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We gonna start off with a time skip:)

Third person POV:

It was already 2. The two boys decided to get up and head to the park to see what the girl's reaction would be. The blonde walked out first as the halfie followed(Ima call todo that in 3rd person). They walked side by side, talking and laughing until they finally made it to their destination. They quickly ran and hid behind a tree. Suddenly a girl started to appear. Silently giggling, they watched as the girl sat down.

"Do we just wait until she realizes i'm not coming or are we gonna do something?" Bakugo whispered.

"We could do something it's gonna be like a hour or two before she realizes." Todoroki whispered. Ideas ran through his head. A small smile could be seen on halfie's face when he thought of one specific idea.

"You wanna tell me or are you just gonna sit there like a idiot." the usually angry pomerainian said. Todoroki gave him a jokingly glare.

"It's gonna sound stupid and cliche but we could scare her."

"Ok sure" Bakugo responded with. The duo started to creep up behind her. Both making a loud noise at the same time as they hit her back. She jumped up and ran.

"Well at least we know she could have a small chance of living in a horror movie" Bakugo said making them both laugh a little bit. Todoroki just nodded.

"Wanna head back?" halfie asked. Bakugo nods. They start walking back side by side again. Talking and laughing the whole way back again. They finally made it back and headed to Bakugo's room. The two just sit there and a bunch of board games. There wasn't much to do except talk and of course play games. Both of them sat there for about a hour just playing games but then they got bored.

"Wanna watch a movie or something like that?" Bakugo asks.

"Yeah" Todoroki replied. They stayed in his room and looked on netflix to find something. They finally found something and sat side by side with a blanket over their shoulders. Maybe 30 or 40 minutes into the movie they heard a knock at the door. Bakugo got up as Todoroki just sat there continuing to keep his focus on the screen infront of him. Bakugo slowly opened the door. It was someone he didn't want to see tho...

Word count: 393

I was procrastinating again. Also i stopped rereading and editing these. Idk if I said that in the last actual chapter but oh well. Sorry for the short chapter butttttt im watching 'a silent voice' rn so I wanna get back to that. Baiiiiii!

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