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Bakugo POV:
Deku... fucking deku.
"Hey kacchan!" the little broccoli said.
"What the hell do you want?!"
"Just wanted to talk to todoroki" I sighed and turned around.
"Hey Sho, Deku wants to talk to you or whatever!" Deku looked at me with a surprised look on his face. I just shrugged it off. I can hear shouto walking towards me.
"Hey midoryia" he said calmly. Deku quickly pulled him out of the house. It was weird. Him doing that made me feel.. off.

Todoroki POV:
I was quickly pulled out the door by midoryia. The door got slammed shut. We stood there for a moment.
"I need to talk to you but we have to go somewhere private" I just nodded and followed. All the sudden I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I feel like something is gonna happen, no, he's my friend. We walked up to this old looking building.
"Follow me" he said. I followed him into the building. It was dark. Like the one time... oh shit. I blacked out.

A few hours laterrrrrrrr

My eyes slowly start to open. Now i'm starting to feel the pain in my head. I looked at my surroundings. I'm in a small room with one light. They must've thought of a new way to capture me. The door started to open. I looked up and it was dabi.
"Finally your awake, we've been checking in on you every 30minutes" I just stand there.
"I already told you i'm not joining"
"That's not what we want this time" I tilt my head slightly.
"You kinda pissed us off last time so this time we're gonna make sure you don't so that means you'll get to die slowly" this is gonna suck but i brought my phone. I waited till dabi left wich wasn't a very long wait.

texting for a bit:)

I got kidnapped again. Can u come save me?

How the fuck did you ask me that like it's normal?!

just trying to make myself feel better ig. Anyways you need to get here, it's a weird shady building probably the one from last time.

ok but you can defend yourself for now, cya in a little

I put my phone away. That was a kinda weird conversation. We talked like it was normal that i got kidnapped but this time i had my phone. The door opened again to reveal toga. As usual she has her knife.
"Oooooo looks like we caught shouto todoroki again!" She got closer to me.
"Ok so i need kind of need to tie (however u spell it) you down so this is easier" now im confused. tying me down would make what easier?
"Nope not gonna happen"
"Guess i'll have to do this the hard way, Dabi!!!!" wait is she gonna make him burn me?
"ok fine"
"good, now sit" I turned around. There was a chair... that wasn't there before. I did as she said and sat down. Not long after she started to tie knots with ropes. This must be the beginning. Katsuki will find me tho, hopefully.

Word count: 524
HAPPY BDAY TODO!!!! i already celebrated at 12am yesterday so YAYYYYYYYY. I might have a lil obsession with him but it's not like i have a shrine or anything.................... ok but srry for the short chapter i'm rlly tired and i decided to start spelling shouto instead of shōto bc it looks more fancy and i'm pretty sure that's how u actually spell it so ya. Peace out my dudeskisssssssssssss✌🏻

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