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Bakugo POV:

I woke up around 4. I wasn't tired but I had only just fell asleep a few hours ago. Todoroki was still in my arms. I didn't want to wake him up because I don't know how much sleep he's gotten so I just laid there. I'm gonna get bored but his sleep schedule is more important. I could grab my phone and turn the brightness down i guess. I reached over and grabbed my phone and laid back down again. I turn the brightness down and start looking through it. Todoroki is facing me so the light shouldn't wake him up.

Time skip

Todoroki was starting to wake up. I looked at the time and it was 6:33. God, he wakes up early. I looked down at him. His eyes were slightly open.

"How long have you been up?" he asked but sounded tired.

"Since 4 or 4:30" I sounded perfectly fine. He just nodded. I was still scrolling through my phone. My arms still wrapped around him.

"What do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know"

"Ok, tell me when you know"

Todoroki POV:

I feel safe. Safer than i've ever felt before. I could stay like this forever. Sadly, I can't.

"Should we get ready?" I asked.

"Probably" I sat up and waited for him to get off the bed. My hair is so messy right now. The white mixing with the red. I went over to my bag and grabbed some clothes.

"I'll go change in the bathroom" I said.

"Ok" Bakugo said calmly. Was he gonna start being nicer now? I mean I don't really like it when he's loud i'm just surprised. I guess I got really used to his yelling. I finished changing so I opened the door. I heard Bakugo walking towards the bathroom. I moved over so he could get ready and I could too. The mirror was actually pretty big. There was enough room for the both of us. Bakugo finished getting ready really fast. He just brushed his teeth fixed his hair and then he was done. I had to separate my hair. I was still doing my hair when he was done. He leaned against the doorway and stared at me.


"Just wanna see how you do your hair. It was really messy" he smirked a little. So he's just gonna be a little nicer. I kept doing what I was doing.

"I'm bored so ima go make something to eat" I just nodded. He walked away to the kitchen. It probably took 20 more minutes just to fix my hair. I walked into the kitchen. Bakugo just finished making some eggs.

"Get 2 plates" he pointed to the cupboard. I opened it and grabbed 2 plates. I placed them down across from eachother. He came over with the food and put some on my plate and his. We just ate. There wasn't a lot of talking.


"What?" I asked and sounded confused.

"You know what you wanna do yet?"

"Actually yeah I do..."

Word count: 512
Sorry it's so short but this might be a little long. So basically i have a bad cough and might take a little break like at the most 5 days. I know I won't be posting on Christmas eve but I might on Christmas day. I'm really tired and just wanna watch youtube. I'll try to be better about writing not so late. Also I did this on my phone instead of my computer so the spaces might be weird. Anyways, have a good winter break and a good Christmas!(if you celebrate it)

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