oneshot thingʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

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so my brain doesn't wanna think sooooo i can't think of how to make the next chapter. Also my friend and i were talking about the story and what i'm planning on and she came up with this just for fun so creds to mercedes. Also it's still sorta todobaku.
trigger warningggg!!!
Todoroki POV:

The thought of it crossed my mind. "Maybe I could just this once..." I said to myself. I got up from my chair and grabbed the pencil sharpener. I took it apart and got the blade. I held it to my wrist. "Maybe I shouldn't do this, Bakugo would kill me! But he doesn't have to know, but what if he finds out? He won't. I'll just act like I didn't do anything." all these possiblites racing through my head. Suddenly I felt a sting. Without even realizing it, I did it. "Damn it this hurts" I said to myself. There was lots of blood coming out of my wrist. I shouldn't have done this. Little drops get on the carpet as I soon realize, I don't know how to cover up scars. I look down at my fresh cut. I then remember that momo is making spagghetti for dinner. I usually don't eat spagghetti with sauce. Suddenly an idea came to me. I walked out of my dorm room into the kitchen. I made sure nobody was there. I snuck over to the large pot with all the marinara sauce. I carefully picked it up and then....... I poured it on me. I held it over my head as all the sauce was pouring out onto me. Most of my body was covered with red sauce.

"What are you doing?" I heard momo ask. I turned around.

"Ummmmmm... I just wanted some marinara sauce?" I said questionly. I turned back around only to see everyone from 1A staring at me.

"Dude, we wanted some" Bakugo said. I didn't exactly think about that.

"Oops?" I said. I turn back to momo.

"Do you know how expensive that was?!" It kinda scared me how she said that.

"That must've been made by god if you think that's expensive" Uraraka said. Momo then grabbed the jar and showed her it. At the top if said "God's marinara"

"Oh..." Uraraka replied.

"Guess we could just eat it off todobro" Kaminari said. Everyone then started scooping suce off me with their fingers. It got really weird. After actually eating, we all went to our rooms. I got in the shower and washed all the sauce off me and got ready for bed. "I really hope this is just a dream" I said to myself.

I woke up with the sun shinning in my face. Thank god it was actually just a dream. That was super weird. I went to go get ready but i noticed a scar on my wrist. I probably just went to the cat cafe the other day. I nfinished getting ready and walked out of my dorm and sat on the couch in the living room.

"So I see you were able to get all the sauce off" Kaminari said with a smirk. Oh no.

Word count: 517

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