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So sorry I didn't write earlier today I had to help babysit, but tysm for 100 reads!

Bakugo POV:

Shit, training is gonna be awkward if endeavor knows I was the one who saved todoroki. I don't regret it but now my situation will be weird. At least todoroki's alright. It doesn't make sense tho, isn't his dad supposed to be a pro and save people? I should save the thoughts for later. I just hope todoroki doesn't remember anything. Why would he? He was out cold when we got back but that also means he could've been awake before that. Right, save the thoughts for later I have to get ready for training.

Todoroki POV:

I really hope last night doesn't get brought up. I don't wanna lie to Bakugo but I also don't wanna tell him that I remember. I shouldn't have listened to father when he told me to come train with him. Why do I even call him father, all he does is abuse and use me. I think I must have gotten to deep into thought because Midoriya called my name a few times to tell me to get ready. I got up and got ready. I waited for the group to change. When Bakugo walked by me we glanced at eachother. We both knew we remembered.

Bakugo POV(sorry for all the switches):

Oh no. He remembers. I'm screwed but only if he says something. I could tell he doesn't want to tho. Honestly I wanna ask him all the questions I have but it would make both of us equally uncomfortable. Maybe I should tho? Screw my thoughts. I walked out the door with the group. I don't think endeavor knew it was me. He acted totally normal when we started training.

I couldn't really focus on training. I want to know why I care, why I followed him, and why I feel something towards him. I can't be... maybe I am? Nahhhh not in a million years. Ugh why do emotions have to be like this. Am I or am I not? Nothing and I mean nothing makes sense anymore. I need to focus on getting stronger. Why does it have to be so hard to not focus on something. I should just be able to switch my thoughts like that. Wait a second. Where's todoroki and end- oh no...

Todoroki POV:

Endeavor grabbed my wrist and dragged me somewhere.

"We can only use our quirks in this fight but make sure you don't make something dramatic so that people will see us ok?"

I nodded. I'm terrified. His quirk is way stronger than mine. He knows he can kill me. Is that his goal? I snap back into reality and realize he's charging towards me. I jump to the side and make a ice shield. I try to stop him from moving by freezing him but I should have realized his quirk is literally fire. I guess I'll just have to use my left side. I really don't wanna do this but I have no choice. I ignite my left side.

"This should be good" Endeavor says trying to hit me with his fire. I have a feeling he's not gonna stick with "We can only use our quirks" for very long. This is fire against fire meaning it won't do anything to either of us. I decide to step him up and make my fire bigger but he does the same except he's stronger. I can tell who's gonna win now. Without a doubt. We both start to aim at eachother but i halt when i hear...

"DON'T HURT HIM!" it sounded familiar. My flames went down but my father already put almost all his strength into to his attack and hit me. It felt like I fell asleep. I couldn't move, see, or hear anything...

Word count: 637

So sorry for the short chapter. I wanted it to be longer but I also wanted it to be a cliffhanger and I found the perfect oppertunity(srry I can't spell) but it's 11pm and I have to get up at 6 soooooo ima go to bed

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