fell asleep. "You're still awake right? Because we haven't reached where we're going yet". I nudged her making her jump. "No, I wasn't sleeping. I was thinking what the surprise could be, but I honestly have no clue. But I can feel that something is off. By only relying on my senses I sense that you're really nervous about something. At dinner you weren't as talkative. Is something wrong?" Kyung Mi asked to which my eyes grew wide as I had a feeling that she was catching on. I cleared my throat before taking a left. "No, nothing is wrong. I just have a lot on my plate right now which you know about my predicament". That was only half the reason why I was nervous. I was nervous of her answer rather it was a yes or a no.

"When you're fully healed we'll talk to your doctor again to see if you can ever dance again. And if you can't I fully support you on what your decision will be. I only want what's best for you and what makes you happy". Kyung Mi spoke even though she couldn't see me. That was another thing I loved about Kyung Mi, she always knew what to say and exactly in the right situation. "You always know what to say". I said taking her hand in mine that fit mine ever so perfectly.

I pulled into the carpark shutting the car off. "Stay put I'll get the car door for you". I opened my car door rushing over to her side where she was patiently waiting. I took her hand in mine helping her out of the car. "Take my hand and don't let go. I'll be your guidance and if you feel like falling I'll catch you". I reassured her as we slowly made our way to the spot we called our own. "Just don't let go. I can only rely on my hearing you know. Somehow this feels like Dej'vu because I can hear our feet crushing the dry leaves". I could relate as it was like dej'vu all over again minus people out to kill me.

I gripped onto her hand tighter fearing that she might trip in her heels. I guess I should have made her wear her black boots instead. I stopped walking feeling her walk into my back. "On the count of three I want you to take your blindfold off". I whispered. Kyung Mi nodded doing as I said. I watched as she slowly untied the blindfold her arms coming down at her sides as she looked around.

All around us tea-lit candles were lit forming a circle around us flickering in the light breeze. Kyung Mi's hazel eyes met mine before slowly observing the scenery. "This is the place where we first met. It's absolutely beautiful Kai. Did you do all of this?" She asked looking around in awe. I smiled at the excitement in her eyes as she looked like a kid on Christmas who just got their toy they wanted. "The guys helped me out while we were out for dinner". I told her. It taken me months to plan all of this including how the guys had wanted to help with the setup.

I got down on one knee as Kyung Mi looked around distracted by the lights. Just when her hazel eyes met mine had I started my speech. "Kai, what are you doing?" Kyung Mi gasped.

"Kyung Mi, the moment I first met you in this meadow exactly three years to this day, I knew there was something special about you. I couldn't figure out why, but I could never stop thinking about you but I realized that you must have been damn special because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't forget you. Every day you slowly changed this black heart of mine and slowly turned it to red as you shown me how to love again, myself and more importantly you. You slowly changed this bad boy and turned me into something better, the person I had always wanted to be. And it was all because of you that I am alive today and a much better version of myself. I can't picture a life without you in it. You're my everything, you're my light to my darkness the reason I want to get up every day and see that beautiful face of yours. I want you to be the future Kim of my life and have children and grow old together. You're my inspiration, my guardian angel. Will you take my hand in marriage and marry me, So Kyung Mi?" I asked opening the black box looking up as her hazel eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

Kyung Mi just stared at me then to the ring leaving me a nervous wreck inside. I couldn't tell rather they were happy tears or out of anger. I hope it wasn't the later option. I feared this was a bad idea as more tears flowed. Hesitantly I wiped her tears away with my thumb feeling the sparks of electricity run through me.

Kyung Mi nodded wiping her tears away. "Y-Yes, I'll marry you Kim Kai".  A huge smile ghosted my lips as I slipped the ring on her delicate hand feeling excitement that she said yes. My first and only love just said yes to forever with me. I picked her up spinning her around. "She said yes!" I yelled out in excitement to the world.

That concludes the end of chapter thirty four of Red Heart. They are finally engaged!! What was your favorite part? What do you think will happen next? Tell me in the comments what your favorite part was. I love reading them. I want to thank everyone for reading this book and supporting it. Don't forget to vote and comment.

I have a very important announcement coming in the future chapters or chapter, so definitely look forward to that.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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