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Todoroki POV:

I looked up at Bakugo. He was sleeping. God he looks peaceful. Maybe I could go back to sleep. Actually I should just stay up. I don't wanna wake him up again. Maybe I should just stop sleeping for a few days so I stop waking him up. I guess that could work. I continued to watch tv for the next what seemed like few hours until Bakugo started to move. I looked up and his eyes were half way open. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time and it was already 6:30. I really wasn't paying attention to the time.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I sounded slightly tired.

"Whatever" he sounded tired too. Probably because I woke him up earlier.

"Did you fall back asleep too?" I shook my head. He slightly nodded in response.

"I'm hungry" I said. I sounded a little more tired now. I'm gonna sound even worse in a few days most likely.

"Wanna order something because I don't feel like getting up"

"Sure" I open my phone and go on doordash. We look at all the breakfast places to order from. We finally agree on something and order what we want (idk what food place to put so yay). My phone said it should take 20-25 minutes to get here. We just sit there and watch tv while we wait. A few minutes later my phone started ringing. I stayed where I was but still answered.

"Hello?" I looked up at Bakugo who was still watching tv.

"I will find you shoto. You can't escape me" That was the voice I was hoping never to hear again. I hung up. I could feel my face expression change. I put my phone back in my pocket. I buried my face into Bakugo's chest.

"What did Endeavor do?" I didn't know if he was looking at me but his voice sounded calm. How did he know?

"He threatened me..." I said hesitating. I could feel his arms hug me tight.

"The bitch can't do anything. I would say he can't because it's against the law but we all know that he probably doesn't give a fuck about laws. He can't do anything because i'm here"

"Thank you" I started to tear up. He didn't give a whole speech or anything but it did something to me. It made me feel loved...

Bakugo POV:

I could feel todoroki crying through my shirt. He definitely is a lot more emotional once you get to know him. Usually when he cries it's because of nightmares though. While my mind is on the topic of his nightmares, did he not go back to sleep because of them? He sounds tired. Oh well that just means he can sleep better tonight. I don't think I have too much to worry about since he's always so tired. Hopefully asshole's threat doesn't make anything worse. Oh right we still need to call to set him up for an appointment.

"We still need to call and get you an appointment so please remind me later"

"Ok" I hear a knock at the door.

"Food's here so im gonna have to get up" he sat up. His eyes are a little red but nothing too bad. I got up and opened the door. We paid online so we wouldn't have to when the person got here. They handed me the food and left. I brought the food over to the couch and sat down next to todoroki. I kinda wanna call him shoto. I mean I did once but that was to snap him back into reality. I'm just gonna be my confident self and ask.

"Hey todoroki?" I asked trying to get his attention.

"Ya?" ok I might be a little scared now.

"Can I call you shoto..?" shit i'm blushing. One thing I didn't want to happen. I kept looking at him tho.

"Only if I can call you Katsuki" I nod. I feel like fangirling but I don't have enough energy for that. We start eating. There was a comfortable silence between us. I looked through everybody's snapchat story and then looked through instagram. Shoto leaned over and put his head on my shoulder and we looked through instagram together. I love his presence. Even if he's not talking it still makes me happy. We just have to be in the same room and i'll be fine. What if i've been hiding my feelings from myself? What if he did the same? Most people have a crush on someone for a few months before their presence makes them happy. It hasn't even been a month I don't think. I look at the time and see that it's only 7:50.

"Wanna start looking at therapy numbers to call before we forget?"

"Sure" I went on to google and looked at some numbers and reviews. We found a lady named Rin that has good reviews so we ended up saving her number. We wanted to wait until a little later into the day since we woke up about a hour ago. No, I woke up about a hour ago. We both agreed on calling sometime around noon. We finished eating and threw our trash and that stuff away.

~time skip brought to you by i'm honestly kinda tired~

It was 10:30 and we were still laying down watching tv. I'm sure shoto doesn't mind. He probably didn't get to relax very often. I don't really mind either. I like shoto in my arms. This is one of the only times we're all touchy and cuddly so I like to take advantage of it.

"Still wanna go see if that girl from the restaurant comes?" I ask trying to get him to look away from the tv.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I" we both laugh a little. He still sounds tired.

"Are you sure you're not tired?" I ask. He just nods and goes back to watching whatever we were watching. I start to play with his hair and oh my god it is soft. Like really soft. I could see him smile a little. I like it when he smiles. Maybe I don't have to be my normal class-self around him.

"I'm gonna be nice to you but don't tell anyone" he nods. I continue to play with his hair for a few minutes.

"I'm really bored wanna go do something"

"I do but I don't feel like getting up" I picked him up and carried him to my room then threw him on to the bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed clothes to change into. I picked up some clothes for him to change into too and threw them at him.

"Go get ready" I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I finished getting dressed and opened the door so shoto knew it was ok to come in. After a few minutes he was finally done and started finishing getting ready.

"Don't judge me for what i'm about to do ok?" I nod. He pulled out a bag of makeup and put some under his eyes covering the bags under them.

"I'll be in the kitchen" I nod again. He walks out as I finish doing everything. I look at my phone and see that it's 11:22. We could probably call now. I walk out into the kitchen.

"Can we call now?"

"Yeah that would be fine" I dial the number and call it. I told the receptionist that answered all the details and how serious the situation was. Shoto got pretty excited when I said the appointment was for my boyfriend. It was kinda cute. I just really hopes this works. If not, I don't know what will. The only problem was the soonest we could get in was in a week. It's not super bad but it would be nice if it could be sooner. I really hope he can hang on till then. 1 appointment isn't gonna fix everything at once but it should at least do something.

Word count: 1,324

Sorry I left it off at that but i'm tired and I wanna read my fanfics so yeehaw. Also i'm prob not gonna edit or reread chapters anymore so if you find any mistakes you can comment them or not if you don't want to. Anyways byeeeeeee

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