The start

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Some characters might be off but enjoy!!

Todoroki POV:

BAM! As I got thrown to the ground. It hurts, like hell but I've learned to deal with it. Sure there might be a tear sometimes but most of the time i'm fine.

"Get up!" my father yells. I do as he says but I end up on the floor again. This has become a daily thing.

"You're being weak.". I try to get up and when i do i get knocked down again. It's like this never ending void or if you put a music playlist on loop. It's like something I can't escape.

"That's enough for today" father says as he walks away leaving me on the ground. I can get up but it's harder to now. I looked at the time as I was walking to my room and saw that it was 10. To be honest I think getting less sleep is one of the worst parts about training everyday. I mean, yes of course getting hurt is bad too but I would still like to sleep.

I made it to my room and just flopped on my bed. I planned on getting up in a little to get ready for bed because I don't feel like sleeping in clothes I just trained in. After about 10 mins of just laying there i got up and took a shower. When you take a hot shower, at first it feels like your back is getting burned with a blow torch but then you get used to the feeling and doesn't feel so painful. When I got out I put my clothes on(sweat pants and a t-shirt) and flopped back down but this time i tried to sleep. Usually I would be thinking about life or anything really but I guess I don't have any thoughts tonight.

Next day:

I slowly open my eyes. I reach for my phone to check the time. School starts at 8:15 and the time was 6:40 so I have about a hour to get ready. I get up and go to my closet to grab my uniform then I head to the bathroom because it's easier to do everything in there. I do my morning routine and walk out the door. As I'm walking I look around and ask myself difficult questions like "Why were people created?" or "What makes my brain function?" stuff like that. I finally make it to school and when I walk in I see Midoriya standing in the hall. We wave to eachother as he walks towards me.

"We should probably head to class." Midoriya says in a calm but somewhat enthusiastic voice. I just nod. The whole way to class he was talking about all might. I don't get it. They obviously have some type of connection but he talks about all might all the time. I just have to believe him when he says he's not his love child. We finally made it to class witch means I don't have to listen to all might facts anymore. I sit down in my seat as Iida lectures everyone for almost being late. Aizawa walks in and tells us he has some news.

"We are going to a training camp in 3 weeks from today." Mina, Kaminari, and Sero got on their desks and them being them screamed "YES". Everyone was concerned i'm pretty sure.

"Ok then... everyone will be in a group of 3 at the camp." everyone kinda looked at eachother. After like 10 secs the silence was broke by Aizawa starting to teach.

Time skip:)

Walking home feels worse than walking to school. I know i'll have to train. It also feels better because now I don't have to listen to bakugo scream every 2 mins. I ask myself those same difficult questions that I know won't get answered. I don't know why but I always think of more questions. Honestly it stresses me out but calms me? I don't know it's confusing. I made it home after a little. I just threw my backpack down and ate. I sat in my room doing online homework. Somewhat close to 4 my father got home. I knew that we would start training right away so i just walked to the training room. Like usual I got thrown down right away. I also got hit with a few punches.

Time skip again(yes im that type of person)

It was about 10:30 when my father let us stop

"Why do you do this to me?" I ask in a kind of whiny voice. He went to a halt and looked at me.

"Your weak" he replies. He continues walking to his room. Tonight i got hurt really bad so it was almost impossible to get up. I finally did tho but it took almost all the strength i had left. I walked to my room and got ready. I flopped onto my bed. Tonight gave me a lot of things to think about. Like "I don't think i'm ok" and "Am I '𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯'?".

Word count: 845

It's almost 1 am and i'm sick atm. I also hurt my neck. I spent 3 hrs on this so at least 2 views would be nice lmao.

Also todobaku stuff will be in the 2nd chapter or 3rd i forgot but we'll see also sorry if this was interesting but short.

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