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Bakugo POV:

It was finally morning. I reached over to my night stand and grabbed my phone. I mostly just wanted the time but I also wanted to see if I got any notifications but it was only 7. I turned my phone back off and laid it down next to me. I rolled over and looked where todoroki was sleeping to see if he woke up yet witch he obviously did because he wasn't there. He's probably getting ready or some shit like that. I can't believe that I have to spend the next 7 weeks with him because of me. I don't mind it, I just feel awkward. I shouldn't feel awkward tho. I just have to act like how I usually do. I should start getting ready. I got up and changed into some clothes then went to the bathroom and did what I normally do. I walked into the kitchen and saw todoroki sitting at the table eating toast.

"Morning" he said but sounded a little tired

"Whatever" this should be easy. I can be my normal self... but him staying here makes me wanna not be to be an asshole. At least not to him. I wanna be open for some reason. I'm gonna make something to eat while I think about this because i'm starving. I guess I could make eggs. I got the frying pan out and started cooking. Why do I feel like this? I ask myself over and over again but I can never think of a answer except for 'A lot of stuff can happen in a week' but it doesn't seem that reasonable. There has to be more to it.. but what? I realized my food was done so I got a plate put the food on it then sat down at the table across from todoroki.

"Remember when you asked me about emotions or some shit like that?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Was there any special reason?"

"Maybe but I don't really wanna talk about it"


"Why do you care?" he smirked a little when he asked.

"Because it's a fucking weird question to ask out of the blue" I said trying to sound annoyed.

"Ok" he went back to eating after that.

Todoroki POV:

Why did he have to bring that up?! But why does he care? I could tell that he wasn't asking because of it being a random question. Does he feel the sa- nah he couldn't. He wouldn't like anyone like that. I wish I knew what he was thinking. That would make the next 7 weeks easy. I finished eating so I put my plate in the dishwasher and grabbed a coat. It was nice out so I decided to go for a walk. It's still a little cold tho.

"Where are you going?!" Bakugo yelled very loudly.

"I'm going on a walk i'll be back in 10 mins" I walked out the door and felt a tiny breeze. I started having random thoughts. Surprisingly it wasn't about Bakugo. It was like 'What if everyone's in a coma and we don't know' or something difficult like that. If i'm being honest, when I have thoughts like these it stresses me out. I could just start thinking about my emotions but I do that enough already and I don't want my mind to go crazy. That's the last thing I want. Bakugo lives pretty close to the city so I could walk 1 block maybe then come back. I hope i'm not gone for more than 15 minutes. Apparently someone (Bakugo) cares about me so he might worry. I doubt that tho. Right I can't think too much or my mind might go crazy. I should just enjoy the scenery. I need something to think about since I have nobody to talk to. I could think about what it's gonna be like when we go back to the dorms. I can't. I can only think about Bakugo for some reason. Why can I not stop thinking about him all the sudden? I do have feelings for him.. but is this obsessive? Maybe it's because this whole crush thing is new to me. I just wanna know why I feel like this. What does he even think of me? He probably just thinks of me as a 'extra'. I should head back now. But what if he thinks of me as something else? I doubt that. I've been wrong about that stuff tho. No i'm most likely right on this tho. All the sudden I blacked out.

Bakugo POV:

He's been gone for 20 minutes. I should call him. I went to my room and got my phone. I tried calling but there was no answer.

Word count: 774

Right now as i'm typing this it's 2:34am and I have school but it's late start(thank god) but I get tired sooooo ya. I'll try to make the next chapter long and it prob will be because you prob already know what's bout to go down.

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