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Bakugo POV:

Why did he ask? Does he have a crush on someone? Now that I said that i'm wondering if I have a crush on him. No I don't... I should stop denying it, I most likely do. I just can't let anyone find out. Honestly I wish I could be the one he lives with. I really need to think about this later.

"Anyways, do you know who your gonna live with?"

"No, not really but I still have 5 days to figure that out"

"Oh, ok"

Time skipppp:)

Todoroki POV:

"Have you decided who your going with?" Aizawa asked me.

"Not really. I can't decide on that type of stuff, sorry"

"Don't worry we planned for this. We have already asked the parents by the way"

"Who am I going with then?"

"Bakugo" i'm guessing I looked surprised because he then said.

"He obviously cares about you" I started to feel happy just from him saying that. I guess I do have a crush on Bakugo. Aizawa must've felt my mood lift because he smirked a little after that. I just then realized it was time to start getting on the bus. I got on and saw Midoriya sitting down already so I went over and sat next to him. Everyone started walking off the bus to their parents car so I waited for Bakugo to get up so I could follow.

"We have to walk to my house" he said in a surprisingly calm voice. I nodded then followed. We finally got to his house.

"Where do I put my stuff?" I asked. He just pointed to a room. I'm assuming it must be his room. I walked in and it was surprisingly nice and organized. I just put my bag down next to the closet and left. Bakugo was just sitting there watching tv. I decided to explore because i'm staying for more than a month so might as well just get to know my way around. I really hope this doesn't become a living nightmare. Nothing could top when I lived with endeavor tho. That was hell. Anyways, back to looking around. I decided to find the kitchen since I haven't eaten in like 2 days. Once I found it I looked in the pantry but didn't find anything. I walked to Bakugo's room and sat on his bed. I'm really bored. I don't know what to do. I could just think about something random... like the weird questions.

Bakugo POV:

Shit. I wanted him to live with me but now that it's actually happening, i'm freaking out. Maybe I could tell him before he leaves. No I shouldn't, it would be awkward. It's only the first day why am I thinking of this? I'm so screwed. My mind is so.. ya. This won't turn out good. I should just go back to watching whatever this is before my mind runs wild.

Time skip(i am so sorry for all of these)

I haven't seen todoroki for a few hours. He's probably in my room but I should check anyways. I walked to my room and opened the door slowly. He was sleeping. He looked peaceful and I don't really mind it. Dammit he looks cute. I need to leave right now so he doesn't wake up and see me staring at him. That might scare him a little. As I leave I close the door slowly and quietly. I walk to the kitchen and try to find something to make. I found bread. I guess I could make a sandwich. I'm still so confused. Since when did I like him? It doesn't make sense. The most we've talked or interacted was this past week when all the stuff went down. Apparently a lot of things can happen in a week so I mean it wouldn't be impossible. I was making my food as I was thinking and realized I finished. I sat down on the couch and ate. It really doesn't make sense. Now i'm gonna stress myself out. I need to stop with the thoughts. I should take a walk or something like that. I texted todoroki telling him I was going on a walk so if I wasn't back when he woke up he would know where I am. I walked out the door locking it behind me. maybe after 3 minutes after I left todoroki texted me back with "ok". I didn't plan on being gone for long so I decided to walk home. I finally got back and saw todoroki watching tv. I walked to the kitchen (again) and just leaned on the counter going thru my phone. It was only 5 and I was starting to get tired. Usually around 8 is when I get tired. We just got back from camp tho. I went over to todoroki and stood infront of him."

"Where are you gonna sleep? I'm tired from camp and I wanna go to bed"

"I'll sleep on the floor"

"Ok" I walked to my room and laid in bed for a little until I fell asleep.

Todoroki POV:

I'm starting to get bored again and I can't sleep again. I felt energetic but tired. I wish Bakugo didn't go to bed even tho we barley talk I just feel happy with him around. I just realized that it's only 5:15 and Bakugo is already sleeping. I know he goes to bed early but I don't think he does this early normally. Wait, should I tell him? I think I should but closer to the end of the 7 weeks.

Time skip(once again i'm soooooo sorry bout all of these)

I looked at my phone to see the time and saw that it was 8:30. I should probably go to bed. As I walked to Bakugo's room I turned off all the lights. I slowly opened the door so it wouldn't make too much noise. I was already in comfortable clothes so I didn't worry about changing. I just laid there starring at the ceiling for about 20 mins before I fell asleep.

Word count: 994

Sorry I didn't post yesterday! I started writing this but I fell asleep while I was. This chapter might not be very good because 1. I'm rlly tired because I had 3 b-ball games earlier 2. My neck hurts 3. I'm stressed out about homework i've been procrastinating to do :p

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