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Srry for no depressing music but you'll understand in a lil. I also rlly like this outro:)

Bakugo POV:

I'm really nervous now. I want to talk about what happened but that might make something happen.

"Do you want to talk first or do you want me to?" todoroki asked.

"I will first" I said that hesitantly. I didn't mean to tho.

(Ima do the T and B thing again)

B: Basically we're just gonna tell eachother about our emotions and that shit?

T: Yeah..

B: Ok.. ummm how should I start this off?

T: Maybe with how you feel?

B: I already told you tho

T: Yeah but we were about to die

B: Fine.. I-I kinda have f-f-feelings for y-you

I stuttered alot. Why tho? I never do.

T: I feel the same way. Now that we have that cleared, what does this mean?

B: What the hell do you mean?

T: Like does this change anything?

B: I don't know. If you want it to.

T: Ok

B: Sooooo...?

T: What?

B: Do you want it to?

T: I'll think about it

Wow. That was a shitty answer. He has to think quick because we are going to be living together for the next 7 weeks. It's only been 2 days and I already told him. I'm not surprised I saved him. Of course endeavor would try to capture him. We both heard the door open. We both looked at who it was but it was just recovery girl. He looked down and I just stared in front of me.

"You guys can go home now" I got up and realized I didn't have a shirt on. Only a bandage wrapped around my stomach. Recovery girl handed me a shirt. I put the shirt on as todoroki started walking towards the door. I caught up to him and walked beside him. Finally we could go home. I feel so awkward now. I honestly want him to say yes. Screw my thoughts. When we get home i'm just gonna lay on the couch and watch whatever's on tv. I opened the door and walked in first. He just followed. He went to my room and I did exactly what I was thinking. I turned on the tv and saw some garbage show that I didn't know the name of but watched it anyways. I could hear todoroki walking towards me. He must've got ready to take a nap because he was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

"I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up if something happens"

"Whatever" he walked back to my room.

Todoroki POV:

I walked back to his room. What Shigaraki said was echoing through my head. Endeavor went that far? Just to use me again? I feel bad. Bakugo almost died when I could've stronger and helped. I really am weak. I keep telling myself this even tho Endeavor isn't in my life anymore. But he is. If he's trying to get me back would that even mean he is? I snapped back into reality when I made it to Bakugo's room. I laid down on the sleeping bag but I didn't get in. I laid there for awhile. Thoughts were racing through my mind. It started making me even more tired. I fell asleep and started dreaming but it was a nightmare...

He grabbed my wrist and gripped tight making the burning worse. He slammed me down. I was laying on the ground with the wind knocked out of me.

"Get up now" I got up but slowly. I got knocked over again. This time he didn't say anything. He just looked down at me and started to form a devilish smile. He started kicking me. I knew he was taking his anger out on me. I felt tears rushing down my face but I didn't make any noise knowing something would happen. He picked me up by my neck, chocking me. He held me there for a while. He just stared at me. My face turning blue. He dropped me once he realized I didn't care. He was getting ready to kick me really hard and was aiming at my head. Right as he kicked me I woke up. I was sweating and panting. I felt tears come to my eyes. I started crying but quietly. Why is this all coming back to me now? That nightmare was a flashback from middle school. I looked at the time and it was only 6. I only got about 25 or 30 minutes of sleep. I got up and changed again since the clothes I were wearing were covered in sweat. I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were a little red but it wasn't very noticeable so I shouldn't have to worry. I splash cold water on my face then dry it with a towel. I walked into the kitchen and saw Bakugo sitting at the table eating something. I looked around the pantry but couldn't find anything.

"That was a quick nap" Bakugo said. I just nod. I don't feel like talking.

"Are you ok?" he asked. The one question you don't want to have asked when your not.

"Ya i'm fine" crap my voice was shaky.

"What happened?"

"I said i'm fine" my voice had some anger in it but was still shaky.

"I know your not. Your eyes are red. It's kind of like you were crying" I wanted him to stop talking.

"We'll talk later" finally he would stop. I sat down at the end of the couch and looked through my phone. I'm so tired but I don't wanna try to sleep again until Bakugo falls asleep. Bakugo sits down on the other side of the couch.

"Are you done thinking or do you need more time" he asked but he sounded annoyed. What do I say? I know my answer. I'll just tell him.


".... are you gonna tell me?"

Short third person:

Todoroki leaned in and then they KISS KISS FELL IN LOVE (sorry I rlly wanted to do that)

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah..." Bakugo was blushing a little.

Bakugo POV:

Well that just happened. Wait am I blushing? Wait is todoroki blushing?! I looked over at him. OH MY GOD HE IS! This is a first. He went back to looking at his phone. I mean there isn't really anything else to do. I pulled the back of his shirt towards me making him fall backwards. His head was on my lap now. He was still looking through his phone tho. It broke the slight awkward feeling at least.

Time skippppp

It was 8. We must've been really comfortable because we were sitting there for like a hour and 30 minutes.

"I'm gonna go to bed" todoroki said as he got up.

"I will too" I got up after him and followed. I just laid down in my bed and he laid on the floor.


"Night.." I said that hesitantly. I'm so used to saying 'whatever' that it felt weird saying goodnight or whatever I said. I drifted off to sleep. I don't know how long I was asleep for but I woke up to the faint sound of crying and heavy breathing. Something's wrong. I looked over to where todoroki was sleeping. He was sitting straight up. Knowing he was awake I got up and went over to him.

"What happened"

"H-he..." he couldn't finish. I knew exactly what happened tho. I hugged him tightly. I think he started to calm down.

"Can you finish what you were saying?"

"I think so...." He told me about earlier and how the same thing happened.

"I don't think I can fall back asleep"

"Just sleep with me then"

"Wait what?"

"You heard what I fucking said now get in bed" he laid down on the bed. I laid down next to him.

"Thank you" he whispered. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer. His head was on my chest.

"Goodnight" I said it first this time

"Goodnight" he said sounding really tired. We both fell asleep.

Word count: 1,307

Wow I made the end like rlly ya. That's ok tho. I'm so tired again and I feel like I forgot to do homework even tho it was the first thing I did when I got home. Also I didn't read it to see if I missed any mistakes so yeehaw. Anyways ima go to sleep now so gnnnnnnnn.

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