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Little amount of todobaku sorry for the wait on that. There will defintley be stuff in the third chapter.

Time skip:)

Todoroki POV: It's one day before we go to camp. I'm honestly really nervous. We've done this before but after Bakugo getting kidnapped everyone has been a little nervous about doing things like this. I walk out the door and start heading to school. I meet up with Midoriya like usual and walk to class together as I listen to 50 million more all might facts. He could write a book. We finally got to class. Everybody's morning is always the same, talking to the same people, getting lectured by Iida, making Bakugo mad somehow, or stuff like that. Aizawa walks in and reminds us that camp starts tomorrow and starts going over the rules.

"1. Boys, don't do anything weird" he says glaring at Mineta

"2. Don't be a ass to your group" he says looking at Bakugo. I think most of his rules are gonna be towards people.

"3. Don't be stupid" he didn't look at anyone then but i'm suprised he didn't look at Kaminari because like the whole going stupid thing.

"That's all. I know I can trust most of you" after that he just started teaching.

Time skip(there's gonna be a lot)

Surprisingly I didn't have any questions. I just complained in my head about the dorms being rebuilt because someone(Kaminari) used his quirk and destroyed half of the dorms. I don't get why the people that are in the other half that didn't get destroyed can't stay in their dorm. It is gonna take 10 weeks to be rebuilt. I felt my phone vibrate so I checked it.

"I'm going on a business trip and I'll be back on Monday." I read to myself whispering. That's the day we are getting back from camp. Guess I only get today off. I get home and since I don't have homework I decide to just lay on the couch and watch whatever is on. After a few mins I got up and made something to eat. I was starving. I realized I for got to pack so I went and did that knowing I would forget again. I went back and laid on the couch and started watching tv again. Before I knew it, it was 8:30 so I got ready for bed. I just kinda laid there. I don't have anything to think about... maybe i'm excited. I don't think I am tho. 20 mins went by and I finally drifted off to sleep.

I really don't feel like waking up this morning. I just wanna go back to sleep but I know I can't. I did my morning routine and I was on my way to school after a little while. Midoriya was super excited and wasn't in the hall so I assume he's already in class. I walk by myself to class and replay one of my favorite songs in head. I have headphones in my suit case but I didn't want to make a mess. I also think about who i'm gonna be grouped with. I hope I at least like one of them. I got to class and I was right I saw Midoriya sitting at his seat with this big smile on his face. It was kinda scary. Aizawa got to class and gave us our groups. I didn't pay attention until I heard my name.

"Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugo" well this should be interesting. At least I have one friend. I don't mind Bakugo but he's not one of the greatest people ever.

Short Bakugo POV:

WHY DO I HAVE TO BE WITH THAT DAMN NERD?! Todoroki is alright but Deku, seriously. I got so mad that I made a hole in the wall. I started yelling at deku like usual.

Todoroki POV:

It should've scared me when Bakugo made that hole but I guess I got used to his anger issues. Everybody started loading the bus. I sat next to Midoriya and Bakugo sat across from us with Kirishima. I think I fell asleep because it felt like 2 mins and we were there. Aizawa unloads the bus and you could see pros lined up.

"Every group has been assasigned to a pro" I start walking down the line and see... my father. This must've been his business trip.

Third person:

Todoroki gives Endeavor a glare. Bakugo notices and gets a little scared but curious. The most anybody would know about his personal life is the boiling water. Todoroki thought only Midoriya knew but Bakugo was listening to them talk so he knows to. Bakugo is assuming the glare is connected to that in some way.

"Todoroki's group is going to be with Endeavor" Aizawa said in a really tired voice. You could see Todoroki's face expression change to a worried look. Now bakugo was really curious. All the groups spread out in the forest with the pros.

Bakugo POV:

There has to be something going on with Todoroki. I could tell he got scared when Aizawa told us we are working with Endeavor. Does Endeavor do something to him at home? We start training. I don't use a lot of my power because I wanted to see if anything would happen between Todoroki and his dad. He's not being supious, maybe i'm just being dramatic but i'm still going to pay attention just incase i'm not. A few moments later I heard a somewhat loud noise and look back. I see that Todoroki got hit. I also see a tear fall. It made me super mad but I don't know why. I looked away quickly as I made a big explosion making Endeavor come over to me.

Todoroki POV:

The one time he hurt me so bad a tear fell was at the worst possible time. What if someone saw? I don't think it was intentional but Bakugo got father to go over to him. I would thank him but if I did he would know something is wrong. After around 1 hour we moved on to do a obstacle course witch took about 3 hours just because of how big it is. We started doing 1 on 1 fights. It was like the sports festival. I was going against Midoriya again. This time I won't almost kill him tho. Everyone was filled with adrenaline espically Midoriya. The class would watch and then the next people would have their turn.

Bakugo POV:

It is just like the sports festival, deku vs icy-hot. It wasn't as interesting tho. Todoroki didn't use a lot of fire mostly ice. Deku got a few punches but overall Todoroki won. My match ended quickly. I just blasted four eyes out of the rink. When we went to go eat I noticed Endeavor talking to Todoroki about something obviously private cause he was whispering. I feel like I need to know what's going on and now. Once everyone was done we went to our cabins. I wanted to go to sleep because it was already 8:30. Deku took a hour to get ready and then finally went to bed. Todoroki just flopped down when he got inside

'Good night!" Deku said oddly cheerful

"Night" Todoroki said sounding tired

"Tch whatever" I said. I wanted to go to sleep but I ended up just laying there. After like 30 mins I heard Todoroki get up so I pretended to be asleep. I heard the bathroom door close then open after a little but then I heard him leave the cabin...

Word count: 1,235

kinda a cliffhanger, your welcome.

This was kinda rushed because it's 12pm and I have family over but it's better than finishing at 1am tho:)

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